He also frantically flipped through the heavenly scriptures in his body, and suddenly there was a vision in the sky, the blood-black air merged with his eyes, and immediately turned into different pupils, and immediately shot out a dazzling crimson laser light.

Ning Tianyu has now stepped into the realm of the earth fairy, and he no longer needs to be restrained by others. He raised his left hand, and under Chiba Xiong's inconceivable, he easily crushed the laser light, and powerful rays of light poured out around him , but he didn't get hurt at all. Instead, he tried his best to bring the sword forward. The strong wind force condensed, making the speed of the sword faster and faster. In addition, his agility was not bad at all.

Just when he was in front of the burly man in an instant, and an extremely sharp sword was about to approach, Chiba Xiong's face was a little frightened, and then it turned into a monstrous rage, and then felt a strong crisis Feeling overwhelmed, he forcibly tilted his body slightly, trying to avoid hitting important parts, but it was still too late.

But before the attack, a dragon and a tiger confronted each other suddenly.

Like a lurking emperor dragon, he unfurls countless radiant fortunes. The huge five-clawed golden dragon stretches out an extremely sharp claw and comes towards the blood-black striped tiger in front of him. It's like seeing something scary, but I didn't react at all for a while.


Although a sword failed to stab the chest, it pierced the opponent's right arm directly, and one arm fell to the ground, followed by a shrill scream.

Qianyexiong took a few steps back with a tone of pain, he was completely embarrassed, he was not as vigorous as before, but he covered his broken right arm with his left hand, squatted on the ground and kept panting, carefully looked at his lips. Some blood spewed from the mouth.

His face was dull. Now that he has become a man with a broken arm, his combat power has been greatly reduced. Although he is assisted by the heavenly book, he admits that he really underestimated Ning Tianyu just now, which led to such a result.

When he thought of this, endless hatred poured into his forehead instantly, and it was all because of this young man that he was like this.

But when he thought about the fight just now, he also realized that the opponent had stepped into the realm of the Earth Immortal and was stronger than him, but now he had no choice but to fight to the death to have a chance.

Whether it is survival or revenge, as far as he is concerned, he only wants to be able to solve this serious problem!

Thinking of the other party's age, it will only become stronger and stronger in the future, and the edge will also become greater and greater.

"It's unreasonable, die for me!"

He held a blood-colored broadsword in his hand. Although he lost an arm, it was still powerful. In addition, his martial arts were good, but now he is in the realm of a fairy.

Shura Purgatory.

His body and his body have undergone drastic changes, time seems to stand still, and the bright light in the bloody sword in my hand has become darker and deeper.


At the same time as the strike, the whole world seemed to be shaken by him, the domineering sword was full of endless black blood energy, and the book of heaven turned a page again. This is a skill specially designed for forging this sword. Said: Black Dragon Nine Beads.

A black dragon that was as lucky as the emperor dragon was staring at Ning Tianyu covetously.

There is actually this trick, this book is really extraordinary!It's a pity that the end result of all this is mine.

Qianyexiong never imagined that the Shura Purgatory in his heavenly book would fail in front of this person, and the extremely important link of time stillness was broken easily, and he didn't know it at all at this time, but it seemed that victory appeared in his head. In the picture of the reader, one foot firmly stepped on the lost dog, and he laughed wildly triumphantly.

It's just that no one thought that the next moment he would have completely lost his right to win from the fight.

When Ning Tianyu saw the avenue in front of him and the black dragon was about to arrive in front of him, suddenly his whole body was divided into three, and he used the mental power that had already reached the pinnacle, that is, the special and unique soul of Ghost Stalking In addition to attacking, it also creates illusions, and this illusion is nothing else, it is exactly the same as his current situation.

But there is a little difference, that is, Chiba Xiong becomes the winner in the illusion, of course, it is often cruel in reality.

As for the black dragon above, although he felt that it was a little dangerous, in his opinion, if the caster had already been trapped in the illusion by him, then this black dragon was just a strong outsider.

Chiba Yuu smiled smugly, because what he saw was exactly what he expected.

I saw that Ning Tianyu in front of him was also divided into three, but his slash turned from straight to horizontal. The three people who were exactly the same as him screamed one after another and turned into two corpses. It was full of terrified expressions, as well as full of unwillingness and loneliness.

At the same time, in order to be more realistic, a "no" word was issued to confirm the outcome.

But in reality, the black dragon also attacked directly, although without the support of the caster, most of its power was consumed.

Ning Tianyu snorted coldly, and swung out a punch, hitting the black dragon heavily with the annihilating power of the six attributes.

The black dragon didn't seem to have expected that this young man had such strength. The huge power spread throughout his body. He let out a terrible roar, and before he died, he roared unwillingly at the young man.

But eventually it fell.

"It seems that this Qianyexiong's dream is pretty good."

Ning Tianyu smiled in a teasing tone, and then walked straight towards him.

"Die, I will accept your heavenly scriptures for you, and you can walk on the road to Huangquan. By the way, your other brother will accompany you soon, and then the three of you brothers will be able to reunite .”

As soon as the words fell, a hand suddenly moved towards the neck of Chiba Xiong who was still dreaming of the Spring and Autumn Dream. There was a click, and the neck was broken and lifeless, but even so he was still cautious, After all, once you step into a cultivator, you will have an inner alchemy from the foundation establishment.

He sucked in his right hand violently, and a golden inner alchemy as big as a dragon's egg was right in front of him. With a slight grip, it crackled and shattered into pieces. Finally, he nodded with some satisfaction.

Soon on the forehead of the corpse, a volume of heavenly scripture with a mysterious aura slowly emerged. It looked a bit ordinary, but in fact it had infinite potential.

With a thought, the two had a blood connection. After all, the person he obtained before was dead, and this heavenly book therefore had no owner.

Chiba Xiong was still smiling triumphantly in the illusion, but he never thought that his life would be cut off so easily by one hand.

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