I have a hero dream

Chapter 244 Returning to the original place, fighting

However, the strength of that person just now has also been seen for him, but his style of play is still only two-handed. After all, these are lunatic-like self-injury 1000 and enemy 800 style of play.

But in the end, he defeated the enemy with one move, which shows that strength is the strongest fist.

When Lei Shenfang and the others who were delayed and fled heard the screams just now, how familiar were the voices.

This was obviously his father's voice, and it was also mixed with a voice that seemed to be dying.

Although he is calm, he is not heartless and has no emotion at all. If that is the case, he is not human at all.

As soon as he heard the voice, he stopped. He turned his head slowly and looked at the misty smoke not far away. The smell of blood was extremely strong, and he knew that they couldn't hold on.

"Second Young Master, let's go quickly, after all, time is still very tight."

"Yes, Shen Fang, this is the time dad bought for us, we should run for our lives as soon as possible, otherwise it will be over when those enemies catch up."

As soon as Lei Shenfang heard this, he immediately scolded loudly: "You inhuman thing, you only care about your own life, you don't listen to who the voice is from over there, you just care about running for your life.

Do you know that our father is dying, do you know how much I envy you, I have given you all the power before the succession conference, but what about you?

Handling gang affairs is a mess, if it weren't for those uncles of yours who wiped your ass for you, you would have been yellow by now.

Although father's life and death are uncertain now, at worst, it may have been..."

"If you want to go, you go, I will go back and save Dad."

"Second Young Master, now is not the time to be arrogant, since the leader bought us time, then we should not let him down, and this is his last order.

Those of us who are subordinates can only obey orders, and I ask Second Young Master to make a quick decision, now there is no longer any delay. "

"I said you go away. This is just my wishful thinking. Even if I die, I still want to join the meeting with my father, instead of blindly choosing to escape, because if that is the case, it will only be a lifetime of pain for me."

The ten elders understood the wishes of the second son, and they were very entangled in their hearts, and finally chose to give up. After all, the other party is not the blood of the gang leader, but just an outsider.

Even if the gang leader has fallen, they still have to abide by the final order, but this is what the wicked young master has decided to do.

Then they can't be blamed, in the end they chose to protect and help the only bloodline, which is Lei Licheng's bloodline.

He was so scolded by this adopted son who was a few years older than him. Even though he was unwilling in his heart, he was also speechless. He looked at the other party's fearless eyes and couldn't say anything. He just cursed in his heart: Since you If something that no one loves wants to die, then you can die by yourself, and I will run away.

Of the supporters who supported Lei Shenfang, only one was willing to stay, and the others fled with Lei Licheng without exception.

The one who is willing to stay is Sun Huayun, who is also the immediate boss of Brother Long Aoheng, he is good at long-distance, and he is also a veritable master of the first stage of foundation establishment.

Although he knew that staying here would mean a narrow escape, but he was very affectionate, especially for the gang leader.

Long before the gang leader founded the gang, he had been with Lei Tianxing for many years, and his darts were endless, extremely tricky, and he was able to show off many difficult moves one by one.

And this also caused the Black Tiger Gang to save a lot of backstabbing when the gang was just started. This person is very good at secret aura, and his darts are so powerful, which also made him a big one at that time. characters.

He is also someone Lei Tianxing admires.

And this is also an important reason why Brother Long Aoheng followed.

"Second Young Master, I would like to stay to help you and do my best.

These are all good thugs under my command, and they are also my good buddies. These people also have a lot of combat power, and they should be able to help some. "

Sun Huayun bowed his hands to this person, he did not intentionally make things difficult for him because he was not a member of the sect leader, but respected him very much.

"Boss Sun, Shen Fang thanked you for this, if you help me, I will definitely get twice the result with half the effort, but now we only have one task.

Even if Dad is dead, we still have to collect the corpse for worship. "

"Everything is headed by the second son, and your order is the order we obey."

Sun Huayun and everyone bowed to each other.

"Then it will be troublesome for everyone."

They moved silently, but their speed was extremely fast, and they came to the place where Father's back was broken in an instant.

There were corpses strewn all over the fields, and blood flowed like rivers.

When they came here, there was a wild laughter suddenly: "It really is exactly as Brother Situ said!

Some of them will return here to fetch their father's bones. "

The head of the top ten leaders of the Qinglong Gang sat on the big rock next to the place where Lei Tianxing was killed. He held two knives and smiled again and again.

But he is the only one here, and the others are missing.

"You're the only one here?"

"I am enough. The others are chasing the other group of you. If you want to get back the body of your gang leader, you can, but you have to beat me."

Zhang Tianhu licked the blood slightly dripping from the knife in his hand, and he smiled sinisterly.

"Boss Sun, how should we fight?"

Long Aoheng clasped his fists respectfully and asked.

"Everyone, act accordingly. After all, he won't give us time to discuss opportunities."

"Yeah, I won't give you any chance, and let me tell you, I've made a move."

The corners of Zhang Tianhu's mouth turned up, and he smiled strangely.

As soon as the voice fell, the speed became extremely fast, just like the speed of a cheetah.

The pair of knives slid across his hands trickily, and a flash of the knife flashed across one of the Black Tiger Gang's children. With a click, a red line was drawn between the neck and the head, and then the two separated, the body and the head separated.

With just one move, that person was easily beheaded.

The death of this person caused a trace of tension in the hearts of everyone present, and some even showed cowardice.

"This is the first one."

Zhang Tianhu murmured.

But the movements under his hands didn't stop, instead they became faster and faster, and there was blood between the blades.

The speed was so fast that only Sun Huayun could barely see it clearly.

Ning Tianyu was protected by the Skeleton Soldier Tianqi Great Immortal, but with their current strength, it was extremely difficult to protect him from the slightest bit.

After all, the opponent's skill is not covered, but it has the strength of the top ten bosses.

Even Sun Huayun would lose in less than twenty rounds if he wanted to fight against him.

There were less than 20 people present, and now one person has died, and this has also caused some of them to lose confidence and morale is in jeopardy.

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