I have a hero dream

Chapter 176 The dragon lord appears, 8 parties are shocked, the holy dragon comes out, and the world

But at this moment, he didn't care at all, instead he was secretly happy, just because he felt a powerful wave of true energy blooming in the hand of the person behind him in an instant.

However, the release of the large formation made Ning Tianyu quickly keep a distance from it. After all, the difference of a large realm is already quite difficult for the general emperor realm.

But for Ning Tianyu, although he could easily kill them, it didn't mean that he could kill them beyond the two realms. Being able to stalemate each other was quite remarkable.

After all, the strength of the emperor's realm and the emperor's realm are basically two concepts, and Ning Tianyu has never encountered such an opponent.

Although he had fought against Xueying before, and he was able to persist for so long, in his opinion, if the other party hadn't given in, he might have fallen already.

Ning Tianyu looked at the man, although his body was a little weak, but the domineering aura on his body was a bit invincible: "The reaction is so fast! It's a pity that I would have done it earlier just now, it's a pity that there is no such thing in the world."

The two of them didn't move, they just looked at each other slightly, but the mental power was fighting with each other, it was like a dragon and a tiger fighting each other, and around them, whether it was vegetation, birds, or the weather, it was as if time stood still. Same.

But in the end Ning Tianyu didn't hold on for long before he became weaker and left the spiritual fight.

The opponent is already in a state of injury, but he still can't beat the opponent, just because the cultivation bases of the two are very different, which also leads to different evolutions of the true energy and spiritual power given.

Ning Tianyu's heart trembled slightly, his face turned pale, his hands kept melting the resistance, and then he took a step back, and he said in amazement: "Is this the strength of the emperor's realm? It is really extraordinary, but this is a little mean."

The stern man withdrew his mental strength, but when the leaves on a nearby tree fell to the ground, the two rushed towards each other in an instant.

The stern man whispered a few Buddha mantras, and immediately there was a Buddha's light between his hands, and an aura of universal salvation emerged from his body.

When he slapped Ning Tianyu's face, his whole body turned into a [-]-meter-high Buddha in vain. The moment the stern man struck out, his right hand slightly raised and pressed towards Ning Tianyu.

The extremely terrifying aura swept Ning Tianyu in all directions, Ning Tianyu's face tightened, he stared at all this coming, until the palm came in front of him, and he shot it instantly.

Ning Tianyu repeated this sentence over and over in his mouth: "The dragon lord appears, all directions are shocked, the holy dragon comes out, and the world changes!"

Suddenly, the Buddha with eyes of a god and a demon on his face stopped following the other party's words.

This momentary stop made Ning Tianyu feel the joy of escaping from disaster, but he didn't run away like ordinary people, but took the first step to kill him.

Ning Tianyu snarled: "Holy Dragon Transformation, Extreme Dragon Fist."

As soon as the words fell, he danced wildly with both hands, and the shadows of his fists filled the sky. Wherever he went, mountains fell and the ground cracked. Even the transformed Buddha couldn't bear his ten punches and was smashed to pieces.

As for the stern man, he looked at him in horror, and kept moving his hands back one by one. Fortunately, he used his fifth-level cultivation of the Emperor Realm as a barrier to block, so he was unharmed.

Just because the power of those monstrous dragon fists was directly blocked by these, without power, only some punches were stronger than just now, and the remaining power wanted to break through the defensive shield of the emperor's realm.

But how could the stern man let him succeed?I saw that he swept it away with one kick, but at the same time, he didn't keep retreating. Instead, he secretly watched and waited for the opponent to stop!

In addition, when performing this Jidao Dragon Fist, a considerable amount of real energy is required to maintain its power. However, he still feels that he can't last long when he has just entered the stage of Emperor Realm.

After all, using this trick really cost too much real money. Although he wanted to make a quick decision, it was a pity that the opponent refused to let him, which also caused him to save this real money all the time!

However, although it can also be replaced by internal force, it still feels too worthless for him.

At this time, he was tangled in his heart, but he still wanted to continue punching. Unfortunately, at this moment of thinking, he suddenly seemed to be hit by the soul attack used by the opponent, causing his head to freeze in place like a shutdown!

Although it was only for a moment, it gave the other party a chance to succeed. I saw the man put his hands on his body, then made a strange gesture, and said with a sneer, "Explode it! The Buddha seal."

When Ning Tianyu came back to his senses, he felt that his whole body was constantly heating up, and that extremely painful feeling was everywhere in his body, and then followed the other party's words to his ears.

A burst of holy and a burst of evil light bloomed from the left and right of Ning Tianyu's body, and the terrifying energy kept stirring in his body like a gear.

Crackling sounds resounded on Ning Tianyu's body, the clothes on his upper body were directly smashed to pieces, and the palm prints of a Buddha and a demon appeared on his chest.

One was burning everything with a scorching breath, and the other was invading his body with the source of ten thousand poisons.

Ning Tianyu let out screams from his mouth again and again, the voice was painful and shrill, and his complexion was extremely pale. At this moment, he kept spitting out mouthfuls of blood, which was mixed with some unusual green blood.

He doesn't know what this is?But when he saw the weird smile drawn from the corner of the other party's mouth, he knew it must be the other party's fault!

But he doesn't know what the side effects are?

The stern man laughed recklessly. He pressed his right hand to his face, revealing his eyes between the gaps, but there was a look of madness in it: "Boy, you are finished, Seven-fold tower, let me devour him!" Bar!"

After the voice fell, a demon tower full of evil spirits appeared in various directions around Ning Tianyu, and a faint green light bloomed on the top floor of that tower, but this light kept covering Ning Tianyu.

Just for a moment, the light was extremely bright, and then all the scenes flashed in Ning Tianyu's sight, and as soon as he opened his eyes, he came to the lowest floor of this seven-story tower.

There are monsters that he has never seen before, and some green sand is used as the ground under his feet, but there is no feeling of sinking into it when he steps on it.

Instead, it was flat, but as he stepped on it for a long time, he faintly felt that there were countless pairs of eyes staring at him nearby.

And in this dark and lightless environment, there are countless bloody lights the size of copper bells. Just as he was thinking about what they were, those eyes gathered with the bloody lights, allowing him to see their true appearance.

It was just at this time that he was terrified once in a while, his hands and feet trembling involuntarily: "What is this! How could it be so scary!?"

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