I have a hero dream

Chapter 177 Conditions

The stern man outside the tower looked at the place where Ning Tianyu disappeared with a sneer on his face.

Ning Xiaowan, who had been observing here, covered her mouth in surprise, her eyes widened.


Ning Tianyu looked at the facial features of these monsters, since they were deeply recessed, they were fundamentally different from human beings, and they were also quite different from the monsters he had seen in the past.

As for their bodies, they are similar, some have snake bodies, horse feet, some have cow bodies, deer feet, etc., but the blood that burst out of their eyes is exactly the same.

When Ning Tianyu wanted to retreat, at some point, his feet were fixed here, and gradually, his surroundings were also surrounded by these monsters.

Strange language kept coming out of their mouths: "*@~%∑∈......"


Seeing them talking like this, Ning Tianyu was at a loss: "What are they thinking?"


One of the monsters with a pig body and chicken feet suddenly made a gesture of pulling an arrow, and a weapon similar to a spirit bow appeared out of nowhere in front of him, and then all the yin energy in the surroundings gathered towards the bow and arrow that was charging. .

Then he pulled back fiercely towards Ning Tianyu, and that spiritual arrow actually contained a warning of life and death that Ning Tianyu had never had before. At this moment, he knew that if he didn't avoid it, he would fall here.

Ning Tianyu kept pinching and gesticulating with both hands, and then a sudden tortoise shield suddenly appeared in front of him, but the pattern contained in it was very extraordinary: "Xuanwu shield."

The lightning-fast spirit arrow slammed into the shield fiercely with the sound of piercing through the air, and the terrifying power quickly filled Ning Tianyu.

His body shook violently, his whole body shuddered, and he groaned as he flew upside down, hitting the side of the tower heavily, and a loud bang made his back ache.

Even the shield in his hand was completely torn, but this also buffered the impact of the spirit arrow, but the castration is still endless,

Before Ning Tianyu had time to catch his breath, he saw the spirit arrow heading towards him again. At this moment, he took a breath and cast the absolute defensive dragon elephant shield again.

Those solid shields appeared frequently from under his feet in all directions around his body, and these acted as his defensive cover like a small formation.

The spearhead in the spirit arrow exuded that bright light, and the power inside was so powerful that he was in a very passive position at this time, but there was no way he could do it.

The true energy in his body was running wildly, and the body surface of the Dragon Elephant Shield was also shining brightly like the sun. The indestructible and motionless posture caused those demons to change color for a while.

It's just because they live in groups, after their conversation, they pulled out the spiritual arrows from the surrounding air one by one, but it was full of Yin Qi.

Ning Tianyu watched the dense arrows shooting towards the Dragon Elephant Shield, and at this moment he just felt a little terrible.

After Ning Tianyu made several gestures, he pressed down on the sand, his whole body seemed to be illuminated by a light, and then appeared behind the group of monsters: "Transformation technique."

"Thousand Swords Universe."

But at this moment, he held his breath and breath, and the sword in his hand was transformed into thousands of swords, like a legendary swordsman.

With his palms side by side, he pushed forward slowly, with a low voice like 'Ah! 'Voice.

The Ten Thousand Sword was spinning like a gun, and the power in it was like a hole had been pierced between heaven and earth.

A group of monsters felt a different terrifying aura coming from behind them, and when they turned their heads, they swished! ! !

Those voices directly cut their bodies, and the powerful sword force did not stop at all, but became more and more intense, actually rushing directly from the first floor to the seventh floor, and there were endless voices in it.

It wasn't until the sound stopped that the curtain came to an end.

It's just that Ning Tianyu couldn't hold on any longer at this time, he opened his mouth and spit out a big mouthful of blood: "Pfft."

Ning Tianyu lay powerlessly on the ground, with a dazed head, he sighed secretly in his heart, and then passed out: "Sure enough, with my current cultivation base, it is still too reluctant to use this trick, and it will be exhausted all at once. Lost all true essence and internal energy."

It's just that after all the monsters in the seven-story tower were eliminated one by one, they began to half-hidden and half-revealed.

Seeing this, the stern man outside the tower was overjoyed. When he saw the unconscious person, he laughed wildly: "It's exactly as I expected. Sure enough, there is no one in the Seven-Folded Absolute Tower." Survive."

"Wait a minute, why is there still breath? Could it be that he is still alive? How is this possible!?"

When he sensed that Ning Tianyu was still alive, he was slightly taken aback.

Especially when he saw that the pagoda had been returned to him, but it was shattered into powder. At this moment, he was heartbroken, but when he saw Ning Tianyu, he had bad thoughts.

Before the stern man could utter the words of burial, he heard a coquettish shout from a distance: "The seven-story tower is my foundation. Since you are not dead, please accompany me..."

Ning Xiaowan walked out from behind the tree, and a beautiful figure fell into the eyes of the stern man, but her eyes were all on the man, which made him very confused: "Second Senior Brother, please stop, and please Second Senior Brother look after my master." In terms of face, let him live."

The stern man didn't give any face: "Oh? So it's Miss Ning.

But for your master's sake, it's not enough for me to let him go. Since he has offended me, don't even think about living here. "

He continued: "As for you, after all, you are the woman Lie Feng likes, so I can pretend that I didn't see it, but I advise you to leave this man alone."

What Ning Xiaowan wanted to say stopped in her mouth one by one, but many images of being with him flashed in her mind, and she became ruthless, as if she was making a decision: "As long as you let him go, I will accept any conditions." promise."

The stern man looked at her greedily, but quickly put aside this thought: "Hehe, Miss Ning is really clever, well, I only have one request, to marry Lie Feng immediately after today, then I will keep this person." His life.

However, I am still afraid that you will go back on your word, so I will let him swallow this nine-day poisonous scorpion. "

After he finished his request, the other party's face changed drastically, especially when the other party put the nine-day poisonous scorpion in Ning Tianyu's mouth, he wanted to stop immediately.

The nine-day poisonous scorpion is the most vicious toxin in the world, and there is almost no cure for it, just because it will make people unable to practice martial arts again within one day, and become a permanent disabled person.

It is extremely difficult to refine this toxin, about a thousand kinds of materials are used, and there is only one person in this world who can refine it, and that is the poison king of 'Yaotian Valley'.

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