I have a hero dream

Chapter 225 The Fateful Showdown

As long as we have the energy of these corpse soldiers, then I will be able to fight against him in a duel.

After these corpse soldiers continuously conveyed their own energy, they fell to the ground one by one with all their strength.

When the one hundred thousand corpse soldiers are completely dead.

A powerful energy spread from Lie Feng's body, this ability was hundreds of times stronger than Ning Tianyu's.

Lie Feng has completely raised himself to a higher level, but this state is only temporary, but it is enough to deal with the opponent.

He laughed wildly, seeing that his energy was so much stronger than before, he was very excited, because he had already made up his mind to kill him later: "Ning Tianyu is your funeral today." Day, soon I will be alone in the world, and then I will rule the Seven Realms and become the Lord of the Seven Realms.

And you, I want you to be my corpse soldier, and become my punching bag every day.

Excited just thinking about it. "

Lie Feng laughed unceasingly, and the corpse aura on his body filled the entire battlefield, which was an extremely disgusting smell.

Ning Tianyu only felt the creeps on his body, and at this moment he felt that the opponent's aura was stronger than before, and at the same time, his cultivation seemed to have forcibly stepped into the high level of Immortal Desire Realm.

This level of cultivation can completely crush thousands of high-level people in the God and Demon Realm.

Ning Tianyu only felt that his head could not be lifted up at all, his feet kept going backwards, and the sword in his hand kept trembling.

Lie Feng was as fast as lightning, and it was faster than Ning Tianyu's time law in an instant.

Today's field is his home field.

His corpse breath was all over his hands, and he punched Ning Tianyu.

He broke ten thousand spells with one sword, but in the eyes of the other party, it was still not enough. After all, strength is everything, and in addition, he was already short of a big realm, which was quite a big gap.

Lie Feng only felt that the opponent's sword was as fragile as a tickle. He just grabbed it with his left hand, and the sword in front of him was on the verge of shattering.

With a strong grab, Lie Feng threw the opponent's sword out, and then punched Ning Tianyu's left chest: "Is your sword only at this level?"

With a bang, a voice that shook the sky and the sky passed.

Ning Tianyu coughed out a mouthful of blood, and stepped back several hundred steps, but before he finished, the other party's right fist came again.

He crossed his fists to block, but was still thrown flying.

One face to face, he seemed defeated.

Ning Tianyu rolled several somersaults on the ground, blood remained on his face, and his clothes burst all over his body.

When the opponent came again, he decisively wrapped his whole body with the flame of the underworld, which was used to deal with the enemy.

Lie Feng did have burns on his hands, but it didn't help much.

He punched like crazy, and Ning Tianyu was beaten to pieces, bloodstained, bruises all over his body, and the pain pierced his heart.

He knelt down powerlessly on the ground, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he couldn't see the figure clearly at all.

The scene of punching to the flesh left him with only half his life left.

With a cough, a mouthful of blood flowed out: "Cough."

"Aren't you good at fighting? So what if your wife was beaten to death by me back then? You are still defeated by me now."

"I didn't show any mercy back then, do you know why? Just because you took everything away from me and Feng Shui took turns, you should try to accept what happened back then.

Killing your wife back then was really cool to me, aren't you good at fighting?Give me a try. "

Lie Feng's words kept stimulating him, but Ning Tianyu couldn't beat him at all. When he was about to die, the skeleton ceremony in his body suddenly kept turning the pages.

Turning back page after page, suddenly a lot of words kept appearing between the two pages without words.

The black ancient text continued to appear: "Skeleton God Soldiers."

A pair of chaotic black eyes exuded bursts of intense cold light. A skeleton soldier was wearing silver armor and holding a black halberd in his hand. He appeared in the entire battlefield like a god of death.

His body exudes a high-level aura of Immortal Desire Realm.

This is exactly the same breath as Lie Feng in front of him.

But in comparison, this Skeleton Soldier is a step up.

"Welcome, my lord."

"How should I deal with this person? Do you want me to kill him immediately?"

Looking at this skeleton soldier, Ning Tianyu felt that his cultivation was unpredictable, and he was already a little surprised, so he decided to hand it over to the other party first, and then he just made up the knife: "Well, then I will leave it to you , but after he abolishes his martial arts, I will kill him personally."

"Yes, my lord."

The Skeleton Soldier replied.

A magic knife condensed from the void swung down, bloody light stained the sky, Lie Feng pinched the other side's magic knife tightly with both hands, but soon he felt that the magic skeleton soldier in front of him was getting stronger and stronger.

At this time, he only felt that he was not as good as an ant in front of the opponent.

What's more, it's only temporarily in this state. Now that you encounter the real product, you can only bite the bullet and continue working.

With just one blow, her hands were cut off.

The painful feeling made him scream.

Just when he wanted to resist: "No, I won't allow defeat."

A knife that was stronger than before swung down again.

With a whoosh, the back of the opponent's neck was almost chopped off.

"Blood escape technique."

Lie Feng decisively used the powerful escape technique.

It's just that the price is extremely high, and you have to suffer from being disabled for half a year.

Originally, he didn't want to use it, but after he also felt the unfathomable aura of the opponent's skeleton soldier, he decisively used it.

Ning Tianyu felt a little regretful, but there was nothing he could do. Since the other party had already left, the battle had come to an end: "My lord, I'm not doing my job well, let him escape."

Now when she saw the skeleton scripture in her body, there were two new pages of ancient text. These two pages had a lot to do with the skeleton weapon he was using today.

It's just that he can only summon one now, although it is very small, he thinks that the quality is not the quantity.

Soon he rectified his troops, directly broke through the Burial Cult, and destroyed it.

Since then, there has been no such teaching, but because of the other party's escape, he can rebuild this teaching anywhere, but the master rudder no longer exists.

But he didn't feel it was a pity. Instead, he turned around and returned to the Reincarnation Sect to restore his strength.

And before that, he saw that his left and right arms were dead, and he could no longer resurrect them to become his own skeleton guards, so he promoted the two newly joined as left and right hands.

As for the skeleton soldier, it was his trump card.

After several months of recovery, he assigned the Skeleton Soldier to the two people who became the right and left hands, and asked him to help maintain the Righteous Way and restore the Righteous Way to its former peace.

Of course, in order to maintain it, it is necessary to deal with the magic way first, but in fact, the skeleton soldier alone is enough to quell the chaos.

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