The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 997 Demon League: How can I not know, so what!

Chu Hao chuckled lightly,

"Could it be that in your eyes, I am a big devil who is addicted to killing and takes pleasure in killing? Of course not!"

Chu Hao asked and answered with one hand, instantly prevented the demon league from harming him, and predicted the demon league's slander.

Everyone in the Demon League looked at each other, panicking,

Although they couldn't tell that Chu Hao was a god-like figure, the panic in their eyes had clearly shown their fear of Chu Hao.

The Demon King Peng didn't dare to say much, and he knelt down at Chu Hao's feet in another traditional classic pounce, and hugged Chu Hao's thigh,

Peng Demon King begged and shouted:

"Emperor, please forgive us, our Demon League really never thought of doing evil! We just want to have a shelter, we don't want to die!"

"We swear that we will never cause trouble for the emperor. If the emperor is angry with those who offended the emperor before, you can scold me and kick me. As long as you don't kill me, you can do whatever you want!"

Peng Demon King's second-turn power, he didn't dare to be presumptuous in front of Chu Hao, and the Dafa of begging for mercy was so proficient that it made people feel distressed.

Not only the Demon King Peng, but everyone in the Demon League became more sensible after being dealt with by Chu Hao before.

One by one lay on the ground, posing as if they were willing to be killed or cut, dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water.

Chu Hao twitched the corners of his mouth, his head was full of black lines,

"Get up, I'm not here to find fault."

The faces of the members of the Demon League showed humble and joking expressions.

Demon King Peng showed a flattering smile on his face:

"Really? I don't believe it."

"And we all feel more comfortable cowardly."

Everyone in the Monster League behind also had forced smiles on their faces. If they could really stand up, who would really like to admit cowardice?

Chu Hao sighed and said helplessly:

"Okay, stop pretending, I know you are unwilling."

"As a strong monster from the monster clan, Xitian arranged for him to be placed in a dark and damp cave, and was humiliated by them. You should have seen through Xitian's lies a long time ago, right?"

"Western Paradise has never had a precedent for monsters becoming Buddhas and ancestors. The background in Western Paradise is the most important thing. When you go to the world of pure glass, your only end is to be slaves."

"Like that Bailian boy, although he has no long body, but he is a saint boy, even the Tathagata Buddha will give him three points."

While Chu Hao was talking, the faces of everyone in the Demon League were filled with pain and unwillingness.

Hu Jiao gritted his teeth even more, lowered his head, his eyes were full of anger, "How can I not know, so what!"

They are not fools, even if Chu Hao didn't say anything, they have already realized such a cruel reality.

All beings are equal, it's just bullshit!

The becoming a Buddha and ancestor that Xitian promised that day was nothing more than a carrot hanging in front of the heads of these monsters.

If they really went to Jingliuli World, there is a high probability that they will only be tied to the stone mill and chase carrots for the rest of their lives.

Even, the treatment of donkeys may be better, because the monster race is not as good as animals in the eyes of the Buddha of the Western Paradise.

However, although the faces of the members of the Demon League were ashamed and angry, they lowered their heads full of pain and compromise,

"Even if we know, what can we do?"

Everyone in the Demon League turned from shame and anger to sadness and desolation.

Peng Demon King even laughed at himself:

"Perhaps you, Monarch, feel that our Demon League is really spineless and lacking in ambition. Facing the oppression of Xitian, we actually directly surrendered."

"And we are indeed doing this, because we have no choice. Fate is born to be unfair to us. The Yaozu is now the end of the world."

"We didn't even dare to resist. When the people from Xitian found me that day and asked me to establish the Demon League, I already knew what would happen today, but we had no choice."

"The emperor laughed at me, the leader of the demon alliance, I, the Great Sage Wang Peng Demon King, is indeed a cowardly, incompetent, opportunistic little person,"

"Although the Monster League has gathered so many monsters, I still know that the Monster League is just as small as a mayfly in the world, and we dare not even resist."

While Peng Mowang was speaking, there was a bitter self-mockery on his face, and the pain in his eyes was even more painful.

But his words are so humble and flattering, without the majesty of a second-turn quasi-sage at all.

When everyone in the Demon League heard Peng Demon King say this, they all gritted their teeth and clenched their fists.

They all want to roar out, saying that Yaozu is not a coward, and they will never admit that Yaozu is really that low-level creature!


They kept their mouths shut after all.

Resistance is simple to say, but the price to be paid is incomparably huge, so big that they can't bear it, and it's so big that a man as violent and straightforward as Hu Jiao has to bend his waist and lower his head.

They just want to live, live!

Right now they have absolutely no chance to resist, they have already understood this point,

And to understand this, what you have paid is the endless oppression that the monster race has suffered since the end of the Primordial Lich War,

Their parents and ancestors told them this with their lives.

Yaozu has been completely lonely.

Chu Hao frowned, but shook his head lightly,

"Of course I won't laugh at you, not only that, but I also want to help you."

The Peng Demon King was overjoyed and grabbed the words,

"Could it be that the emperor's law enforcement hall is willing to take us in?"

What everyone in the Demon League showed on their faces at this moment was humble begging for pity, but also desolate self-pity.

They have also heard of the Law Enforcement Hall, and they all know how powerful the Law Enforcement Hall is, but they never dared to imagine joining the Law Enforcement Hall,

Those who considered themselves unclean did not dare to desecrate the hall of Fangzhengdao, so they knew that they had no choice when they received the invitation from Jingliuli World.

However, they also hoped that Chu Hao would show mercy and recruit them to the Law Enforcement Hall for the sake of being bullied.

However, Chu Hao was merciless and shook his head coldly,

"I don't want to, at least you are not worthy of my shelter."

"Some of you have lived since the prehistoric times, and you all remember the glory of the ancient heaven,"

"There is glory in death, there is no disgrace in life!"

"I will give you the opportunity to join the vanguard of the law enforcement hall. You will be respected and survive and develop. It depends on whether you are useful or not."

As soon as Chu Hao said this, everyone in the Monster League looked at each other in blank dismay.

They are not stupid, they seem to have guessed the direction of Chu Hao's words, I'm afraid, they want to stab Liuli World cleanly.

Seeing that everyone in the Demon League was in hesitation, Chu Hao also shrugged.

"The opportunity is in front of you, to be a donkey in the Jingliuli world, or to be a soldier in the Law Enforcement Hall, choose one."

"Discuss it with yourself, and wait for the day when the gate of Jingliuli World opens, and give me the answer there."

Everyone in the Demon League still looked at each other in blank dismay, not daring to say anything, but there was already a wordless madness flashing in their eyes.

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