The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 993 Tathagata: Today's pain is over!

Before Guanyin Bodhisattva left, Tathagata Buddha was still a little worried and said:

"Pay attention to the movements of the Asuras and Demons, and report to me at any time!"

Tathagata Buddha always felt that they were brewing a catastrophe, especially Tathagata Buddha's right eyelid kept twitching,

The left eye jumps for wealth and the right eye jumps for disaster. The Tathagata Buddha is still very superstitious and feudal.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva salutes,


The Tathagata Buddha nodded, and with a wave of his hand, he saw five demon spirits flashing with aura and a gourd filled with merit and divine water flying towards Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Guanyin Bodhisattva looked puzzled, and then the gourd of Yaoyuan and Gongde Shenshui,

"Buddha, why is this?"

The Tathagata Buddha sighed,

"For the Journey to the West, there will definitely be troubles. Now that Xitian can't get out, you must appease him and make some contributions if necessary."


The Tathagata Buddha sighed deeply, his face full of vicissitudes.

He can handle the disasters of the evil world, but he still doesn't know how to deal with Chu Hao, so he can't keep blackmailing Chu Hao!

The Tathagata Buddha was insane, but he had no choice but to use the way of evasion to leave everything to Guanyin Bodhisattva,

After the merit pool skyrocketed, the Tathagata Buddha was still thinking about giving Guanyin Bodhisattva a boost so that she could continue to experience the hardships of Journey to the West.

Anyway, the Tathagata Buddha was unwilling to face Chu Hao. Although there was a slight suspicion of avoiding him, the Tathagata Buddha really didn't want to face it.

Guanyin Bodhisattva accepted the demon essence and merits, and respectfully said:


The Tathagata Buddha sighed,

"Okay, that's the end of today's pain, right? Let's go down."

Tathagata Buddha felt that he had received enough stimulation today,

The appetizer is the golden cicada being run over by Tang Sanzang's demonic energy, and the main meal is the collaboration between the Asura clan and the demon clan,

I'm full. I'm full.

can't eat anymore,

The Tathagata Buddha also breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Guanyin Bodhisattva seemed to have nothing to say.

However, Guanyin Bodhisattva looked at the Yaoyuan in his hand, and suddenly thought that he had given Yaoyuan to the Bone Demon before,

Guanyin Bodhisattva asked casually,

"By the way, the White Bone Essence came to Xitian to report before, but I don't know how it is now?"

The Great Leiyin Temple was completely silent.

After a long time, there was a question mark in charge of reception, Luohan Mantou, who stood up and said:

"Bone Essence, what Bone Essence?"



What's up, brother?

That's a bone spirit who took me a demon element and was promoted to Da Luo, who has a strange talent!

Guanyin Bodhisattva frowned and said:

"It's the bone spirit who accepted my Yaoyuan a few days ago and promised to come to Xitian to be a cow and a horse!"

"My Zizhu Forest still expects her to guard her, but she is a monster whose strength is as high as Daluo's!"

The arena fell into dead silence again.

The Arhat who was in charge of the reception twitched his mouth,

"Xi Tian has never seen any monsters, let alone a bone spirit in the Da Luo realm."

"Instead, I heard that there was an extra monster in the Great Luo Realm who went to the mortal world in the Law Enforcement Hall."

"Teacher, do you think again?"

Guanyin Bodhisattva froze in place, like five thunders hitting the top,

After a while, she finally understood,

"Run away, ya|'s collected the Yaoyuan and ran away!!!"

"I still ran to the law enforcement hall, I, Cao, poached the wall!"

The Ancestral Guanyin Bodhisattva scratched his head, his face full of disbelief and distress. If nothing else, he was really abducted by the law enforcement hall!

The Tathagata Buddha saw this, his face was full of bitterness, and then he raised his head in pain,

Ah~ Dessert after dinner.

Caring, or our Guanyin master caring!

Three bad news, first small, then big, then calm,

From appetizers to main meals to desserts, they arranged for me clearly.

"Okay, okay, let's go down, today's pain is over."

The Tathagata Buddha waved his hand and slumped on his seat exhaustedly.

He remembered that when he escaped from the evil world of five turbidities, he planned to come up and take a rest,

Well now, double the pain!

Daleiyin Temple was bleak, but the eyes of the three thousand Buddhas each had a hint of excitement.

They seem to have seen the rise of the Great Leiyin Temple!

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva had a panoramic view of all the Buddhas, and a trace of pity rose in his heart, but it was quickly cut away.

Guanyin Bodhisattva retreated, and quickly used the influence of Xitian in Xiniu Hezhou to announce the decision of Tathagata Buddha.

In just a few days, the entire Xiniu Hezhou fell into an extremely crazy hell:

People whose families are so poor that they can’t open their mouths are required to go to the temple to burn incense and pay respects to the Buddha every day, and they are also required to voluntarily contribute money to the merit box.

Even if they can't donate a little money, they have to sell their wives and children, and serve as slaves to the temple, begging for tolerance.

As a monk in the temple, he is crazy. In the past, he could only kidnap morally or threaten with Buddhist words.

But now with this Buddhist teaching, even if you go to the streets to grab it, there is no problem at all!

Everyone has to come here voluntarily to contribute merit money, and even more so to burn incense!

If you are not voluntary, you are disrespecting the Buddha and slandering the Buddhadharma.

Severing arms, cutting out tongues and gouging out eyes... There is no law, free play.

The monks in the temple have become the power holders, unscrupulous, more people are willing to become monks, and more people are afraid of being squeezed.

The entire Xiniu Hezhou fell into a state of panic among the people, and everyone was squeezed out of fear...

And, this is just the beginning,

In the beginning, it was only implemented in some areas, and the number of beneficiaries and oppressed has not yet widened.

So there is a lot of grievances, but there are also a lot of laughter. After all, I have lived in Xiniu Hezhou for a long time, and there is nothing I have never seen.

However, with the passage of time, more wonderful things happened.

Of course, this matter will be more fermented.


But it said that it was over the country of Baoxiang.

The powerhouses of the Demon League just died at the Boyue Cave, and were humiliated by Guanyin Bodhisattva and Dari Tathagata.

Although he didn't continue in the end, he was stopped by the Peng Demon King.

But everyone in the Yaomeng was still very upset, and they kept cursing on the way here.

"Damn Xitian, you dog, you are too bullying!"

"Damn it, if Dainichi Tathagata hadn't been too powerful at that time, I would have let that stinky girl, Guanyin Bodhisattva, know how powerful I am!"

"Hmph, I hope that Xitian can get acquainted and let us go to the Jingliuli world as soon as possible. I must let the Jingliuli world be under the control of our demon alliance!"

"Extremely extreme, it is our responsibility to clean the glazed world!"

"I hope the Buddha who will receive us later will know how to restrain himself. Otherwise, there will be no Da Ri Tathagata to take care of us this time. I will let him know how to write dead characters!"

Everyone in the Monster League cursed one by one.

Suddenly, in front of the sky where the Monster League was advancing, a boy in white appeared, it was the boy Bailian!

Boy Bailian sized up everyone in the Demon League,

Contemptuously popped out a sentence,

"The generation who hatches from wetness!"

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