When his wind attribute skills fell, the surrounding winds surged violently, and the coercion spread, and the mysterious heavy ruler in his hand was even more powerful, and the power of the weapons also increased.

In an instant, Li Yu erupted with astonishing energy fluctuations. He snarled, and swiped down the mysterious ruler. The surrounding area was full of cracks, and ten ice knights were no match for him for a while.

Their steps were chaotic, their momentum weakened, and the powerful and continuous wind blades began to shatter their armor.

Ning Tianyu saw that Li Yu was showing off his power. This was an important moment to defeat the Ice Knight. Seeing that the location was close to them, Ning Tianyu made a decisive move. The Golden Dragon Tears and Blood Sword in his hand was an extremely extraordinary weapon.

It is also a good sword for cutting iron like mud, and coupled with the perfection of his ordinary martial arts, his strength is comparable to that of a person with 100 energy points.

But it's only a third-rate strength, and it's not the top of it, it's just an upper-middle level.

But it's enough to look at it at this time. He is extremely fast, and he can jump hundreds of meters in a blink of an eye.

Above the sky, there were constant sword moves, and now he was even more imposing. Those large ice spears were easily cut off from the top by him, but he felt that the number was not enough, and he was extremely light in the air.

The sword move in his hand is counted 10 times in a row, coupled with the time to fly in the air, it is enough, and he can do the important part of the action he said in an instant.

Soon pieces of ice moving spears fell one after another. At this moment, he shouted loudly at Li Yu: "Brother Li, my mission is done, you go back quickly, now is a good time to exterminate them."

When Li Yu heard this, he retreated decisively without hesitation. He kept a certain distance from these ice knights.

The ten ice knights didn't know why the enemy did this, but they suddenly felt that there was a great danger above them, so they wanted to leave one after another, but because Li Yu's attack was right just now.

This also caused them to move extremely slowly, coupled with the obstruction of the ice pile wall nearby, this made these ice knights even worse.

When they looked up, countless ice moving spears kept falling.

Due to the huge number of these, it also made it difficult for the ice knight to resist, and the bodies were destroyed one by one, and they became overwhelmed.

They soon lost their combat power, and it was even more difficult to talk about opponents.

They became remnants and defeated them, and their strength was greatly reduced. This also made them unable to fight back at all, and they were easily beheaded by the two in the end.

Since there is a certain distance between the Ice Queen and the Ice Knight, and the boundaries are also different, this also leads to the fact that the two sides cannot help, and there is a certain limit.

It's just that as long as she is within the range of the Ice Queen, she will take the initiative to attack to protect her camp.

Ning Tianyu knew this very well, which gave them a chance to succeed in this battle.

"Brother Ning, it's thanks to you this time, otherwise this battle may be very bad."

Li Yu only felt that he was frightened just now, but fortunately he also has a backup, otherwise he would have been defeated long ago.

This is one of the reasons for his gratitude.

Ning Tianyu smiled without saying a word, and responded to the other party.

However, the battle just now was just a small battle. The Ice Queen in front of me is the leader here, and her strength is also extremely extraordinary.

This also caused Ning Tianyu to be cautious. After all, the battle just now can only be said to be very dangerous, but now, even if the terrain is used as an attack, for this mage, it still can't do any damage. It's a tickle.

This also caused him to think a little more.

Now that the two of us are fighting this mage in close combat, we must shorten the distance so that we have an advantage.

But how could this battle be so easy?

After all, this mage has powerful power fluctuations in his hands.

This power battle is a good proof.

It seems that the odds of this victory are extremely poor.

But as long as the distance is shortened, the chances of winning this battle will be greatly improved.

After all, the mage's body is extremely fragile. Although the power of the scepter is very strong, it can be summoned or cast spells, but it takes a certain amount of time.

As long as it is before the time for her to cast the spell, we are the only ones who will benefit.

It seems that the key to this battle is only four words, and that is a quick victory.

"Brother Ning, what do you think about this battle? Just say it out, after all, a rough man like me can't figure out the strategy."

Li Yu looked at him kindly, but he shook his head, looking extremely careless.

Seeing this, Ning Tianyu expressed his thoughts on this battle, and he said in detail: "Brother Li, we can no longer fight like we did just now.

After all, the enemy is a mage, and it's not an ordinary one. If you rely on the style of play just now, I'm afraid you won't be able to get around.

The mage's psychological quality is very strong, and his wisdom is much higher than us, but his body is much weaker than us, whether it is a cultivator or a warrior.

Even if her spells are unpredictable, once we get close, our chances of winning will increase a lot, and the advantages will gradually become apparent!

So this battle only needs 4 words, and that is a quick battle. If it is delayed again and again, we may gradually lose the enemy.

Furthermore, the opponent's spell casting time is limited, and usually it takes a lot of time to cast a powerful spell, so as long as we use the shortest time to get close, even if he uses spells, there is nothing to fear.

After that, our chances of winning the game are basically set. "

As soon as the voice fell, Li Yu smiled even more: "Brother Ning, you are amazing, I have never thought of these ideas, you are really good in thinking.

If you are a mage, I am afraid that you will achieve extraordinary achievements in the future. After all, people with high thinking will contribute to the level of magic achievement! "

Ning Tianyu waved his hand and said, "It's not as powerful as you said, I'm just doing my best."

After the two explained the general situation of this battle, they made a decisive move.

When she came to the periphery triggered by the Ice Queen, she held up her dharma staff and silently chanted spells.

It's just that the speed of the two was extremely fast, and they were close to the inner circle in an instant, and came within 50 steps of the Ice Queen.

This also made her, who was originally a mage, give up using powerful spells. After all, such spells take a lot of time.

She chooses small spells instead of more, but the effect is not obvious, but it can also prevent one or two from advancing.

"Two outsiders, dare to come here. As the patron saint of the second floor, I am not in vain. Look at my trick, the ice is broken."

The Ice Queen was extremely frightened and furious. When she said the last three words, the temperature of everything around her seemed to drop by more than ten degrees.

Surrounded by ice and mist, the cold air is terrifying.

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