But fortunately, he has rough skin and thick flesh, and also has what is called a hard flesh body, like a god's ancient gluttonous body.

Only then did he take a few steps back, so he was fine, but the word "worse" was written on his face, and the faces of the four regiment leaders who were fighting separately showed a hint of sneer, which made him lose face even more.

Under the rage of the raging fire, he couldn't accept that his perfect body had become so vulnerable in front of this fragile young man.

"Boy, you have successfully angered me, I will knock you down into the abyss, and make you pay for what you did just now!"

An earth-shattering roar came from his bloody mouth. He held the Purple Flame Bear Head Cudgel and leaped with all his strength, while black corpse aura surrounded the god-level spiritual weapon.

When they were all gathered together, they forcibly pushed towards the Bailifeng below. The huge formation caused a large group of soldiers from the Heavenly Dynasty who wanted to come to help to stop their movements one by one. Soft, with a terrified expression, he fell down.

They felt that all the strength in their bodies seemed to be taken out. Seeing the other party moving forward, they didn't dare to make a sound, they could only struggle on the ground and couldn't move.

Bailifeng's expression had long since lost his composure just now, instead his face showed a trace of solemnity, he raised his hands, and struck out a Chongyang Fist with the force of thunder, two groups of dazzling rays of light like the scorching sun rising slowly. Suddenly, the huge invisible gaseous flames collided with the front end of the spiritual weapon above the head.

There were countless violent impact sounds, and amidst the black corpse aura, there was a little bit of fire light shining through it, and he was able to fight against it with a single punch.

"Hundred sea waves."

Hu Yanlie, who was assisting in the rear, was not idle either. He raised his staff high, and the sapphire inlaid here exuded immense light. Completely disconnected from the Nether Army in the rear, and directly submerged those thousands of soldiers from the Nether Realm.

The countless vortexes did not leave them any chance to breathe, but drowned on the spot.

This move also relieved the pressure on Bailifeng, who was in a stalemate with the opponent's leader. After all, once the contact was cut off, it played a subtle role in decisiveness for him.

The two are like the fluctuations of a huge energy sphere, one black and one red, and they persevere.

It's just that with the passage of time, Yonggan's corpse energy gradually began to engulf the sun-like scorching light.

"I really didn't expect that this person in front of me could train that corpse energy to such a perfect level, it seems that it is difficult to compete with him with Chongyang Fist alone."

He knew that if he continued to argue like this, it would be disadvantageous for him, so he eased his hands and forcibly retreated. Just doing this, the corpse in front of him rushed towards his face wantonly.

But he really had no choice but to do so.

It's just that when he did this, he immediately gave the other party great confidence.

"Why can't this work? I thought it was so powerful, but it turned out that he was just a kid who didn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, so there was only one dead end."

When Yonggan saw this, his face was full of complacency, but he didn't let go of such a great opportunity in front of him. Seeing the lamb waiting to be slaughtered, he rushed over like a wolf into a herd of sheep.

Hu Yanlie exclaimed that it was not good, after all it was all his fault, if not for him, then his good brother would not have ended up like this.

He blamed himself extremely in his heart, and kept thinking about whether there was some way, but time waited for no one.

At the same time, Bailifeng was at the back, with the corners of his mouth raised, as if he had succeeded in a conspiracy.

Seeing this, Yonggan felt bad, but the castration was over, and it was too late to stop it.

"Youlong Overlord Legs."

I saw him jumping in the air, spinning his whole body, his feet completely clasped Yonggan's neck in a rapid fall, and crossed and locked him madly with all his strength.

Powerful and domineering kicks circulated from his body, and the Youlong behind him was faintly visible. His eyes became chaotic, but he started the transformation, but it was only a half-finished product.

But also pretty amazing.

Possessed by a dark dragon, the whole body is black gold, and the body of the dragon is transformed.

Terrifying energy filled that kick.

The moment Yonggan wanted to fight against it, he fell to the ground powerlessly and unwillingly. Although he had an extremely strong physique and physical body, he had no strength at all to resist this kick.

The neck was shattered, the skull was shattered, and the whole body was easily blown down like powder. A leader with good strength was so easily pressed to the ground, completely helpless.

It's just that just when he thought everything was a foregone conclusion, he let down his vigilance because of this, but the next moment he was met with a Jedi counterattack.

By the time he realized it was bad, it was too late.

"Boy, you do have the capital of arrogance, but it's a pity that you met me, me Yongqian." The half-orc who was normally lifeless seemed to come back to life at this time, and his body's physique soared several times. times, the body is purple-black, and 13 of the whole body has a body shape resembling an ancient glutton: "demonization."

The bones that had been shattered recovered in an instant against the sky, as if they had never been broken. The huge arm full of corpses reached out and grabbed the man tightly.

Although the situation just now was indeed a bit embarrassing, but the counterattack now seems to offset the tragedy just now.

With Taotie, there are three major systems, one is resilience, one is body shape, and the other is supreme divine power. The three are all one. One can imagine what kind of strength is contained in it?

Bailifeng, who was caught in his hands, was said to have been possessed by Youlong, but he didn't have any resistance in front of this demonized half-orc.

He tried his best, but he still couldn't break free, not even a trace.

Hu Yanlie who was at the rear finally foresaw the matter that worried him endlessly.

However, as a long-distance player, after experiencing the strength of the opponent, even if he is half-step into a god, there is no way to stop the opponent.

With this kind of helplessness, the word helpless is full of words on his face.

Originally, she was the vice princess of the Sea God Palace in the Western Territory, on weekdays.Everyone should respect him three points, but he didn't even dare to fart in front of that person, so he could only wait anxiously on the spot.

Bailifeng's eyes were full of unwillingness. After all, as a child of the ancient clan and a representative of the first battle, he was caught carelessly at this time, and seeing the opponent's demonized state, he completely lost the will to win. pursuit.

Disappointed with himself, it was only because of this battle that the purpose of his coming was actually to show off the reputation of the ancient clan.

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