I have a hero dream

Chapter 226 Yun'er, Lun Zhang teaches the horse

It's just that there are two people who have newly become left and right hands, and it will be handled more properly.

The battle ended, and the Reincarnation Sect ended in a tragic victory.

There is no more burial religion in the world.

This battle caused a sensation in the world, the Blood Demon Sect was astonished, and Tianxia Zhuang was even more inconceivable.

The former had no idea that the next thing was the beginning of a nightmare.

The latter is also true. I didn't expect that people who spent a lot of effort and didn't recruit people would go to the Reincarnation Sect.

The reincarnation sect rectified its troops, with Yuan Tao as the head commander, Liao Fang as the deputy general, and the Skeleton Soldier as his powerful force. The three of them personally led more than [-] people to attack the head of the Blood Demon Sect.

Although Ning Tianyu was an old friend of the ancestor of the Blood Demon Sect in the past, but now that the Blood Lord is in the top position, the relationship between the Reincarnation Sect and the Blood Demon Sect has been separated.

Of course, the most important thing is that the news of the death of the blood demon ancestor really made Ning Tianyu heartbroken.

And the brother in front of him was stabbed to death in front of him.

At this point, the Blood Demon Cult fell apart.

Ning Tianyu's battle ended, and he also embarked on the road to find the blood shadow's body.


Thousands of miles away from the main rudder of the Burial Cult, a young man with his hands cut off was walking slowly on a small hill.

His whole body was covered with blood, and he was biting his own hands. Even though he was unable to move, he still moved forward resolutely. Now he seemed to be paralyzed, and he, who was close to a disabled person, still vividly remembered the stop just now.



The ending of the game as a loser made him wonder for a moment why he lost, and he also lost a top player.

He felt hopeless when he couldn't accept it for a while.

"How could I admit defeat on this?"

"It's just a one-time failure. Is it a permanent failure?"

"Heh, I'm the No. 40 third-generation successor of the Burial Sect!"

He recalled that when he was about to take office as a new generation of leader, he regained his high-spirited and world-famous posture at that time.

At that time, the leader of the older generation gave him an old secret manual of corpse kung fu, and he only took half a year to practice it to the point of proficiency.

His life skills have spread across the world, and he believes that no one is his opponent.

It's just that it's still completely bigger now.

Now he is neither human nor ghost, and he is extremely downcast. When he only uses the blood escape method, his cultivation base temporarily disappears, and he will have to wait at least half a year to recover.

Now that he is useless and has nothing to do, he has become a useless person. He who is used to living a arrogant and indulgent life never thought that this day would come.

There is a wooden house on this small hill, where a beautiful girl is chopping firewood, sweating profusely, and a large pile of firewood is placed on the ground, but as time goes by, she works harder.

Lie Feng looked at this person's facial features, he was a little bit out of the world, and his aura really made him a little stunned.

He has never seen such a beautiful woman, even if you describe her as a country and a city, it is not enough, it seems that there is no best word to describe her in the world.

Since his body was extremely weak after fleeing, he felt his lips were chapped without even touching a drop of water.

His charcoal-skinned body was full of corpse odor, as if he had come out of a pile of dead people.

Just when he thought he was going to die, his vision went dark and he passed out.

The fairy-like woman raised her brows and saw a person falling down in her garden not far away, so she stopped what she was doing and walked away quickly. After seeing this person's appearance, she didn't look at people like some ordinary people. Low, the reason is ignored and left.

Instead, he raised his right hand and sent his figure into the room. His eyes seemed to see through the breath of this person, and he found that this person seemed to have been abolished in martial arts.

She took good care of the man without hesitation, placing some sumptuous meals on the table next to him.

Immediately afterwards, she took out the silver needles in the black cloth behind her, raised her hands slightly, and countless silver needles were inserted into the acupuncture points all over his body, and blue light emerged from the silver needles.

Soon, Lie Feng felt that his whole body was full of strength, and at the same time he was full of energy, and the previous feeling of weakness was gone.

He opened his eyes, and his vision changed from blurred to clear. He saw that the woman had been taking care of him, and a rare heartbeat suddenly occurred at this moment.

Apart from Ning Xiaowan, this was the second time he fell in love with someone. He found that the other party didn't care about his appearance, but took good care of him instead.

With a deep tone, Lie Feng said, "Thank you."

The woman nodded in response, and after a moment's pause, she said, "You should drink the porridge first, after all, your body has just recovered."

Lie Feng looked at the bowl and spoon handed over by the other party, then nodded again, and then drank the porridge slowly. "

He sincerely looked at the other party's actions and was full of good feelings. When he realized that the other party could perform spells, he knew that the other party was also a cultivator of immortals, and to be precise, he was a knight

"I don't know how to call the girl! Thank you very much."

"You can call me Yun'er, so what's your name?"

"Yun'er! That's a good name.

My name is Lie, Shi Ye. "

"Hello dead night."

"By the way, I don't know where this is."

"Medicine Fairy Valley."

The conversation between the two was unremarkable, but it undoubtedly revealed a trace of embarrassment.

Yun'er's temperament is as cold as frost, but he is a person who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside.


Two days later, Yuan Tao personally led 4000 people to attack the Blood Demon Sect. Since the enemy army was still asleep, they rushed away overnight, and the sneak attack was directly effective.

Originally, the magic way has already covered the sky with one hand, but Cheng Yaojin appeared on the way, that is, a shit-stirring stick.

When it really came to the news that the Reincarnation Sect led everyone to kill the other party's main rudder, countless cheers came from the endless night.

It was a smile in loneliness.

The joy that comes after all hardships.

"Have you heard? Those thieves' magic ways have hit an iron nail. It seems that we are going to be reborn."

"Your news is late. I heard that Samsara ordered to directly break through the main rudder of the Blood Demon Cult, and kill all the Demon Cult monsters, and become slaves to our righteous people. It really is a turn of events."

"No way, isn't it just the beginning of the war, don't you two have the ability to predict."

"All in all, our righteous hero has come, and at the same time, we no longer abide by the three regulations of the magic way. Simply put, we are free."

"Freedom is not so simple. Those demons are monsters. Even if the Reincarnation Sect really comes into play, it will still be as difficult as reaching the sky."

"Hey, now I can only pray, I hope this day will come soon."

As soon as Tianxiazhuang heard the news, he directly believed that the other party had come first, but the young master hated those demons and monsters in his heart, and when he heard that the reincarnation sect was coming out, he burst out laughing.

After all, they fought the Blood Demon Cult before, and both of them were seriously injured.

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