The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 992 The temple forcibly set up a merit box, and the monks doubled the incense money

The three thousand Buddhas are still guessing what method Tathagata Buddha will use to fight against the Asuras and Demons, but most of them think that they should send more Buddhas to fight against the demons.

It's even normal to ask Heaven for help. Of course, one needs to be thick-skinned and Heaven is benevolent.

After all, the evil world of the five turbidities has always been the territory of the Western religion, and an agreement has been signed long ago, and the Western Paradise must protect the evil world of the five turbidities.

As for whether the Tathagata Buddha will blame Chu Hao, it is also very difficult. After all, it was in the evil world of the five turbidities before that he did not follow the rules and attacked hell and the nine heavenly prisons.

If you think about it this way, the normal Tathagata Buddha should try his best to send more Buddhas to fight against evil spirits.

However, Tathagata Buddha stared at the void and said slowly:

"Nowadays, the world is in chaos, and evil spirits are rising. I hang down the curtain from the western sky and live on one side alone, fighting against evil spirits in the evil world of five turbidities."

"However, this matter should also let the common people in the world know the merits of my Xitian, and let the common people in the world work together to defeat the evil spirits."

"I, Xiniu Hezhou people, don't be greedy and don't kill, and cultivate energy and potential spirit. Although it is true, everyone has a long life. It's time for them to put in some effort.

Let everyone in Xiniu Hezhou know that from now on, temples will forcefully set up merit boxes, and monks will receive double the incense money! "

"The more incense you have, the more merit you will have for defeating evil spirits. This is the blessing of Shanda, and the blessing of deep sea!"

"Those who enter the temple with high incense will bless them, and those who do not burn the incense of the temple will be disrespectful to the Buddha!

Anyone who refuses to obey is slandering Buddhism and humiliating Buddhism. They should be dealt with according to the rules of Xiniu Hezhou! "

Tathagata Buddha's words are dealt with according to the rules, with a vague murderous look,

All Buddhas know what is meant in this statement.

Xiniu Hezhou has never had any etiquette at all. All the existing rules are interpreted by monks from the Buddhist scriptures.

The Sutra of Infinite Life says: "If you are not alive, you will not attain the correct enlightenment, but you will only get rid of the five evils and slander the correct Dharma."

The Pure Land Theory said: "The scriptures say: the five rebellious sinners will fall into the Avici Great Hell, and they will suffer all serious crimes. Slandering righteous people will fall into the Avici Great Hell.

If this kalpa is over, go back to the Avici Great Hell in the other direction, and go through hundreds of thousands of Avici Great Hells like this. The Buddha does not remember the time of departure, so the crime of slandering the righteous Dharma is extremely serious. "

Therefore, according to what the Tathagata Buddha said, when you enter a temple, you have to burn the temple’s high incense, and you have to donate money to the merit box.

Otherwise, it is a trip to Avici Hell.

One more pillar of incense, one more merit, one more donation, one more Dharma.

It's that straightforward.

The three thousand Buddhas instantly understood what the Tathagata Buddha was trying to do.

Tathagata Buddha intends to promote the powerhouse of Xitian, and to make Xitian's cutting-edge combat power stronger again!Let Xitian be great again!

The merits and virtues of the Xitian Gongde Pool all come from the vows and merits of the living beings in Hezhou, Xiniu.

Although it is said that Xiniu Hezhou has completely banned any other culture and any religion, only Buddhism exists.

But not all people will take the initiative to contribute meritorious deeds, especially recently, whether it is the invasion of the Tang Dynasty or the backlash of the Asura tribe,

It all made Xiniu Hezhou's contribution to the merits of the vows less.

However, the Tathagata Buddha's method is basically to force all people to donate their vows and merits!

Moreover, it is a powerful squeeze method. If you go in, you have to donate money and burn high incense. If you don't go in, you will slander Buddhism and humiliate Buddhism.

The high-pressure compulsory contribution of willingness to merit will definitely increase the merit of the entire merit pool in a short period of time!

And this is what the Tathagata Buddha wants. It is necessary to enhance Xitian's cutting-edge strength so that Xitian can deal with all enemies once and for all.

As for the only ones paying the price, that is the people of Xiniu Hezhou.

However, this is the best choice discovered by Tathagata Buddha after calculation.

Now the three thousand Buddhas in the Western Paradise have suffered major injuries under the high-pressure battle.

And recently, Jingliuli World has to take in a group of strong monsters from the Monster League, which is not a weak force, but it needs to tame their strength.

Moreover, there were attacks from the Asuras and demons before, and there were endless threats from Journey to the West afterward.

Xitian must become stronger, everything will be solved easily.

In the eyes of the Tathagata Buddha, simply sending the Buddha to fight the evil spirits is completely demolishing the east wall to make up for the west wall, which is not good for the Western Heaven.

It would be better to let the believers in Xiniu Hezhou voluntarily contribute more merits and merits to make the Buddha in Xitian stronger.

This is much simpler,

No buddha has to run around, no buddha gets hurt,

As for the life and death of that mortal, what does it have to do with Xi Tian?

Leeks are inexhaustible.

The three thousand Buddhas understood the meaning of the Tathagata Buddha in an instant, all the Buddhas laughed, their faces were full of excitement,

"Good, good, what the Buddha did is really a great kindness!"

"Yes, there are still some beings in Xiniu Hezhou who are stupid, slander the truth, don't understand the essence of my practice, and neglect the authenticity of Yoga."

"It's time to let them understand the mysteries of my Dharma and contribute to justice!"

"Hahahahaha, Nanwu Great Flame Buddha, congratulations, hahahaha..."

"We are happy together. We haven't been promoted for many years. Now if we can get more meritorious waters and have the destiny to exterminate evil spirits, it will be considered a merit!"

The [-] Buddhas in the arena all laughed happily, each with tacit joy in their eyes.

Because they are very clear that what the Tathagata Buddha has done will ultimately benefit the three thousand Buddhas.

The top strength of the entire Xitian will benefit, and the only ones who need to pay are the believers of Xiniu Hezhou,

But in their view, this is not called giving at all, it is called dedication, it is called Buddhism,

They donate merits to suppress demons and fight against evil. As believers who are guarded by Xitian, it is normal for them to make a little contribution!

But only Guanyin Bodhisattva frowned and said:

"But, if that's the case, I'm afraid there will be chaos in Xiniu Hezhou!"

"If those unruly people are reactionary, I'm afraid the foundation will be shaken."

In Guanyin Bodhisattva's true heart, there was a trace of pity, but it disappeared in a flash. Years of Dharma made her very clear that it was slandering Dharma and could not exist.

Tathagata Buddha's eyes were indifferent, and he said loudly:

"I have made up my mind, and there is no need to say more. The people of Xiniu Hezhou should respect heaven and Buddha, and contribute some merit. It is their good fortune and cannot be resisted."

"In addition, if there is a reaction, there will be demons who will lure them to Avici Hell."

Guanyin Bodhisattva nodded and didn't say much.

After all, according to what Tathagata Buddha said, the ones who benefit the most must be those Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in the lineage of Tathagata Buddha.

As for whether the Tathagata Buddha's move was a bit of a waste of money, drawing salary from the bottom of the pot, the worst would be to cut off the people. After a hundred years, he will be a good people who neither greed nor kill, and nourish their energy and potential.

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