The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 996 Chu Hao: Holy Pill, then this evil must be done!

[The Demon League's chaos guide|fire|cable, I will ignite it myself!

[Mission: Get rid of the mentality of the powerhouses of the Demon League, so that they have enough resentment towards Xitian.

[Reward: [-] pieces of standard Houtian Lingbao, [-] merits

Chu Hao frowned, and shook his head with emotion,

No way, why does this system want me to have a mentality every day?

I'm really just a slow-talking, kind and dull person, and I'm also a prison god who enforces law in the three realms. It's not good for me to do this, it's really not good.

[Remarks: After completing this task, a holy pill will be added to the prize pool.

[The prize pool currently has: Chaos Clock Fragment [-]

[The lottery draw for the prize pool will be completed after completing this side mission, please make persistent efforts

Chu Hao's eyes lit up instantly,

Ah, Shengxing Pill, then this evil is about to be committed!

Without saying a word, Chu Hao sneaked to the big mountain next to Baoxiang Kingdom.

Jiang III King Ming really didn't give face. After all, this is a temporary residence for the Demon League, but this mountain has no vitality at all.

The grass and trees are withered and yellow, and the corpses of birds and animals are everywhere. It is so barren that it should not be too miserable.

And the huge demon alliance, the twelve little demon gods, were all squeezed into a gloomy, damp, and even stinking underground cave!

Everyone in the Demon League has extremely unsightly faces, not only unsightly, but also wanting to kill someone!

Isn't this too humiliating? !

With the means of a fairy, a palace can be built with every gesture. Although it doesn't need to be gorgeous and beautiful, at least he has to look like something!

To everyone in the Demon League, this mountain is like a pigsty!

However, Ming Wang Jiang III didn't take it seriously, he still had a very gentle smile on his face, and said respectfully:

"Everyone, due to the rush of time, it is difficult to arrange the place to stay, please forgive me."

"After all, this place is adjacent to the Baoxiang Kingdom, so we can't make any big moves, otherwise we will alarm the mortals, lest we ruin the plan of Journey to the West.

Also please do not do it privately, otherwise it will easily mess up Journey to the West.In the past few days, I will deal with it first, and when I go to the Jingliuli World, I can enjoy the boundless beauty. "

King Ming Jiang III was actually looking for excuses, this place is a hundred miles away from Baoxiang Kingdom, even if they turn this mountain upside down, it has nothing to do with Baoxiang Kingdom.

But anyway, the Monster League is just some monsters, it doesn't matter where the monsters live, pigsty kennels, just live in some.

Of course, King Jiang III thought so mentally, so naturally he didn't say it out loud.

Everyone in the Demon League could also see Xi Tianming's negligence in secret, but they didn't expose it. After all, it was only a few days, but they could bear it.

This is a tacit understanding of arrogance and submission.

However, Boy Bailian didn't show mercy at all, and sneered:

"Anyway, your Monster League is just some monsters. It doesn't matter where the monsters live. It's just a pigsty and a kennel, as long as there are some monsters to live in."

"You still want to choose? You are also worthy? Ah bah!"

Jiang III King Ming: "..."

What I didn't say in my heart, you said it verbatim!

Everyone in the Monster League was so angry that they became irritable again,

Jiang III King Ming and Peng Demon King hurriedly pulled everyone together,

The Demon King Peng was full of kindness, and said with a smile:

"It's okay, it's just a few days anyway, we will deal with it soon."

"Yeah, it's nothing, we can accept it, and we will never cause trouble to everyone."

Peng Demon King is simply extremely humble, a generation of great powers, it is helpless to be reduced to this point.

King Jiang III breathed a sigh of relief,

"Please forgive me and wait for the good news."

Boy Bailian: "If I can't beat you, I think..."

King Jiang III rushed over, covered Tongzi Bailian's mouth,

"No! You don't want to!"

"Everyone, we leave!"

King Jiang III took Bailian boy and left with an embarrassed smile on his face.

After King Jiang III Ming and Boy Bai Lian left, the smile on Peng Demon King's face gradually settled and turned into madness.

Peng Demon King gritted his teeth, his teeth rattled, and he clenched his fists tightly.

"Too deceiving!!"

The members of the Demon League behind were even more restless, cursing frantically:

"We've had enough! Aren't they bullying our Demon League?!"

"I'm a tiger-flying dragon, a man of the sky. I have never been humiliated like this since I lived in the prehistoric times! You even threatened me by killing my monster clan!

In the ancient Heavenly Court back then, there was the glory of death, but no disgrace of life!So far, she is going to be insulted by a shameless little thief! "

"Damn it, they Xitian didn't pay attention to us at all, they treated us like animals | gave birth!"

"Damn it, it's really hateful, Demon King Peng, I can't help it anymore, I'd rather not go to some shit Jing Liuli World, I can't stand this kind of humiliation!"

"As brother Hujiao said, death is honor, and life is shame! He can let me die. If I receive his kindness, I should die for him, but I must not humiliate us like this!"

The Monster League has changed.

In the past, everyone in the Demon League still thought about what it would be like when they became Buddhas and ancestors, but after the Great Sun Tathagata and Guanyin Bodhisattva, as well as the current Bailian boy and King Jiang III,

They understood thoroughly that from top to bottom in Xitian, no one thought highly of Yaozu.

Those born in the wet, the ones with fur and horns, Xitian shouted that all beings are equal, but they will never give the Yaozu a little bit of equality!

Not only does not give the slightest equality, but also has contempt that goes deep into the soul!

No one in Xitian thinks highly of them, even the slick and sophisticated Ming King Jiang III doesn't seem to put the people of the Demon League in their eyes at all.

The Peng Demon King was full of bitterness,

"What can we do..."

"That's Xitian. They want to recruit us. They can't resist. If you resist, you will die. We have no choice."

Asked one sentence, everyone in the Monster League was dead silent, and everyone's faces were full of unwillingness, but they were speechless.

Everyone in the Demon League lowered their heads, their faces full of sadness.

The scene was dejected, but at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in the ears of everyone in the Demon League.

"There is glory in death, but there is no disgrace in life..."

"The courage of the ancient Heavenly Court is admirable. I only know that you have humiliated the former sages of the Yaozu."

When everyone in the Demon League was in despair, they suddenly turned pale with fright when they heard this voice.

He raised his head suddenly, but saw a white-clothed fairy standing in front of the monsters as if he was alone in the world,

Everyone in the Demon League was shocked, backed away in a panic, and bowed again and again,

"I've seen Emperor Gouchen!"

The Demon King Peng was so terrified that his face was extremely tense, and he took the initiative to stand in front of everyone in the Demon League, saying:

"What's the reason why the emperor is here? My brothers offended you before, and there is nothing wrong with it. I apologize on their behalf!"

"I also ask the emperor not to be guilty, and I guarantee that the demon alliance will never interfere with the heaven! Please spare me a way to survive!"

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