I have a hero dream

Chapter 243 After the break, three immortals transform into a super-body

Lei Tianxing knew that this person had his own support when he came here, but he didn't expect this identity to be so huge.

The arrival of God General Feiyu alone is enough to turn the tide of the battle. Although the opponent is already old, his strength is still there.

Even though he has experienced countless experiences and experienced great storms, it is inevitable that he still feels uneasy when he sees this scene.

After all, the arrival of Divine General Feiyu also made him a little less confident as the leader of the gang.

"Brother Situ, we are ordered by the leader to fight with you to eradicate the Black Tiger Gang and get them removed from the illegal citizen area."

As soon as Linghu Zhong changed from his usual domineering demeanor, now he became very respectful in front of this Flying Feather General, with a flattering look on his face.

Although Situ Guang had reached an advanced age, he held his head high, as if he didn't pay attention to the Black Tiger Gang in front of him at all. After all, a big man like him should be like this.

His arrival gradually created a tense situation on both sides.

Behind Lei Tianxing stood the ten elders, the four guardians were beside him, and the main combat forces of the Black Tiger Gang were also on the scene.

Lei Tianxing's aura exploded to the extreme, and the flames on his body seemed to be wrapped around him, and the bursts of burning flames burned to the limit. The aura was so strong that it was difficult for everyone to compete, but only a few people could fight against it. Those who can suppress it: "Today, Lei Tianxing, the head of the Black Tiger Gang, and the four great guardians will fight together to the end. Even if I die, I will die with you."

"Fight to the end."

The four guardians said together, the words were passionate, and the blood on their bodies seemed to return to the time when they were young and fighting.

"The top ten veterans obey orders. You should protect the party quickly and Licheng will go first. Even if the Black Tiger Gang falls today, the two of them are the fresh blood of my gang, so we can rebuild the glory of the Black Tiger Gang in the future."

"Guild Master, we also want to fight bloody battle with you to the end."

"This is the guild master and I will order you one more time, go away and leave me alone.

Remember your orders. "

When the ten elders heard this, they stopped persuading them. In the end, under their leadership, the adopted son and the eldest son were escorted away.

It was the first time for Ning Tianyu and others to see the demeanor of the gang leader, and it was also the last time to see him in the future.

In addition to protecting them, the top ten veterans also followed them to the end.

When Lei Shenfang and Lei Licheng saw his father dying for them, he felt very reluctant, but more of it was unwilling, because they felt that their strength was not enough, and the spirit of wanting to work hard in their hearts dyed the entire battlefield in an instant, but What about them today?

After all, the situation of the battle has been decided. Although their father and the four guardians were cut off together just to delay them, but the other party is the Flying Feather General with extraordinary strength, and the value is ridiculously high.

It is as difficult as heaven to hold him back.

The two watched their father go further and further away with tears in their eyes. They knew that this was the last time they would see their father, and it would be difficult to see him later.

Tears poured into his face, and the sound of crying spread throughout the battlefield.

God General Feiyu saw that they had left two veins to leave, and he didn't care about it. Instead, he was domineering. There was a lot of disdain in his words, but more of his arrogance towards his own strength: "I will kill you later, and I will go to surround you later." Why not kill them?

To deal with you, three moves are enough. "

Lei Tianxing used the style of exhausting vitality from the very beginning, after all, he felt that he could delay it for a while.

"Fen Lie."

Lei Tianxing clasped his hands tightly, gradually revealing the flaming armor on his body, the light and shadow of the blazing fire gradually filled the entire hands, and the ground was covered with spider silk spots and cracks.

Pieces were torn apart in the air one by one. His white hair surged wildly, his eyes sparkled with brilliance, and he threw away all his emotions other than human beings, and magnified that trace of anger to the extreme.

The madness burst out, and he showed himself in a state of fury. His value was already as high as 937, but at this moment it suddenly soared to 1097, and this number is still increasing.

It's just that the price has also made his vitality continue to decrease.

"Brother Lei, we would like to help you."

The four guardians sacrificed their lives for righteousness and injected all their energy into their bodies. It's just that this injection didn't matter, but it caused their energy balls to be completely destroyed.

With the complete loss of their vitality, this life has also come to an end, but this is also in exchange for the extreme value of Lei Tianxing.

Lei Tianxing's number has now reached 1160.

This value is only 3 points lower than that of Situ Guang.

"I really didn't expect that you would come to a duel with me in this state, but now you are already at the end of your strength, even if you can barely hold back, you will definitely die today, so why bother?

"As early as in the fairy world, I heard that there is a rising star in the illegal citizen area who created a faction with his own strength, against the leader, divided the area into two, and achieved invincible achievements. This person is you Lei Tianxing."

"You can be regarded as a genius, but it's a pity that you met me. If you hadn't accumulated injuries, I'm afraid I might not be your opponent in my current state.

It's a pity that there are no ifs in this world, even if your four guardians poured all the energy into you, your stats are still 3 points worse than mine.

And these 3 points will be the gap forever. "

Situ Kong stepped forward with one step, and immediately showed his air-swallowing posture, roaring: "I said before that I will defeat you with three moves, but I can't wait to defeat you with the strongest posture. Before you die, you are lucky to see me do this!" Immortal attributes."

"Three ways of immortalization overlord body."

The three immortal spirit balls were extremely huge, and when they merged into his body, his strength skyrocketed to the peak, and his whole body gradually turned into the real body of a fairy general.

His red eyes are heavy, and his long green hair is exposed at the waist, but there is an amazing energy in his slender figure. He holds a black flame crescent moon bow and shoots three arrows in a row. There was a sound of piercing through the air from the Zhiling Arrow, and the arrows were coherent and completed in one go.

Three arrows are shot sharply, setting the country, passing on the nameless, reading and determining the prescription.

Lei Tianxing went all out, blessed by the dragon's breath fire, only three arrows arrived, but he was still defeated in the end.

An arrow hit the door, and brains spewed out.

An arrow shot the heart, and the internal organs were scattered.

One arrow nailed the whole body, and the seven souls were all blasted.

Those who can become the flying feather generals have no means, so how can they talk about fame.

The power of three arrows.

The head of the enemy general.

Instant kill.

This kind of strength is really extraordinary.

The Black Tiger Gang was removed from the name, and finally the Qinglong Gang took control of the illegal citizen area, and since then it has returned to its original title of leader.

The four guardians, along with the sect leader, also died together.

Seeing this, the Qinglong Gang clasped their hands together and said: "The name of Feiyu's god general really deserves his reputation."

Situ Guang didn't care about this, after all, he had heard these words many times before he became famous.

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