I have a hero dream

Chapter 350 Anti-water

The sky was covered with dark clouds, and there were flashes of thunder arcs, and the wind was blowing in the dense forest, and the birds' nests on the trees were chattering non-stop.

"Actually escaped, but the end has long been doomed."

In the twinkling of an eye, Shi Potian and others were at a disadvantage. They, who had a shortcoming in numbers, suddenly became extremely critical, and the situation reversed instantly.

After all, their opponent is Lei Batian.

It's a pity that in the eyes of the other party, it may not even be considered an opponent, but only a prey.

The Thunder Eight Guards on the field are not here. They are menacing, sharp-eyed, exuding breathtaking gazes, like the eagles of the Lord of the Sky, staring closely at the few who barely count as prey guy.

Their whole bodies exude thunder and lightning, sometimes flashing white light, sometimes flashing purple light, sometimes flashing red light, forming a shield tightly like the guards of the Lord of Thunder.

On Lei Batian's aloof and condescending face, there was a trace of extremely strong and confident eyes, and his footsteps gradually approached Shi Potian, who seemed to be frustrated.

He raised his head decadently, looking at the brothers around him, some were injured, some died, some were defeated without a fight, but soon his eyes cheered up with the memory of the oath of the past.

Since you can't leave.

Then fight to the death.

Shi Potian's whole body is extremely hard, as indestructible as a tortoise's shell. Although his left arm has been broken off, it still regains its former high-spirited brilliance. On his right hand, it gradually becomes a piece of black gold, and his five fingers are so strong that they can easily shatter gold. Broken Stone, even the air seemed to be forced to boil by this momentum, turning into bursts of hot air.

The grass on the ground was slightly concave, and his feet moved accordingly, and he walked forward without hesitation, the casserole-sized fists were tightly squeezed, and under the unparalleled external skills, there were bursts of unstoppable domineering strength , His whole body is as sharp as a knife like a diamond in the world.

Lei Batian's expression did not change, he responded calmly, his palms merged, the blood of Lei Shen Jiuxiao on his body was slightly ready to move, under the continuous stimulation of this breath all over his body, he gradually fell into madness, the smile on his face gradually distorted, completely He is no longer his usual self.

His hands were continuously covered by the pattern of Thor rising from his body. At this moment, he was exuding a vicious aura, permeating the dense forest here, and the clouds and mists in the sky seemed to have turned into devilish smiling faces.

With the covering of Thunder God's pattern completed, the strange thunder pattern also changed, from blue to dark green like will-o'-the-wisp. Since when has appeared in the defensive cover.

The defensive cover is covered with countless small white thunder snakes. They spread out their sharp fangs and bite fiercely towards the huge fist, gradually removing the gold and seeping the evil venom into the bone marrow. The painful Shi Potian wanted to quickly pull his arm out of it.

But unfortunately it was too late.

With the accumulation of venom, his Divine Martial King Kong has long been overwhelmed, and it will break down without attacking itself. Without the maintenance of skills, it is no different from ordinary people.

The right arm was completely eroded by these poisons. As time went by, there was almost no ulceration anywhere in the whole body. As for the bones, they turned into powder.

This rather vicious method is just one of Lei Batian's methods.

Shi Potian knelt down on the ground, his face was full of pain, he raised his head with some difficulty, and looked at Lei Batian who didn't use much strength, at this time he didn't have a trace of regret, only full of monstrous hate.

The timid figure behind him was covered in cold sweat, his eyes were wide open, and he was so frightened that he sat on the ground, with urine continuously seeping between his legs, and a stream of yellow liquid slowly leaked out. more and more.

He looked around at the brothers who had sworn to live and die together, but now not a single one was left and all fell down.

Chen Yi, who was still trying to support him just now, couldn't hold on when Shi Potian's situation was gone, and finally died at the hands of the Thunder Eight Guards who were working for Lei Batian.

On the other hand, Thunder Eight Guards looked at the guy who was already scared to pee, and laughed arrogantly.

"I don't care about a trivial guy. As for these three, you deal with them, and all the tokens on them are searched."

Lei Batian completely ignored the laughter of those people, just glanced at Liu Dahai's body, stopped looking, and gave an order coldly.

When Thunder Eight Guards heard this, they stopped laughing immediately, then silently responded to the order, and began to search violently.

Two of the Thunder Eight Guards had ecstatic expressions on their faces. They looked at the four tokens in their hands, which were exactly what they wanted. This time their trip was not in vain. If the requirements of the first game are met, then the next game will be carried out smoothly.

"Young master, here are two land character tokens, which are exactly what we need, and the other two are useless sky character tokens."

"Well, yes, it seems that we have gained a lot."

As for the other six guards who disposed of the other remains, Liu Dahai was let go by them.

After all, a guy with no combat power would disdain them to make a move, and the young master had already ordered it.

They also don't need to ask for trouble.

Liu Dahai scrambled to the back of the dense forest, but when he left, he didn't forget to take a look at the fate of the other brothers.

He hated that he didn't help anything in this battle, but instead became their burden.

It's just that this is the arena of the jungle.


On the other side, halfway up a mountain, there are two groups of people facing each other, but one of the group of people with a few dog legs suddenly bows his head and bows to the leader of the opposite side, turning his back on him like a sycophant. .

The remaining three people are quite backbone, carefully trying to draw their swords to face each other, but they are very wary of the enemy in front of them.

The leader, a graceful young woman in a green shirt with a purple veil on her face, with a sullen face, shouted at the few people who had just betrayed: "Senior brother, you actually brought other people to betray me!" !

My master will never let you go. "

"Eldest Prince, from now on, I will follow your lead and will never complain. Please let me go. As for my younger sister, she is young and lovely, and her figure is first-class. I have never even tasted it before. Afterwards, after you finished playing, I will drink with you from now on..."

When the handsome senior brother wanted to say the word 'soup', Di Wuhao's cold gaze fixed her so tightly that she had no choice but to swallow the word.

I had no choice but to say: "Pretend I didn't say it."

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