I have a hero dream

Chapter 256 Immortal Realm 5 Lines

When Ning Tianyu heard it, he really answered what he was thinking.

If there really are treasures here, it seems that going here is a blessing in disguise, and being with them is also beneficial to me, so why not do it?

As soon as the leopard next to him heard the black ape say so much, he yelled: "Shut up, you will die if you talk so much!

Do you want him to know about us? "

The black ape looked back and scratched his head naively: "I know, I won't say it if I don't say it."

"Boy, the battle has begun."

The black ape has lightning bracelets wrapped around its hands, and 20 consecutive black beads of Dharma on its neck, which contains a very strong true meaning of Dharma.

As soon as the words fell, he became extremely fast, stepped on his foot, and came to Ning Tianyu in an instant, the thunder and lightning ring in his hand erupted with amazing lightning, and the thunder gathered together, and the power was scattered away.

Ning Tianyu couldn't dodge it in time, he was punched firmly in the body, and his whole body rolled over and over again in mid-air, and then he barely landed, he held one hand behind his back, stuck it on the ground, rolled inside his body, and a mouthful of blood gushed out in his throat and under his lips A little blood spilled.

The speed is too fast and the strength is strong, it seems that it is not easy to deal with.

"Boy, why can't this work? I haven't played enough yet.

It's only been a kid for so many years, and I won't hold back.

Boy, pay attention. "

The black ape looked at the other party's misery, without any pity in his heart, but shook his head and reminded.

Ning Tianyu saw the other party attacking again, so he tried to see the movement of the other party's figure clearly, but before he could see clearly, the giant monkey's hands erupted with strong thunder lights and they merged together, shooting out a thunder laser.

Ning Tianyu was frightened for a while, the sword in his hand picked up repeatedly, collided with it, and instantly felt the force of the shock, thunder shrouded his body, his body was numb, he backed up again and again, and the golden sword in his hand was released due to instability .

His feet were off the ground, and he fell heavily to the ground. The pain in his buttocks made him think he was about to bloom.

It hurts, it hurts.

I feel that fighting against him will not take any advantage at all.

If he joins forces with the leopard next to him later, I'm afraid I won't be able to reap even more benefits.

"Come again, it won't be enough."

The corner of the giant monkey's mouth was raised, and it smiled slightly.

I can only continue, after all, as long as I win the two of them, I can get the most powerful treasure.

So can't rest yet.

"Ape, watch your tricks."

The swordsmanship is agile, the aura between the heaven and the earth seems to blend together, bursts of sword whistles are constantly gushing out, after all, this sword has a sword spirit, and its material can be regarded as top-notch, let alone him who has already perfected his swordsmanship up.

Some subtle energies erupted from the inside out like wild beasts, and all the powerful energies were lost in this sword.

Seeing this, the black ape laughed loudly: "This sword is interesting, so I can't lose either.

The true meaning of Buddhism, the destruction of evil spirits in the immortal land, and the power of all dharmas are all put into the Buddhist beads, and the sky is falling, let me go. "

The golden light of the black beads of Dharma kept flashing, a string of beads detached from the neck of the black ape, it flew above, and soon a huge Buddha clock was formed, and at the same time it kept rotating, the true meaning of Dharma turned into The texture is merged with it.

The bell rang and fell quickly.

The swordsmanship is continuous, one sword after another, the clone is fully on the offensive.

The two collided, and a powerful wave erupted into the 3rd floor.

But here it didn't hurt the wall a single bit, which shows that its defense power is extraordinary.

The black ape and Ning Tianyu, the former took one step back and the latter three steps back.

It can be seen that it is higher than the bucket.

I don't have an energy ball, since I can barely fight against him for so long, it's not bad.

Now the swordsmanship is complete, and it is no longer possible to break through.

It seems that I have to think of some ways to get the treasure.

He rolled his eyes, thought for a long time, and then came up with a solution.

It seems so, it works.

Just use the aggressive method.

"Hey! The apes don't fight anymore, I can't beat you at all.

After all, you have these extraordinary equipment and this powerful fairy world secret technique.

But I have nothing, only some ordinary martial arts, and I can't beat you at all.

But as long as I get the treasure here, it is more than enough to hit you, if you want to have a good time.

Why don't you give me that so you guys won't be bored here, right?

If you don't give it, then we will drag on like this, anyway, I can't beat you, I might as well sleep. "

When the black ape heard this, he was not happy on the spot. After all, he hadn't seen anyone for so long.

The other party said that if you don't fight, you won't fight.

He was extremely disappointed in his heart, and his anger surged up for a while.


You can beat me with one move with the treasure here.

You can practice these, so what if I give it to you?

I'm afraid you won't be able to cultivate! "

The leopard was still asleep at first, but the black ape spoke loudly, so he woke up from the dream. After thinking about it, he knew that this brother who had been with him for many years had been tricked.

"Hey, ape, don't fall for his tricks."

Leopard was a little anxious.

"Leopard, don't mind your own business, just sleep with you, so what if he gets these treasures? I don't believe he really cultivates.

It doesn't matter to him, I don't believe it. "

The black ape clearly understood, but he still acted as if he didn't know at all.

"Cultivate or fail to cultivate, let's talk about it, in short, I have at least a glimmer of life to obtain these treasures.

Bring it quickly. "

Ning Tianyu said.

"Since that's the case, why not give it to you."

The black ape's index finger moved slightly, a treasure chest emerged from the void, and then landed slightly, he exhaled and blew a little.

The treasure chest will open naturally.

Inside is a treasure of heaven and earth, a book of extraordinary secrets, and a elixir full of extraordinary energy.

Ning Tianyu saw the golden light emanating from it, and his heart suddenly became turbulent.

I finally waited for all this.

There was an unusual one inside, and something familiar to him was in front of him.

This is!

I've longed for energy balls for so long.

This is what makes me stronger.

"Senior Ape, what kind of energy ball is this?"

Ning Tianyu looked at this thing with glowing eyes. Although he knew it was an energy ball, he didn't know what kind of energy ball it was?

"You kid is really ignorant, alas, let me explain it to you."

"This energy ball is called the Five Elements of Immortal Domain. As the name suggests, it contains the terrifying true source of the Five Elements. Once the five elements are fused, you can obtain extraordinary energy, and this strand will also become your foundation."

When Ning Tianyu heard the words of the black ape, he was shocked.

Five elements of energy.

Ordinary cultivators only have one attribute at most, and even some heaven's favored ones only have two or three attributes.

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