I have a hero dream

Chapter 333 The Law of Darkness 'The Law of the Jungle'

Ning Tianyu looked calm.

There were only a dozen or so soldiers who formed a formation one after another when they heard the last two words of the lord.

I saw that their eyes were full of determination, but because they were only given a few days, this also caused their grasp of the water flow to be not too smooth, and they sometimes failed.

But it was normal for Ning Tianyu.

Not far away, the Blood Tiger Army and three young knights are slowly approaching. According to visual estimates, there are about 100 people, but all of them are elites.

They were fully equipped, wearing black battle armor a few centimeters thick, and under their feet was a thick horse that was not fully armored.

As for the whole body equipment of the Blood Tiger Army, which is the focus of this battle, it is ten times better than that of the Young Knights. Whether it is the battle armor, the blood-striped tiger, or the blood claw locks and blade teeth on the weapons, they are all number one.

After all, this army once wiped out the black dragon army that was known as the number one in the world in this continent back then.

And with less than ten people injured, he easily broke through an army of thousands of people, and thus became famous in the first battle.

The leader is the person in charge of one of the three giant ministries. He is burly and sturdy in gold armor, about two meters tall, holding a pair of eight-edged plum blossom bright silver hammers weighing as much as a thousand catties, and hanging on his waist. An extremely sharp golden blade.

His face was full of arrogance and arrogance. When he saw the Mangxue Clan with tattered equipment and few resources in front of him, the arrogance in his eyes was completely revealed.

He turned his eyes back to the strangely dressed young man, glanced at the lonely eagle next to him, and asked, "Is he the one you're talking about?

A young man who does nothing, even if it is an expert invited by the Mangxue Clan!

Later, it is not yet my defeat. "

When Lone Eagle saw this young man again, the fear in his heart continued to magnify, because the last failure was still vivid in his memory.

It’s just that he didn’t dare not answer Qianye’an’s words. He nodded heavily and said: “Tiger God of War, this person is the one who destroyed my army as I mentioned, and he is also the one who tried to let our three giants era."

"How can a weak character be so good?"

"Let him know... how powerful our blood tiger army is!"

A strange smile appeared on Qianye An's face.

After all, the blood tiger army at this station is the main battle, and the youth knights are mainly led by the assistants.

"Because of the Mangxue Clan's blatant disobedience and defiance of the emperor's order, I represent the three giant tribes to sentence you to death."

As soon as the words fell, most of the Mangxue clan looked at each other, only Chief Qiu's family looked calm.

Seeing that they didn't express anything, Qianye'an said coldly: "I don't know how to live or die.

The blood tiger army is going to rush towards this small tribe, and the young knights are mainly harvesting. As for the young man, I will leave it to me. I want to see what is so good about him. The three young knights of Lone Eagle I will hand it over to you first, remember not to let me down. "

Although Lone Eagle was unwilling in every possible way, in front of Qianye'an, he didn't dare to shirk, and could only bite the bullet and accept: "Yes, the Tiger God of War."

But in his opinion, as long as he is not facing this young man, everything else is an ant to him.

After all, he is not alone now.

The strength of the three young knights was twice as large as before, and with the leader of the blood tiger army known as the best in the world, it would not be difficult to win this battle.

Moreover, the small tribe in front of them doesn't have many resources, and the equipment is very little, and it's not sophisticated.

In his eyes, it is even more within easy reach.

The army in the Mangxue tribe is headed by Chief Qiu's family.

As for some old and weak women and children, they silently cheered on the sidelines!

If these numbers are removed and these qualities are removed, then the number of this small tribe is only a dozen or so.

At this moment, the eyes of Qiu Long, who had rarely experienced war, were full of excitement.

At this moment, there was a stream of water faintly flowing out of his hands, and slowly condensed a stream of swords.

This is much faster than the progress of other tribes

War is imminent.

About a hundred enemies formed a front arrow formation, which seemed to pierce through the small tribe that had not yet learned the formation like a sharp sword.

Qiu Long and his father Qiu Wu ran away together, followed by eight or nine tribesmen behind them.

In the front, there were a series of blade-edged teeth slashing forward like a very cold light, and a sharp spear swept in behind.

"The movement of the water dragon, the sky flows in all directions, all in the Zhongxuan, the master is bright, and the energy of the heaven and the earth is transported, the beginning of all things, the water flows and disperses, and the sword of the movement rises."

The memory in Qiu Long's head slowly opened the secret book of the art of water flow in front of him, and found the place where the heart method was located, and remembered what Ning Tianyu said at that time, so he repeated what he said.

The water flow sword energy in his hand was more obvious and thorough than what was condensed just now. When the black-striped blade fangs in front of him were about to slash his shoulders, he stepped forward, his figure swept forward like a storm, his hands crossed and However, he tried his best to forcefully cut the blade teeth in front of him.

He walked up behind the man, and only heard two clicks, and the armor of the soldier in the front was cut open.

But because this young man who has not yet reached the age of weak crown has only mastered the art of water flow for a few days, it is quite remarkable to be able to grasp some principles and display them.

Although it failed to kill, it also played a deterrent effect.

However, because the man's battle armor was too good, and there were too many soldiers and horses in front of him, this also made him a little bit busy.

The father next to him is powerful in himself, and now he has the blessing of water flow. Although he doesn't master it very well, he can barely use it. It can be regarded as a means of self-protection.

But the rest of the clansmen were not having a good time. They saw those blades and teeth on their bodies, cutting them like dolls.

All of them were covered with cuts and bruises, and those troops tortured them as if they were playing with them carefully.

As for the battle between Ning Tianyu VS Qianye An also started at this time.

"I heard from Lone Eagle that you are quite powerful and wiped out his army, but in my opinion, you are just as insignificant as a jumping clown.

When you die later, another scar of the pain of the loser will appear on my chest. At the same time, at the same time, the small tribe you bound to at that time will also die and be destroyed by me.

But if you kowtow and kneel here like a leader, and say that you are an incompetent trash, the most trash product in the world, and call me Grandpa God of War, I might leave you as a dead body. "

Qianye An seemed to be downplaying a trivial matter.

On the other hand, Ning Tianyu had a flat face, he took out a seven-star fire sword from the void, pointed it at the man, and said coldly: "If you want to fight, fight, why talk so much?

Don't you just brag?

I will definitely return the words you said later. "

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