I have a hero dream

Chapter 252 1 twist 3 twists

With every movement of her hands and feet, she condensed a series of corrosive ice poison cones.

The two of them knew the danger. After all, once the corrosiveness was applied, the wounds on the body would fester, and it would be difficult to recover. Once the festering continued, the wound would be worse.

And the probability of serious injury will also increase.

The two of them were like lightning, and they kept dodging left and right, and they dodged the methamphetamine cones one by one.

The Ice Queen didn't give up, but resorted to it one after another.

It wasn't until the two of them were ten steps closer that she changed her move: "It seems that the move just now couldn't stop you, so what's the point of this move? Twin Ice Azure Dragons."

Two blue dragons formed by ice mist crossed and moved, the speed was so fast that the two could barely keep up, and this time the trick was much stronger than before.

Although they are all small spells, the effects of these two tricks are still different.

The two knew that it was useless to dodge, so they could only fight decisively, and the two green dragons fought against each other.

Ning Tianyu's body was approaching, and the golden sword in his hand kept flashing, and soon formed three sword shadows, respectively heading towards the opponent's dragon head, dragon body, and dragon tail.

Qinglong let out a low growl, and sprayed ice waves from his mouth. The dragon body swayed in the air, and the sword shadow was like a plaything in front of him.

A light blue fluctuating ball came to Ning Tianyu with lightning speed. The speed was so fast that he almost couldn't dodge it. He could only block it with his sword instinctively, but the power of this move was still great.

This also caused him to retreat continuously, and at the same time, the ice pit on the ground sank deeper and deeper, and the surroundings cracked forward!

His hands were numb, and before he had time to catch his breath, he saw another ice wave coming.

Now he hates that he has no strength. Many of the top martial arts moves before cannot be used here, and even the laws between heaven and earth have failed.

Now he only has some ordinary martial arts left, such as boxing, leg skills, body skills, and palm skills.

But although these also made his basic skills extremely solid, but in the face of some powerful enemies, all of this will not work.

My current strength is still a bit weak, but as long as I complete these levels and obtain the above treasures, I will most likely be reborn from nirvana and gain the strongest power, which will also give me the strength to protect myself.

After all, strength is everything in this world, those identities are second, even the household registration certificate will be ranked after strength.

I must complete these levels and get the treasure above.

This desire to become stronger is constantly burning in his heart, he has been in this world for some time.

But he didn't have any effect for so long, and the negative psychology in his heart was getting bigger and bigger.

Think about a character who is already extremely strong, but also accompanied by the top powerhouses around him.

But when he suddenly came to an unknown and brand new world, his original strength suddenly disappeared, and that kind of frustration arose spontaneously.

I am not willing to continue doing nothing like this. I want to become stronger and stronger, so that I can gain a foothold in this world.

As the ice wave got closer, the fighting spirit in his eyes became deeper and deeper.

How can I say no here.

I, Ning Tianyu, want to become the strongest person in the world, the most powerful person on the surface.

"I'm not allowed to lose, let alone lose."

Ning Tianyu already had superb swordsmanship, and he had already reached the state of the heart of the sword, which is the profound meaning of the sword.

The sword in his hand was natural, and the profound meaning of swordsmanship made him feel like a sword god descending.

That sword was swung out in an ordinary way, but it was a hidden mystery. The sword was filled with terrifying power, but it looked extremely ordinary from the outside.

But the moment this sword touched Bing Dongbo, the opponent's stance shattered, but his sword didn't stop, but the speed increased to a higher level.

When Qinglong faced this sword, he was shocked, because he felt an irresistible energy surging in it, it was like a trapped beast that had been sinking like a deep sea, suddenly counterattacked like a beast. die.

When the green dragon wanted to evade, he was suddenly enveloped by a sword move with endless killing intent, and in just a moment, he was cut with a sword.

The dragon's head and body were divided into two halves, and finally, with the cyan light, the whole body disappeared into the venue like a crystal.

At this moment, Ning Tianyu took a deep breath. When he recalled the battle just now, he felt that his swordsmanship seemed to be more refined.

As for Li Yu on the other side, he was a little embarrassed. After all, the ice wave in front of him was not an ordinary move, but a powerful dragon's breath, and it was like a qigong move, so he was a little tricky.

At this time, he saw that the other side had finished fighting Qinglong, and was speechless for a moment.

After all, he knew the opponent's strength, and he was a completely weak guy.

After all, the energy ball represents everything, but the opponent does not have this thing.

But that person resolved the battle so much faster than him.

This moment made him more frustrated.

It seems that I have to end the battle quickly here.

The Ice Queen saw that her green dragon had a good advantage, but she killed his other green dragon directly by herself, so the result of this battle can only be regarded as half and half.

It seems that a bigger spell needs to be cast.

This thought suddenly appeared in her mind.

It's just that when she wanted to do this, Ning Tianyu could see through the other party's mind at a glance.

It seems that the opponent is going to cast a bigger spell, so I have to interfere.

"Brother Li, the Ice Queen is planning to cast a bigger spell. I'll go and talk to her first, and interfere by the way."

Ning Tianyu took a look at Li Yu's battle situation, and decided not to stay here. Instead, his figure flashed, and he kept getting closer to the Ice Queen.

The other party knew that this person wanted to stop her, so she seized the time and cast the spell as soon as possible, but she really didn't expect the speed of the other party to be so fast, she almost couldn't see it with naked eyes.

"It seems that we can only stop casting spells, first summon these two ice guards to hinder him for a while, and then add another ice prison, it should be able to delay some time."

The Ice Queen had her own considerations, and after entangled left and right, she stopped her own spells first, and decisively used the other two small spells to block the person in front of her.

The staff was raised, and the sapphire kept flashing, but after three breaths, two ice guards suddenly descended from the sky. They were about 5 meters tall, with swords and shields in their hands, and they exuded a particularly good aura.

Immediately afterwards, a huge ice prison was as indestructible as steel, which directly surrounded Ning Tianyu, and he, who wanted to take a step closer, became separated from the Ice Queen.

The two Ice Guards are outside the method of trapping beasts, standing by and ready to fight at any time. As long as they find unstable factors, they will adapt accordingly.

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