I have a hero dream

Chapter 308 Strong alliance, disciples of the ancient clan

"It's not good!"

On the battlefield, the screams echoed like piercing the air, and the sound was endless.

It is like the hell of the Asura Field, as if it really exists in front of you.

Even some of the main force were brutally murdered, and they were not spared, and it was difficult to get out of trouble.

Among them are the three silver killers Mo Nuo, Huo Zhen, and Yun Xiang sent by Yeying Tavern. They are all women, but their strength should not be underestimated. It's a pity that they met one of the new three demon kings, the Holy King of Linghua .

The same is true for Yang Ping, the number one outer sect of the Tianyang Sect in the northern region.

Often the illusion is the thing that most arouses the most desire and disgust in the heart.

They stood there in a daze, at a loss.

The main force of the nether world on the side was not indifferent, but launched a strong attack according to the military division's instructions.

"Airization, sword out."

The Shadow Killer Air Sect, who was also one of the new three major demon kings, cast a glance at Nan Gongjing, the head of the Law Enforcement Hall of the Blowing Flame Sect in the Northern Territory, who looked a bit challenging.

He raised the knife in his hand and flew out decisively with the extraordinary spiritual weapon.

The surrounding air seemed to be forcibly pulled, and then gathered in the palm of the hand, and shot away like a spring.

Although Nan Gongjing is considered to be the perfect Nascent Soul Realm, it is still unattainable among ordinary people of the same level, but it is a pity that he is not facing ordinary people in front of him.

Possessing the physique of a rank-nine killing general, and the attribute of gasification of the second-grade energy ball, he has been proud of his peers with the extraordinary talent of the son of Tianjiao since he was a child, and even some adults are not as good as him.

Faced with such an opponent, Nan Gongjing expressed that he was helpless.

When the gasification sword came out, his hairs stood on end, and the chill penetrated his bones.

Drenched in sweat, he hurriedly backed away. Facing the situation of ten deaths and no life, in the desire to survive, he instinctively stretched out a finger, which contained the supreme power of a lifetime.

The no-dao finger that has been cultivated for a lifetime is not something ordinary people can bear.

The spiral gas in the air seemed to be forcibly squeezed out and rose rapidly, and a strong light green light burst out between the fingers.

The moment his fingers touched the tip of the sword, dozens of large pits erupted on the ground. The Shadow Killer Qi Zong retreated three steps in a row, the hairpin fell off, his long hair flowed, and a little blood flowed from his right hand.

On the other hand, his clothes were blown to pieces, only bones remained in one hand, his face was bloodless, his eyes were dead, and a big hole was pierced through his chest by the cold sword energy.

"So strong, I actually lost."

Before he died, he left only one sentence, and fell down unwillingly, leaving this noisy and cold world forever.

Everyone in the Netherworld is not a good person, just with this ability to leapfrog and kill, there are simply a lot more.

"The head of the Blowing Flame Sect Law Enforcement Hall actually died with one move. What kind of monster are we facing?"

An insignificant and unknown person shouted out in despair.

There was another scream from the other side.

The leader of one of the five major regiments was a half-orc with a height of 8 meters. He held a purple flame bear's head stick and charged at will on the battlefield. With one swing of the stick, hundreds of people fell down and died on the spot.

Seeing this, Hu Yanlie, the deputy head of the Sea God Palace in the Western Territory, didn't dare to bear it. He could only raise his staff and summon the Sea God's Eight Soldiers to delay for a while, so as to reduce the pressure of some melee combat.

The eight sea monsters tried their best to resist like ferocious monsters.

What they are good at varies.

Although it is also powerful.

But in front of this person, it is still too intimidating.

With just a bear-headed stick, he is majestic.

With a violent shout, "Death."

One word fell, and all the sea monsters were wiped out.

He stared at the front with bloodthirsty eyes, ran with both feet, jumped with all his might, and started to slam again.

On Huyanlie's side, there was actually no power to parry, thousands of soldiers were killed on the spot in just a few breaths.

He looked at all this in disbelief, and he dared not admit it: "Is this the fighting power of the Netherworld?

Is this fairy world going to change? "

A sentence of questions suddenly came from my heart.

Although he has the qualifications to become a half-step god, after all, he is not a major in body training, but a mage.

If you want to deal with such a character, you can only fight from a distance. Once you are close, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"Brother Huyan, let me help you."

A calm and powerful voice sounded from behind. This person is twenty years old, but his strength is far superior to that of his peers. Even some cultivators who have practiced for many years are far inferior to him.

After all, after only [-] years of cultivation, the Nascent Soul Realm has already been completed. This kind of strength can be called terrifying!

However, the reason why he is so powerful is his origin.

The name that has been hidden for many years in the fairy world is also the name of their ancient clan that will only appear every time the fairy world changes and there is a big war.

What is the ancient race?

The cultivators of this family are the supreme secret arts, of course only a few people can practice them, and they must be practiced to the extreme.

And the ancient people all have a title called Immortal Cultivator.

Only a few are cultivators, but even cultivators are much stronger than ordinary cultivators.

And if there is only one person in the world who wants to fight against it, the name is like a cultivator, but there is only one person out of a billion people.

But throughout the ages, there has been only one, that is the Lord of the Nine Profound Palace, he is under one person and above ten thousand people, and it is difficult for anyone in the fairy world to match him.

And this person is a child of the ancient clan, named Bailifeng, even if it is the first battle of the end of the empire, the ancient clan only sent one person, and this person is the representative.

This person is a handsome man with sword eyebrows and star eyes.

"Brother Baili is here. With your assistance this time, there is a chance of victory."

"Just invite me to drink afterwards, remember to ask for the Thousand Crane Wine that you have treasured for many years."

"Everything is easy to talk about."

"An extra one would be death."

Yonggan didn't take this young man seriously at all.

"Brother Huyan, just help me by the side."

Bailifeng rushed away violently, he did not choose to outsmart him at all, but fought with force.

Hu Yanlie knew everything in his heart.

"Boy, how dare you choose close combat. It seems that you don't take me seriously. Let me show you my strength!"

Yong Gan was already extremely irritable, but when he saw this person approaching from a distance, and approached him quickly, he knew that this person did not take him seriously, and his anger surged up, his eyes seemed to burn like a flame.

Bailifeng remained silent. Although he had known for a long time that the other party's physique was extraordinary and belonged to the category of body training, this did not make him feel a little bit of fear, on the contrary, there was a fighting spirit in his eyes.

After all, he came from the ancient clan. Although he is not a cultivator, he is just a cultivator, but he is much stronger than ordinary cultivators. In addition, his background is different, so he is very noble.

The purpose of coming here this time is to increase the reputation of the ancient clan.

After all, the reputation of the ancient clan is not something anyone can despise.

In his opinion, even the Netherworld would not work.

A punch fell like a shooting star, and the opponent dragged the bear-headed stick to block it horizontally, with strong energy overflowing.

However, Bailifeng's fist is not something ordinary people can bear. Even Yong Gan, who specializes in body training, only feels a strong attack.

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