I have a hero dream

Chapter 111 Ji Ling

Yuanbao Town.

The three major gangs were wiped out, and some townspeople who hadn't escaped thought that they would usher in a good day, but it turned out that otherwise, Xuedao Village, which had been secretly waiting for an opportunity, became the final winner.

He changed from a mountain overlord to a town lord. This sudden change did not make Murong Xuan unacceptable. On the contrary, he was so happy that he took the bandits under his command to take over here, of course his right-hand man Yu Ming was among them.

The townspeople, who were a little nervous, saw the death of the tiger and the appearance of the pack of wolves. They didn't expect the final result to be like this.

There are only about [-] townspeople left in Yuanbao Town. Although they didn't have any good feelings for the blood knife village that stole the town's owner, they had no choice but to obey.

And this Yuanbao Town also ushered in a brand new set of rules, which was also rewritten by Xuedao Village and used by them.

The life of 10 people is more tormented than before, like slaves, often doing coolies, all food is not bought with money, but distributed.

Murong Xuan asked Yu Ming to rectify the order in Yuanbao Town and appointed him as the deputy town master. Although this is a bit overkill, but after all, there is no one available now, so it has to be like this.

After three months, Yuanbao Town gradually became more organized, and many people began to accept this distribution rule.

They knew that food could only be obtained by labor or death.

Murong Xuan was not idle either, he set up a patrol team with some of his cronies to prevent the people from rebelling in Yuanbao Town, and to establish a sound law and order.

In addition to establishing a system with clear rewards and punishments, of course, since there are less than 3000 people left, the results can only be rough.

Of course, there are still some merchants who have not left, and this led him to let him go to Yuanbao Town to slowly return it to the right track, some taverns, inns, drug management, armory and so on.

Of course, everything you want to get in it is in exchange for food.

As for the money in Yuanbao Town, all the money in Yuanbao Town was looted by Murong Xuan, and some merchants took 20.00%.

But this is also a lot, adding up to [-] gold, and he also sent one of his cronies, who are more diplomatic, to entrust him to Nanding City to buy what he needs.

Now, Murong Xuan knows what his team lacks?He also knew that it would be easy to manage this place well with his Blood Knife Village, but if there were any outsiders.

The strength of resistance is almost very small, it can be said that there is no resistance.

So he first put his 3000 men and horses to eat the best meat for three meals a day, and stepped up training to increase the body's resistance, and bought a lot of medicine, weapons, and some common martial arts cheats.

And he is in the town lord's mansion, in the martial arts training ground, in addition to often practicing sword skills and the remaining cheats of other gangs.

Various departments were also specially set up, such as the patrol force responsible for public security, the guard force responsible for food, the financial personnel responsible for guarding money, and so on.

Due to the destruction of the three major gangs, most of the weapons, armors, and cheats in it showed signs of being destroyed, so only some useful things can be obtained from it, of course there are very few in it.

But this can be regarded as a great contribution to the Blood Knife Village, but all these ideas were thought up by Yu Ming, and Murong Xuan only agreed with them and established them.

As for the looted money, there are still some remaining cheats, weapons, armor, etc., which also strengthened the main personnel of the Blood Knife Village.

The gray-haired Murong Xuan was sitting in the center of the training ground, with a big knife inlaid with green gemstones beside him, and in front of him were some ordinary cheat books, as well as the secret books of the three major gangs in Yuanbao Town, the Flying Eagle Gang. Boxing, there are dozens of pictures here.

Murong Xuan fell into deep thought, constantly fantasizing about how to govern here in the future, and how to deal with those outsiders, and then realized that his own strength is still too weak, so he decided not to waste any time: "The three major gangs Annihilation can be said to have allowed me to obtain the greatest benefits, but it is a pity that my cultivation base and the strength of the blood knife village are still too small.

It is very likely that any outsider stronger than me will invade, and this Yuanbao Town will be owned by the other party. Wouldn't this be a failure!

It seems that I have to hurry up to practice. I hope Ah Guo can hurry up and buy a lot of pills, so that I can quickly improve my cultivation and increase my physical resistance. "

After finishing speaking, Murong Xuan began to practice day after day, but I still think of that annoying little ghost in my mind (here refers to the protagonist Ning Tianyu.)

Ning Tianyu, Ning Yunfeng, Ren Jue, Ning Xiaowan and others who came to Nanding City did not know that Xuedao Village had taken over Yuanbao Town, and a series of earth-shaking changes had taken place inside.


Valkyrie tomb, deep.

The five petrified strongmen felt the two auras fighting against them far away, and a stone statue located in one corner unexpectedly made a few 'clicks' inconceivably.

Then it started to vibrate, but after a while, the petrification on his body was slowly falling off, and soon a right arm with exquisite iron armor was exposed. There was an extremely powerful suction in that hand, and between the five fingers And with unusual energy.

It's as if casually pointing out that everything in front of me will disappear from this world forever.

After a long time, after all the petrified things on his body fell off, his complete body was revealed.

I saw the man wearing a black ghost mask on his head, 1.6 meters tall, wearing a light green samurai uniform, with a red rose pattern embroidered on his chest, and an ancient famous utensil 'Silver Ghost' hanging on his waist Knife'.

He loosened the bones of his body, then turned his head to look at the four stone statues on the side, and then his eyes paused for a while, then he ignored it, but when he was about to leave, he said: "I can't think of one of them being reincarnated." It's been a long time, but these two people can meet again? It's incredible.

The four of you sleep here slowly!Wait for my news. "

The four powerhouses who originally wanted to break free from petrification fell into a deep sleep again after hearing the words.

The samurai who had just awakened was one of the warrior gods back then, and he was also a legendary figure of a generation, and the world called him the sword god, and his name was Ji Ling.

Because his sword techniques emerge in endlessly, each knife is unpredictable, as long as he shows it casually, the world will change color, the wind is strong, the waves are rough, the lightning and thunder are thunderous, and the destructive power is also very amazing.

Xue Ying and Ning Tianyu, who were in different places, didn't know at this time that one of the strong men had broken the seal on purpose in the tomb of the Martial God, just to find them.

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