I have a hero dream

Chapter 343 Steal Vientiane, Pseudo-system?

At the same time as it was cut off, all the illusions were restored to the original and came to reality, and at that time, his inner alchemy had disappeared.

He stared at those unwilling eyes, he never thought that all the scenes just now were illusions, it was as if a candle was suddenly splashed with a basin of water and the fire was extinguished.

Ning Tianyu swept back greedily, because he had just obtained the heavenly book, which also caused the other two volumes of heavenly book to feel more strongly.

At this time, the heads of the three major departments have not yet known that the danger is gradually approaching them.

It's just that Qianye Ming, who was in the tent at the moment, suddenly felt uneasy and palpitations in his heart!

what happened?

Why do I have an ominous premonition.

Could it be that something happened to the eldest brother, but how is that possible?

Now he is not what he used to be, and he is countless times stronger than before.

What's more, with the Heavenly Book of the Taoist master in hand, there will be no one in this world.

Wait a minute, there is one person who is very mysterious.

This person is the murderer of my third brother.

Thinking of this, Qianye Ming was instantly annoyed more than anyone else.

After all, they are brothers, and they have been companions since childhood.

Although his third brother was reckless and impulsive, he was his younger brother after all.

But it was this kind of person who was killed so easily. Even though his elder brother had rushed to take revenge, his restlessness was still getting worse.

A gust of sand blew up, and the soldiers behind him were blocked and couldn't move, their hearts reached their peak, it was the fear of death, they didn't know when they started, they had already lost their right to live.

At this time, only Qianye Ming's life was safe, but the reason for this was because of deliberate actions.

A man like a devil soared into the sky, and a breath so powerful that it was suffocating came slowly.

"How is it possible for him? He should have been killed by my elder brother. How could he still appear here? Could it be! Eldest brother is already, no, impossible.

Brother, but you have already reached the realm of the earthly immortal, and you have the secrets of teaching skills from a master of Taoism, how could it be so, how could it be so? "

Qianye Ming held the feather fan and slowly clenched it tightly. His five fingers seemed to be inserted into the flesh, and a little blood flowed on the ground. From being unbelievable at the beginning to being furious, but when he thought that his elder brother had no way to recover, he fell to the ground trembling. .

A feeling of powerlessness spread all over his body.

Big brother is defeated, what use am I?

Judging by his appearance, it seems that my elder brother and third younger brother are no longer in this world.

But I am still unwilling.

A desperate and extremely angry mood reached its peak, and he rarely showed killing intent, but he knew that he was incompetent.

Think about all the things that happened to you.

Can't handle so much anymore!

His expression was flustered, his hands and feet were eager, and he poked his hand slightly, groping around himself, and soon a simple and simple box appeared in his hand, he opened it quickly, and shot a dazzling light from it.

At this time, Ning Tianyu had already noticed him, so he simply used his plan. As soon as he saw the round and incomparably lustrous elixir, the tangy smell kept surrounding him, just when the man wanted to eat it in one bite. .

A strong suction force slowly came towards the elixir in his hand, and it left in a split second, bringing with it besides the other two volumes of heavenly scriptures, there was such a treasure, God help me!

In Qianye Ming's view, this was the only chance, but it was lost in his hands.

"No! Give it back to me."

He was running and rolling, wanting to reach out to grab his hand, but after all, he was above the clouds, even if he desperately wanted to seize the opportunity, but in the end he still didn't want to go against it.

An impatient roar came from below.

"Since you have already obtained it, then you have no value."

When Ning Tianyu felt that the two volumes of heavenly books were not on this person, but nearby, he glanced at him with cold eyes, and gave him death without hesitation.

A strong wave fell rapidly from above, and the majestic sound brought endless destructive power to kill all the people below, and the corpses were brutally blasted into minced meat.

He already has a volume of heavenly scriptures, and his perception of other scrolls of heavenly scriptures is getting stronger and stronger. In addition, Ben is nearby, and after only a while, he can get it without any effort. The color and shape of the heavenly scriptures , exactly the same as what he got.

As for the way to get it, I also got another treasured elixir, which is exactly the same as the one I got from Qianye Ming.

When the three volumes of heavenly scriptures were collected, a beam of light appeared from his body directly approaching the clouds, and the world would be different from this moment.

After that dazzling light, a game ability frame appeared in front of his eyes!

what is this?

On this game ability box, there are 4 words of Stealing Vientiane written on it.

When he stared carefully, the introduction inside soon came out: as long as you kill others, you can randomly obtain physique, martial arts, and abilities.

What the hell is this ability frame?

Why does this thing appear in front of my eyes no matter where I go?

How on earth is this thing going to disappear?

After studying for a long time, he finally figured out how this thing can come and go freely. It turns out that it is the same as his control of weapons, as long as he moves his mind, he can do it.

At this time, he has not discovered that the outside world has already undergone great changes.

"I didn't expect him to crack it so quickly, it's interesting and interesting, that's all, this is his chance!"

While he was still wondering how the Mangxue Clan was strong, the surrounding environment slowly changed, and everything returned to the library of the Vulcan Kingdom!

He looked left and right with surprised eyes, only to find that the old man in front of him kept looking at him, and then he realized that he was back.

It's just that there is still a kind of reluctance in his heart, it is like a long journey, after all, there he met the people of the Mangxue clan, and his much-anticipated little brother Qiu Long.

"How does it feel?"

"Uh, how should I say it?"

"Wait a minute, don't change the subject, you haven't told me which is the strongest cheat book here?"

"It's worth it if you get a chance in it, right? Walk around, don't block Lao Tzu's sight here."

"Tch, I'm here to see beautiful women again!"

Ning Tianyu was kicked out by this old guy. Although he was a little bit reconciled, there was nothing he could do about it. After all, he was the person in charge of the library. At this moment, all his thoughts were placed on the Stealing Vientiane on the game ability frame.

Can you gain physique, martial arts, ability, etc. by killing someone?

I really want to try it out.

But the two pills I got during this trip, I will try to take them when I get back and see how it goes!

At this time, he was already in the realm of the earth fairy, but he didn't want to expose it, after all, he didn't want to attract attention.

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