I have a hero dream

Chapter 140 Changes in mood

Cao Shun's eyes widened, he looked at the man in the city: "Is this your trump card?

It seems that I really underestimated you, but you can only have this strength. "

Quickly regaining his composure, he directed to the God of War army in front, and ordered: "All soldiers charge with me."

At this time, he was not afraid of the Fengshen boulder chariot that had shown off just now, but was ready to launch a full-scale attack with all his might.

Shen Xuan's eyes were full of seriousness, because since he had just activated this secret weapon, he thought he still had a chance to breathe, but now it seems that the other party obviously didn't give him any time at all.

With a somewhat sullen face, he had nothing to do. Although he had seen the power of the Fengshen Cobblestone Chariot just now, he didn't think it could withstand the thousands of troops in front of him.

Zhao San, who was beside him, saw that the secret weapon he activated could actually cause such a large number of casualties to the enemy, his face was filled with joy, and Shen Xuan noticed his excitement.

With a sigh in his heart, he put all his previous uneasy doubts behind him, because he knew that this was the time to inspire, not to worry.

Shen Xuan said loudly: "Soldiers of Han'an City, have you seen it?

The enemy's God of War army is not invincible, and it can still be killed by our army's secret weapon.

And this is exactly the artifact given to me by Shen Xuan during my pilgrimage, and it is also the divine power to help the soldiers.

As long as I, Shen Xuan, are still here, I won't let them break the city. "

After all this was said, the soldiers whose morale was low seemed to be infected by the coach's words at this moment.

They are no longer soldiers who want to retreat, but people who want to defend their homeland.

Shen Xuan said again: "Kill them outsiders, so that Jin Kingdom will never invade our country."


All the soldiers shouted to the sky with blood red eyes.

Cao Shun, who was leading the army to charge, was taken aback for a moment, and he thought to himself, "It's really not easy, but that's all."

Each of the 1000 million God of War troops possessed extraordinary strength. Under the leadership of Cao Shun, they attacked Han'an City with all their strength.

And everyone can fight a hundred with one, and they still have the advantage in numbers, which puts even more pressure on the people in Han'an City.

Although Han'an City is extremely strong, it is only a little beaten for these warriors with medium strength.

Wave after wave of attacks became more and more fierce, Shen Xuan in the city called Zhao San to use the Fengshen round stone cart, but obviously it was of no avail.

Because the damage is too small, each time the energy is charged, it only hurts less than a few hundred people in the enemy army.

Moreover, Shen Xuan felt that the Fengshen cobblestone car was not invincible, and because it had not been driven for a long time, this also caused the equipment inside to fluctuate very unstable.

Shen Xuan was extremely disturbed because he saw that the casualties of the army were getting heavier and heavier: "Is the sky going to kill me? Although I knew that such a day would come, it won't be so soon."

The 100 million soldiers became more and more overwhelmed under the onslaught of the Jin army, and because of the new force, the casualties were almost 300:1.

It was only one day when the actual war started, and most of the soldiers in Han'an City were killed or injured overnight.

Shen Xuan did not expect this number at all, but it was more shocking. Although he said inspiring words, it seems that no amount of words will be of any use in the hearts of the soldiers.

The medical team was under great pressure to treat, but in the end it was futile, because their opponent was not an ordinary army, but the rising Jin State, plus its 1000 million elite war god army, it was extremely terrifying.

The state of Jin, which has always been indifferent to mountains and rivers, unexpectedly cultivated such a large-scale army one day, and its strength is also extremely extraordinary. Even Ning Tianyu, who has been observing the battle, was terrified.

But during this day, his state of mind felt extraordinary, and it was also greatly benefited, and this did not allow his future growth to reach the sky.

This battle in Han'an City can be said to be a settled situation, and the odds of winning have been divided.

Moreover, Cao Shun obviously didn't give the opponent any chance to rest. Although he had been fighting for a day, the God of War army didn't look tired at all.

On the contrary, everyone in Han'an City was like lambs, constantly being bitten by these fierce tigers, without any chance to fight back.

The number of damages in Han'an City was still increasing, and at this moment, the Fengshen cobblestone cart was also scrapped. At this moment, the others did not notice Shen Xuan's decadent and decades-old appearance at all.

Instead, they kept struggling, but everyone's face was full of despair. Under the absolute force, they didn't even have a chance to beg for mercy.

Shen Xuan's face was pale and frightening: "Sure enough, you still lost? Your Majesty, you already knew that there would be such a day! But even if the city is broken, I don't blame you, because I know my destiny is like this.

I was originally a decadent person, but I have no regrets to lead the soldiers of Han'an City. "

Cao Shun became more and more ruthless in his killing. He was not bad at all, and he had already come to the city. Looking at the old man in the depths, he knew that the opponent had surrendered, and this battle made him famous.

As for the Heavenly Sword Dynasty, which claims to be sweeping the world and is invincible, it is actually called a crumbling and completely scrapped power under the rumors and rumors.

After the war, Cao Shun didn't have any compassion, and directly ordered the word "slaughter the city". It's just that before that, there were still soldiers under the God of War who could do cruel things that no one could tolerate.

That is like a bandit who rapes first and then kills. The men have no power to resist, watching their loved ones being brutally raped in front of them, and the old, weak, women and children are not spared.

Ning Tianyu once again experienced the scene of hell in the Asura field, and his state of mind unexpectedly improved rapidly, and he also really felt that he had no strength and could only be mermaid.

And he is no longer the boy who longed for the rivers and lakes back then, but a man who sees through the rivers and lakes and battlefields.

He knows that only he stands up in this era, so the real world and the real battlefield will eventually be changed by him.

And a new era will eventually be opened by him. The Heavenly Sword Dynasty has long been corrupted to the extreme, and troubled times are about to emerge, and this terminator is Ning Tianyu alone.

How does a hero turn around in the rivers and lakes and the world?And still get out of the way.

The pain involved is incomprehensible, and this Ning Tianyu will also give up everything.

He used to be very strange in the eyes of his old friends, even Ning Yunfeng, who was an old opponent, couldn't see it through at all, and of course this also included the shadow of blood who called him brothers and sisters.

It's just that the two of them who saw him growing up felt extremely heartbroken. These two are the people in the mirror, Yun Qingyu.

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