I have a hero dream

Chapter 141 The Battle of Rain and Wind

boom! ! !

The moment the city gate was broken, the people were all afraid, and then the bloody scene that Ning Tianyu saw was staged again.

Countless people could not escape the fate of being exterminated.

Zhao San, the transportation officer in the city, was stunned for a moment, seeing several strong warriors rushing towards him, before he could react, his limbs were torn to death by those people.

Shen Xuan, who was beside him, pretended to be calm to witness all this, but his hands and feet still couldn't help trembling, panic flashed across his pale face, and his clothes were wet on his back.

The soldiers in front of him were beaten and flew around like other people's dolls, but after a while, all the soldiers in the city were lying on the ground motionless.

The city behind him let out countless cries, and when he looked back, he saw a scene full of hell.

When he was dragged between his hands like a chicken by a soldier of the God of War Army, he was sent to Cao Shun, the big tent commander in the military camp in Han'an City.

Full of humiliation lingered on his face, but soon his face softened, and his eyes shone with glory despite defeat.

But the next moment he was so angry that he wanted to punch and kick that person like a beast.

Because he saw behind Cao Shun there were several shirtless strong men dragging a man with a rope into the sight of everyone.

But that beautiful woman's face was so familiar to Shen Xuan, because that person was his wife.

Moreover, there were many crimson bloodstains on the other party's body, his complexion was extremely haggard, his snow-white skin could be broken through the many holes in his clothes, and the huge twin peaks were even faintly displayed.

"Cao Shun, you are not human...you are not human, why did you do such a thing to my wife?

Even if you win, why...why still! ! "

Hearing this, Cao Shun just glanced coldly at the two soldiers behind him, and said in a punitive manner: "Hmph! What did you guys do to him? Deduct this month's salary and go down to receive [-] army sticks. Don't do it again in the future."

But in Shen Xuan's view, this did not make the anger in his heart subside, but intensified, because this so-called punishment was just playing tricks on him, and now he wished to eat his flesh and drink his Blood.

He kept wanting to let go of the man's hand and go to Madam's side to comfort her, but in the hands of the other party's mighty force, it still seemed too small.

The two soldiers didn't seem to admit their mistakes at all, but whistled at the half-dead beauty, and looked at the other's plump body with sinister eyes again.

Then the two were extremely reluctant to leave, this time Shen Xuan finally broke free from the man's hand, and then drew a sharp sword from his waist to attack the two men.

But they saw through his actions as if they had eyes growing out of the back of their head, and then they both turned around, put him down simply and neatly, and then stared at him intently, their vicious eyes caught Shen Xuan who was in a rage It was like being splashed with cold water.

There was a twitch on that old face, but completely irrational, he still wanted to continue to resist like a hot-blooded youth, but after several consecutive fists that made him unable to resist.

He shrank cowardly, covered his chest with his hands and rolled over and over again, the pain pierced his heart, and the strength in his already old body gradually disappeared, and the determination in his eyes that wanted to kill the other party dimmed all of a sudden. .

Those two people saw each other's face, and then they both laughed and left.

Cao Shun was not interested in this. After all, the battle has been won now, and in terms of the attitude of winning a war, every leader is like this way of doing things, of course there are a few exceptions.

After all, in this era, death is like nothing, everyone is a pawn, and no one knows when they will die.

After Cao Shun looked at the old man on the ground, he didn't continue to watch, but asked people to stare at the two people, and then left with his hands behind his back.

Ning Tianyu is so indifferent to the countless casualties nowadays, because he knows that it is normal for people to die, as long as they have the strength, they have a chance to save their lives.

With more and more corpses on the ground, Han'an City is destined to be peaceful this night, but more of it is mourning, and the name of Cao Shun after this war will resound throughout the earth, and Jin Guo is also completely at this moment. rose up.

It's a pity that this rise and fall was short-lived, because it was only a short period of 23 years.

The small countries among the countless remnants are very optimistic about this Cao Shun, and in order to fight against the Heavenly Sword Dynasty, they unite together to launch a final resistance. Of course, the leader of the company is Cao Shunlai.

In their eyes, if this person came to sit in this position, there would be a great chance of killing this great country, but they still underestimated this great country with extraordinary background.

So much so that the final result was real destruction, but Cao Shun, as the leader of the alliance, didn't have the slightest carelessness, but in the eyes of the big country Tianjian Dynasty, after all, his Taoism was still too tricky.

In just a dozen years, the Heavenly Sword Dynasty has recovered [-]% to [-]% of its vitality, and there are more and more talents, and the army is getting bigger and bigger. Even the heroes of the rivers and lakes at that time also joined this camp.

This can be said to be even more powerful for the period when the talents of the Heavenly Sword Dynasty were almost exhausted.


With the end of the battle in Han'an City, the environment around Ning Tianyu changed again. It was a plain with only two top swordsmen standing straight.

These two people can be said to be two generations of legendary sword gods at the beginning of the establishment of the Jianghu, and they are also biological brothers, but they have different ideas, thus forming two major sword sects in the Jianghu, but they have been in opposition for a long time, and they often fight. The kind that kills.

Every time a shot is made, there will be a terrifying bloody battle in the rivers and lakes.

On the left is a single name of rain, and on the right is a single name of wind.

Both of them remained motionless in place, but their eyes were piercingly looking at each other like sharp swords, and they were both old rivals.

Not far from these two people, Ning Tianyu was witnessing this terrifying battle. He didn't know who these two people were?But from the two of them, they felt the strong breath that surpassed the blood shadow.

And now he still feels an intuition that if he is still here, he may die, but he knows that everything in the environment cannot hurt himself.

It's just that the pain I feel inside will feel the same when I come out, but it's not to the point of dying.

The sword god named Feng held the hilt tightly, but he still didn't move at all. He just used his thoughts to communicate. When he expressed his consciousness with these words: "Yu, if it's not you who die today, it's me Death."

The sword god named Zuo Yu was not very surprised, but felt that this was normal: "Feng, that's exactly what he meant. After today, only one of us can bear the title of strongest sword god."

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