I have a hero dream

Chapter 332 Wrath, Kill Order

The whole person is like a deflated balloon, without any joy.

But everything at least saved his life, which is already a blessing in misfortune for him.

At this time, he entered the city with a feeling of apprehension. The guards of the city guards looked at his distressed appearance and did not have any dislike for him, just because they saw the three-leaf badge on his chest.

Then he knew that he was one of the captains of the Young Knights. The man bowed humblely, with respect in his eyes, and let him rush into the city.

Immediately after a few announcements, he came to the meeting room in the important area.

The three major ministries are also divided into three persons in charge, but their status is equal, they have the right to speak, and they do not favor any side.

He looked at the person in charge who had become the three brothers, with a rare look of firmness in his eyes. He knelt down on one knee and told the whole story.

Immediately, the three of them flew into a rage.

As the eldest brother Chiba Yuu, he rarely fell into deep thought.

The second elder brother's Qianye Ming stared at the striker with a dubious look. The lonely eagle with an embarrassed face said inexplicably, "You mean that the Mangxue tribe in the south invited an expert to openly disobey and kill him?" You are the only one left in this army, and you still arrogantly say that this era will change, and let him be the master?"

As for Qianye'an, the youngest of the three brothers, he is also impulsive by nature. Without thinking, he roared: "Do you really think that there are no one in our three giants? We can dominate for so long in this chaotic era. Because our fists are hard enough.

This unknown junior also wants to step on my head, it is too arrogant, big brother, second brother, why don't you let me lead the blood tiger army under my command, and wipe out this jumping clown in one fell swoop, and this is like a slave in our eyes of the Mangxue tribe. "

Seeing that the two older brothers were still thinking, he was particularly suspicious. He didn't know when his two older brothers would actually be in trouble.

After all, they have already become the masters on this land, they also have a lot of resources and efforts at hand, and they have been arrogant and domineering for many years.

Now there is only an unknown junior, and they are treated as if they are in trouble.

Qian Yeming continued to analyze the whole matter, and found that there were many doubts, so he whispered to his elder brother: "There are many doubts about this matter, after all, I have been in charge of the three major departments for many years, and that person should have heard of my big name. , according to normal practice, he should not act for an unknown small tribe for no reason.

Is it because of justice?Obviously not.

Coupled with our strong military strength, does he think that he alone can stop us?

Besides, I just heard from the head of the solitary group that the young man is still madly saying that he is the one who breaks the rules of this continent, and shouting loudly that we are waiting for the three giant screens, which will forever mark the completion of an era. .

This is obviously full of provocations, and it is very likely that this is just an illusion, or it was the impulsive impulse of an ignorant young man, which led to..."

"Although what you said, second brother, is correct, how did the loss of the Young Knights come about? This obviously doesn't make sense!"

Chiba Yumichi.

Qianye Ming shrugged, expressing that he didn't know.

Chiba Xiong sat on the main seat, exhaled a cloud of smoke, and sat facing the right chair with his hands propped up. At this time, even if he was a hero in troubled times who had experienced great storms and waves, he still had no idea that this small tribe would openly disobey orders.

He looked at Qianye An's eyes, and then looked at the second brother's words, and said quickly: "Third brother, since you have this heart, then I will leave this matter to you, and you must not let me talk to you." The second brother is disappointed, one troop is too small, I will give you three more young knights, so it will be safer."

Qianye Ming, who was on the sidelines as a military adviser, was shocked at this moment. The three elite troops were still too many. He glanced at his elder brother and tried to say: "Brother, this is too much, even if it is safe In other words, the Blood Tiger Army, plus two more armies would be enough, plus the third brother's superb martial arts skills, astonishing strength, and the Blood Tiger Army as the leader, it would be a bit of a breeze to destroy that unknown tribe.

It's the guy who claims to end the era, which can be tricky. "

Qianye Xiong said: "Second brother, I know what you said, but taking insurance as a guide, it is better to have three."

"By the way, Lone Eagle, since you have met him in person, I will give you a chance to make a contribution this time. As long as you complete this matter well, then you will not only be able to keep the position of the regiment leader, but I will also reward you Your other stuff."

Lone Eagle was full of tears, knocked his head heavily on the ground, thanked him and said: "I thank King Qianye, this time I will be killed by his horse!"

Although he said so, he shuddered when he thought of the man's strength.

As for the third brother, Qianye Anwenzhi, with a happy face, he smiled happily: "Thank you, elder brother, second brother, for daring to despise the three giants, it is disrespect to me, and it is also a distrust of elder brother and second brother.

This matter is over, and there will be another scar on my chest. "

The reason why he said this is because he often defeated bandits of the defeated, and the number of scars on his chest also represented how many strong men he killed.

As soon as he finished speaking, he bid farewell to the two of them, and also embraced the younger brother who was going to fight in the next few days.


At this moment, Ning Tianyu didn't know that someone from the three giants had already been following him, and would lead an army to attack in the next few days.

But even if these young knights were killed together, he would not be afraid at all, just because he had the capital of arrogance.

"If you want to be strong, you must have perseverance. No matter how difficult the front is, you have to persevere. In this tribe, you must protect your homeland and family.

If you don't understand anything, just ask me!

I will answer you patiently. "

After a few days, the tribe was governed in an orderly manner, and the army also formed a new force.

It's just that on this day, the sand was rolling wildly, and the clouds were densely covered. When this new army was practicing the art of water flow, they suddenly heard the sound of gold and iron horses not far away, and the sound of trampling horses that shook the heavens and the earth was moving towards them. The direction is rushing away.

At this moment, the head of the tribe also looked suspicious, and when he saw the clothing logo of the Youth Knights, he hurriedly said to Ning Tianyu: "It seems that the three giants have already targeted us, and they have also sent us The Young Knights deal with us, what is your plan?"

"Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover, no matter how many soldiers they have, they are like ants in my eyes. I will assist in this battle, but the new force army has to do its best.

A qualified soldier must have experienced the baptism of war before he can make progress.

And this battle is also their first battle, all soldiers, don't let me down.

formation. "

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