I have a hero dream

Chapter 188 Skeleton Man

At this moment, Ning Tianyu sighed, and with a helpless expression, he wiped the sweat from his forehead with a flick of his sleeve. The cool wind blowing slowly by the hilltop made his thin figure look a little desolate and lonely.

All of a sudden, he felt a twinge in his chest. He tore off his shirt with both hands, and exposed his chest. He found that there was an extremely swollen purple skull mark, and it was weird. , and kept beating.

He didn't know when it was left behind, and he twitched with a pale complexion.

The slightly heavy body bent his feet, followed by a sense of weakness coming from his body as an early warning. He struggled for a long time, but in the end he couldn't help but knelt down on the ground.

With difficulty breathing, he raised his head longing for oxygen, sweating profusely, dripping beads of sweat the size of soybeans on the ground, and the nails on his five fingers were forced into the flesh because of the pain. , into a fist shape.

Blood continued to flow all over the ground, his lung-cracking voice continued to cry out in pain, and his blood-filled gaze was as terrifying as a beast rushing out of his body.

The surroundings were vibrating violently like an earthquake, invisible blood gushed out of his body continuously, and the overwhelming wind of blood swallowed up the surrounding environment one by one. In just a split second, the mountain top turned into nothing but lifeless grass. situation.

None of the creatures survived, and they all turned into horrible bones.

Ning Tianyu was made to look like a ghost by the things in his body, and the surrounding creatures were absorbed by him. Countless blood lines outlined a blood-red pattern of a huge skull in his chest, and the stinging feeling made him painful Endless, screaming again and again.

The shrill and sharp screams continued to be heard from the top of the mountain, like the wailing of a devil.

He felt that he was gradually becoming violent, and he kept trying to suppress himself, but he was too strong, impatient, and he kept bumping his head into the ground. debris.

The absorbed blood slowly returned to him, but he couldn't tell which one was his own and which one was his own?

What's wrong with me?

What's the matter with the bloody pattern of the huge skull on the chest?


Countless doubtful thoughts kept appearing in his mind!





kill heart.

One by one filled in my heart.

Soon this feeling disappeared, but there was an unknown force of blood in his body, which seemed as miraculous as it appeared out of thin air, but this feeling of controlling himself made him extremely uncomfortable.

However, the blood energy absorbed just now unexpectedly raised his realm to the first stage of Shenyuan realm in an instant. This really made him unimaginable, but he was not happy about it. This skull graphic is in control.

All of a sudden, that nameless fire suddenly rose to the extreme.

When will I rely on this kind of thing to help me improve my realm!

A burst of skeleton laughter came.

Ning Tianyu lowered his head violently, and found that the pattern on his chest turned into a whirlpool, and a black mist came out. A skeleton appeared in the mist. He was only one meter tall, but the cultivation contained in his body made him unable to see through it. .

The two looked at each other, and Ning Tianyu looked at him angrily. When he thought of the person who wanted to control him before, the resentment in his heart became even stronger.

He thought about why he couldn't get rid of this situation all the time?

Why on earth do these people want to control him?

Ning Tianyu looked directly at him full of hatred: "Why did you turn me into this? What are your intentions?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the skeleton raised his right hand and pointed slightly. The breath of death overwhelmingly surrounded Ning Tianyu, but when he pointed at the opponent's heart, all these negative feelings dissipated.

"Just because you are my chosen one."

"Do you feel unwilling?"

"Do you feel powerless?"

"I can help you achieve all of this, as long as you hand over the Eye of Heaven, then all of this will end with you."

The words of the skeleton man are full of appeal, but when he speaks, his mouth keeps making a 'cracking' sound.

Eye of Heaven?

what is that?

Why does he think I have?

Indeed, as he said, I have been unwilling, angry, and powerless, but so what?

Just because you chose me?

The skeleton man spoke again, but his words were extremely absurd: "I know what you are thinking! What are you thinking about the Eye of Heaven?

Let me tell you, those are your eyes, I only want the eyes in your forehead, as long as you agree, then everyone in front of you will not be your opponent, how? "

What's that eye in the forehead?

I have?

Forget it, it’s okay to promise.

As long as I can defeat that person, it's all worth it, and this era will end with me.

The desire to become stronger and open up a new era that has always filled his heart is constantly magnified at this moment.

Especially the request made by the other party made him feel that he could become invincible just by agreeing to an illusory request, which was undoubtedly like a tiger with wings added to him.

Ning Tianyu said: "Okay, I promise you, but I just take what I need."

Seeing this, the skeleton man smiled even more. He kept laughing wildly: "Okay, you said it, don't go back on your word."

The skeleton man slightly shouted from his mouth: "Black Dragon Hand."

A giant black dragon-like arm appeared out of nowhere in his hand, and it only took the center of his forehead, the suction bloomed, and the terrifying breath gushed out continuously.

Ning Tianyu only felt that his soul seemed to be pulled away, as if he was in excruciating pain. He kept calling for help, but the other party seemed to ignore him, and instead kept exerting force. Slowly, it really did exactly what he said.

Ning Tianyu did have eyes in his forehead, but they were the eyeballs transformed from his quaint books, and they were also the "eyes of heaven" that the skeleton man had always called just now.

After this withdrawal, Ning Tianyu only felt that his soul was loose, and all the martial arts in his mind seemed to gradually disappear. He didn't understand why he became like this after the book was withdrawn.

At this moment, he finally realized that he seemed to have made a wrong decision, because he would lose all his martial arts, even if he had cultivation, all the martial arts he had practiced would no longer exist.

And when the skeleton man took it, a golden eyeball continued to emit light in his hand. It was something like holy light, and it was full of energy in his hand, which was like the energy of the sun.

It's just that the scorching heat made the Skeleton man barely able to bear it, but he still smiled extremely excitedly now, just because he got something that should not belong to him, but is extremely rare and powerful.

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