I have a hero dream

Chapter 255 Mechanical Creatures

After all, fighting against them with her own strength, she could barely fight them. Such strength made her feel inexplicably illusory.

But that's the way it is.

Ning Tianyu was a little terrified of his own strength.

When did I become so powerful?

It seems that fighting against them is also beneficial, so let's continue.

The ice guard looked at his wound, and a burst of anger surged up, and the two continued to rush to fight with it.

The same is true for the Frozen Cloud Snakes.

Huge ice magic balls are constantly condensing in their bloody mouths, and this also becomes bigger as he accumulates power.

Seeing the two ice guards approaching, Ning Tianyu knew that he couldn't be careless, but suddenly felt two powerful energy fluctuations behind him that were constantly increasing, so he stayed alert.

"Shield strike."

The two guards raised their shields and rushed towards Ning Tianyu very quickly. Their speed was like a gust of wind. When they were approaching suddenly, the two shields suddenly produced a huge light green shock wave.

It's kind of interesting, I really didn't expect them to have this trick.

It seems that there are still tricks.

Ning Tianyu's swordsmanship was so fast that it was hard to see with the naked eye, one after another of white light moved, abruptly cutting off two shock waves, and dispelling the opponent's dizzy shield attack.

But the strength is not very good.

At this moment, the ice phantom ball in Bingyun Shuangshe's mouth had been fully charged, and he spit it out in one gulp. In it, the blue ball with huge energy was rapidly moving behind Ning Tianyu.

Waiting for these spheres.

Ning Tianyu was as fast as a snake, and the sword in his hand was as aggressive as a poisonous fang. Just by swiping it casually, a powerful light and shadow emerged from the water.

Pick you up hard, so I can break through the limit.

The light and shadow swept down, and the two ice phantom balls were the same, producing a white light that enveloped the entire area of ​​the second floor.

A big hole was smashed out in the middle, and it was affected within a hundred miles, and the icy ground kept sinking, forming a depression.

The Ice Phantom Snakes wagged their tails and retreated back and forth, while Ning Tianyu was shaken back, and he turned somersault on the ground in some embarrassment.

Seeing an opportunity to take advantage of, the Ice Guards came to obstruct for a while, so that the Frozen Cloud Snakes could attack again.

Between the sword and shield, there are two ways to attack and defend. They raised the two with familiarity, and charged forward.

It's the same trick again, but with the addition of a big knife attack.

Ning Tianyu just broke it with a sword, but now the move that has been broken can't make any big waves in front of him: "It's a fool to repeat the old trick, you don't really think that this move can stop me, right? If that's the case, I'm really underestimated."

The Ice Guards used their shield attack again, but they were seen through before they were able to use them. With one sword out, 7 swords bloomed, directly blocking it, making it difficult for the two guards to move forward.

Damn, being blocked by these sword flowers, it seems that it is difficult to help these snakes.

The two vicious snakes couldn't swallow the bad breath in their hearts, so they attacked again, venting on this human being.

As soon as the snake's eyes were raised, a fierce red light flashed, and sky ice spears continuously appeared above the domain, and a large number of spears flew away one after another.

Seeing this, Ning Tianyu swung his sword down, but the spear pierced too much, so he dodged left and right.

The situation of the battle was obvious. Neither the Ice Guards nor the Frozen Cloud Snakes seemed to be able to stop him. As time went by, Ning Tianyu gradually gained the upper hand.

No matter in terms of speed or strength, he gradually left them behind.

"At the end of the battle, it is only a matter of time before you are dealt with. If you admit defeat and let me go up, I will not kill you."

Ning Tianyu put down his harsh words, after all, he didn't want to cut the grass and root out the roots, so he was determined to deal with it.

After all, if they were killed here, a lot of energy would be wasted.

After the Ice Queen listened, she struggled in her heart one after another. After tangled thoughts, she lowered her head palely.

It seems that this is the only way.

After all, if we continue to fight with him, these creatures and I may be hard to resist.

In addition to the current me, if I don't do recovery anymore, compared with his cost, I might as well admit defeat.

The Ice Guards, the Frozen Cloud Snakes, the two have been waiting for their master's choice.

"Can you keep your word?"

"A man is a man who keeps his word."

"Since that's the case, my skills are inferior to others, so I admit defeat."

Ning Tianyu saw that this person knew the current affairs and was a hero!

He no longer fights with her.

After those summoned creatures knew the result, they didn't do anything anymore.

After seeing this figure in the distance, the Ice Queen couldn't help but sigh for what this young man did.

The distance between the two was getting farther and farther, and Ning Tianyu also climbed to the third floor, which is also the top floor of the entire Dragon Hall.

It was extremely deserted there, as if it had been abandoned for many years.

It's just that when he moved forward, there was no light in the pitch black, and suddenly he felt the sound of breaking through the air from both sides.

"I really didn't expect that this person broke through two floors and came here, but just wait for us to test your strength."

The black ape-waiting leopard punched from one left and one right.

Ning Tianyu knew it was dangerous, so he hurriedly retreated, but the mechanical creature in front of him did not stop, but went along with the trend.

Seeing that he couldn't dodge, he could only attack the enemy, the sword in his hand stabbed out repeatedly, the fast sword flashed repeatedly, and the point of the sword's light would definitely see blood.

However, these two mechanical creatures are so powerful that they actually forcibly shook the sword, forcing Ning Tianyu to retreat, which caused him to retreat 7 or 8 steps in a row, and also hurt his heart and lungs.

How can it be?

These two creatures are actually above all the creatures on the second floor, and there is still a big gap between them.

The heart and lungs of a person are very important, so once injured, it is difficult to recover in a short time.

"Cough, it's really powerful."

He looked at the two mechanical creatures in shock.

"I really don't know how he came here? This level of strength is not strong."

"Leopard, it seems that you don't need to make a move.

Here I can defeat him alone. "

The black ape made a rare human voice, and spoke extremely fluently. He slightly blocked the leopard's figure, relying on his huge body, then hooked his fingers towards the human, and said arrogantly.

Seeing this, the leopard looked like he didn't want to care.

He saw this black ape who had been with him for hundreds of years like this, so he simply went to sleep comfortably on the side.

After the black ape glanced at it, he quickly threw himself into the battle in front of him, but he saw that the human being in front of him had something on his mind, so he saw through it at a glance.

"I haven't seen humans come here for hundreds of years, you are the first one, let's have a good time.

As for the treasure you have in mind, here it is, but in addition to defeating me, you also need to defeat the leopard next to you.

After all, our master Mechanic Master has passed away long ago, and here we are just following his old man's last wish.

As long as you defeat me, all the treasures here will belong to you, how about it? "

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