I have a hero dream

Chapter 187 Ancient Spirit, the Law of Destruction

Wu Choutian was hit by the energy in it, his body vibrated violently, he was bounced away abruptly, and the unknown aura from the darkness locked him firmly inside.

A figure came from an ancient book. He had no name and no memory, like a person who appeared out of thin air.

And this person has the same face as Ning Tianyu, no one knows who this person is?

Ning Tianyu looked at the figure in front of him with doubts. Just when he was about to say something, he suddenly felt that his consciousness gradually became blurred. He didn't know what happened?

He touched his forehead with both hands, closed his eyes involuntarily, tilted his head downwards, and fell to the ground weakly with his hands and feet.

Wu Choutian's face was flushed, and he looked at the ancient secret book attacking him and the person in front of him with a serious injury, and asked: "Who are you? Why protect him?"

The character who just appeared from the ancient book can also be called the ancient spirit, but to be precise, it is Ning Tianyu's heart demon, but every time he uses it, his body will be controlled by this person.

As if Gu Ling didn't hear him, he raised his right hand slightly, and a strong suction was generated from his palm. Wu Choutian suddenly felt bad, because he felt the danger in it, but when he wanted to respond, this A suction seemed to hold all his escape positions.

The dark vortex quickly sucked Wu Choutian's body into it like a black hole, but the title of super god master was not covered, just when the suction force held him tightly in front of that person.

He put his hands together, and two invisible volcanic palms appeared out of nowhere beside Gu Ling, as if they wanted to burn him to powder.

Gu Ling's face was expressionless, his eyes were scattered, he stepped on his feet, and a gust of wind blew up, and when the volcanic palm approached, it was cut to pieces, and the suction seemed to be stronger than before, everything around him seemed to be forcibly crushed by him as broken.

The whole Wu Zong's mountain collapsed and the ground cracked, and the foundation of countless years seemed to be destroyed in this suction. Wu Chou's eyes were fierce, and his heart was full of hatred!

At this moment, he wished to tear the opponent into two pieces, but in this fight, he felt that the opponent seemed to be stronger than him, and not even a little bit stronger.

The ancient spirit who didn't say a word before, looked at everything coldly, and said indifferently: "Destroy."

Wu Choutian felt that his body seemed to be forcibly crushed by a terrifying whirling force, the destruction of his body structure left him dumbfounded, until the moment he died, he cried out in disbelief: "It's actually the law of destruction! Impossible, how could there be in this world..."

Before he finished speaking, he already felt that his body was lifeless, his eyes were empty and dull, his hands and feet were weak, his face was pale, and his body surface shrank. He seemed to be a person who had completely absorbed all energy.

Gu Ling lowered his head and looked at his right hand. The energy full of essence was slowly absorbed into his body. At this moment, he felt refreshed like never before. He looked around at the people around him with cold eyes.

All the Jianghu people who were watched were terrified. They all walked timidly, only feeling that they could not move their bodies, and their murderous eyes made their backs feel chilly.

Several of them even fainted directly, but when Gu Ling saw this, he immediately lost interest. He turned to look at Ning Tianyu who had already fainted on the ground, and muttered to himself: "Your body will belong to you one day." mine.

You can't handle this kind of offal!It really disappointed me, I really don't know how that (sage of seven paths) fell in love with you?

Forget it, forget it, one day, I will return to the peak and regain everything I have, all the immortals of the Seven Paths, just wait and see! ! "

At the end, he looked up at the sky, his eyes were bloodshot, black air was entwined all over his body, and his fists were clenched tightly.

Soon he turned into a black shadow and jumped into the ancient book, and slowly the ancient book returned to Ning Tianyu's eyebrows.

Immediately, the people around seemed to be illuminated by a ray of black light, and they all fell to the ground and fell into a coma.

And the heads of them seem to have been forcibly cut off the memory of the fight just now, but this generation of Wu Zong collapsed just like that, and the temple of the Jianghu has since ceased to exist.

When everyone woke up, Lie Feng looked up at all this in surprise, and his dream of being the young sect master was completely dispelled.

Just because my master is no longer alive, the wreckage that doesn't even leave a corpse has never been found.

He doesn't know what's going on?I don't know what happened to my sect, why it turned into a desert in front of my eyes, and there was nothing.

He and Ning Xiaowan are the only disciples who belong to the sect.

He looked at all this with some difficulty, his eyes were dull, and a bitter smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: Hehe, all this is fake, right?

Master, where are you?

There is no one who is the strongest person in the righteous way or the evil way in the world, the decline in the world, and the despair of everyone has just come.

Now there is no one in the world who can confront the 'wind', and there was a slight chance of winning before, but now it seems that it is gone.

The two people who belonged to everyone's hope also died together because of self-murder.

The demon "wind" in the world is still strangling everywhere, and the screams are frequent in many places, and there are more and more desperate faces.

No matter whether it is a knight-errant or ordinary people, he can't escape his killer. The extremely ruthless and deadly move made everyone want to back away and not face it.

It's just that the cruelty of reality is far beyond their imagination, and the scene of no one being able to help them, and the behavior of fleeing in all directions is even more evident in the current situation in the world.

The rivers and lakes that everyone longed for once seemed to have ceased to exist, and the joyful faces of the knights in the rivers and lakes were no longer seen.

Just because they are all for themselves and do not consider the feelings of others, this is human nature.

This year, Ning Tianyu was only at the end of 15 years old.

The snow was flying heavily, and the white snow was covered with the blood of many innocent lives, and the disgusting smell was everywhere.

Ning Tianyu was wearing a cloak and a chivalrous suit, with a sword slanted across his back, his figure crossed one hill after another, looking at the wreckage on the ground, tears full of pity fell involuntarily from his eyes.

When did the rivers and lakes become like this?

Dynasty change.

The depravity of the rivers and lakes.

The revelation of humanity.

The world that no one can save makes everyone extremely depressed.

The evil god showing the fangs of the devil raised his knife and fell without hesitation, killing one person after another. He stared coldly at everything in front of him with emotionless eyes, and said, "It's just a group of ants. Well!"

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