I have a hero dream

Chapter 110 Pretend, Forbear

When the iron gate opened, twenty indigenous slaves had extremely ferocious faces, and their bodies were tightly enveloped by crimson gas.

Then the size actually began to change, until they turned into a big bear like a flame, and they swarmed up together, as if they wanted to strangle the guy in front of them.

Peng Wu, who was invited in just now, saw this scene. When he wanted to rush in, he saw a blue light flash in front of his eyes. Twenty native slaves were replaced by Huo Xiong as native slaves, and they fell to the ground one by one, unable to move. full of scars.

But standing behind them was Jiang Yiliang, who was completely unharmed. Peng Wu opened his mouth in surprise when he saw it, because he felt an aura of cultivation similar to his from the natives who would transform into fire bears.

But he also fell down after not being able to sustain a move on him. After seeing the opponent's strength, his decision became stronger. After seeing this prime minister whom he rarely met, he completely changed his impression of a series of scholarly temperament.

Then he reconfirmed in his mind that this is his true face.

Jiang Yiliang turned his back to him, so the other party didn't know what his face was like, but now he showed a conspiratorial smile, but soon this look disappeared, and he pretended to turn his head inadvertently.

When I first saw the other party, I was surprised, and then said meaningfully, as if he meant something: "Peng Butou, Jiang was warming up just now, so I didn't notice you. I'm sorry, I don't know Peng Butou this time. Did you change your mind when you came here! Or did you tell me something else?"

Peng Wu knew that if he didn't make a statement now, he might not even know how he died in the end. He hurried forward to express his position, and he didn't use a certain word to address himself, but he seemed very humble: "Prime Minister Jiang, Peng Wu came here this time to follow your instructions."

Jiang Yiliang laughed loudly, and then nasally pronounced the word 'oh'. He pretended to be surprised and said, "Oh? Sure enough, those who know current affairs are Junjie. Well, I won't treat you badly afterwards, don't worry."

When Peng Wu heard this, the dignity in his heart collapsed at this moment, and even his prestige as a heavenly headhunter seemed to have completely disappeared from his face.

When he still wanted to say something, the other party pretended to be a busy person and wanted to drive him away: "Since the matter is over, then I still have something to be busy. Please come back to Peng Boss."

Peng Wu choked back the words, said his farewell, and left, but he was very depressed, but after thinking about it, since the matter had been negotiated, he comforted himself, and hurriedly put these three horror scenes to rest. The murder was solved.

April [-]th was an extraordinary day.

Because today is the announcement of the results of three murders.

Dragon Lord Courtyard, in the study.

Emperor Ai's face was ferocious, and he was rarely furious, swearing, and like a mad dog, he knocked down all the bookshelves next to him.

Because just an hour ago, he received the results of the letters of the three murders, but when he read them, his face flashed a little confused, because it had the opposite effect to what he expected.

At this time, he really didn't expect that there would be a day when a sky-level headhunter would not listen to his orders.

That's what happened just now.

Emperor Ai knelt on the ground and kept beating the ground with his fists, revealing the upper and lower rows of teeth, biting his face, as if he wanted to drink Jiang Yiliang's blood and break half of his bones.

Because he hates this person, hates this person for depriving him of all his powers: "Damn, hate, hate, a heaven-level headhunter, and he doesn't listen to me! How can it be reasonable, what is he?

Jiang, Yi, Liang, I hate you, I am the Ninth Five-Year Supreme, and I will let you manipulate me, why!

Why didn't the emperor's ancestor do his best to help me get rid of him? Why? "

Emperor Ai is not an emperor who can only indulge in adultery in the harem, but a person who is very good at disguising since he was a child. He deceives everyone and makes them think that this is his own appearance, but it is not the case. Anyway, he is a very smart person. The emperor also has strong ambitions.

It's just that from the moment he succeeded to the throne, Jiang Yiliang's power was slowly emptied by Jiang Yiliang, not even a little bit left to him, so he has always hated this person, but the other party seems to treat him as a puppet.

He has also been playing this role, but he also recruits talents secretly, but because he is a playful emperor who ignores government affairs on the surface, this also leads to the fact that the number of talents he recruits is very small, which is pitifully small.

He is only 14 years old this year, but he is very forbearing. When all the scheming is hidden in his heart, and he can still keep his face, he often shows a very cowardly character in the eyes of others, even his father is no exception .

Emperor Ai vented all the anger that had been concealed in his heart at this moment. After a long time, he slowly calmed down, and soon became the cowardly emperor in the eyes of the outside world.

He glanced at the letter in his hand, chose to put it aside, and then chose to go to the backyard to fight crickets with some eunuchs.

Since he had been in the study room just now, and he had specially asked those servants and eunuchs to leave, no one knew about what happened just now, but he asked someone to clean the place and then left.

After the news of the three murders was released, some high-ranking ministers first knew about it, but the result was still a bit hard to accept.

Because the murderer turned out to be a quack, as for this quack, he didn't have a famous name, and no one knew what his motive was!

It's just that there was a scapegoat to take the blame, so this matter came to an end, but some ministers still discussed the murderer, and most of the focus was on the prime minister.

But of course these were all discussed behind the scenes, and there was no real confrontation at all, but even if someone wanted to do this, the result would indeed have to pay a heavy price.

So many people understood that the murderer was probably the prime minister, but no one identified it, and gradually this matter was covered up by some trivial matters.

Although some people mentioned it, they just talked about it casually.

It is conceivable how terrifying Jiang Yiliang's power is. Even if someone knows that he did it, no one dares to put his finger on it.

As a prime minister, he can turn the court upside down with a single gesture of his hand, and no one resists. This is the government, and the intrigue among court officials, if they are involved casually, their lives are in danger.

This also let many people know the confession of the head arrester, after all, he is the one in charge.

So there is no one in this world who is not afraid of death. This death can release the deepest part of human nature. Driven by interests, no matter how strong a person is, he will collapse.

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