The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 989 Where did the monster come from, it looks so like Master!

Bai Hua took two steps back in embarrassment and fear,

"Elder, be normal, I'm afraid."

What the hell, who is the monster?

This Tang Sanzang looks a bit problematic, he can't really be a Cao thief, can he?

Fearing that Tang Sanzang would be tough, Bai Hua hurriedly explained:

"It doesn't matter, my father has no sons and only gave birth to me three sisters. If you read this book, you will be able to think of me."

"Besides, I don't dare to leave. That monster is cruel by nature and violent for no reason. He will come back soon. If he sees that I'm not here, he might go and slaughter our country."

Tang Sanzang raised his eyebrows and said angrily:

"He dares! Wait for the poor monk to invite my eldest disciple, Kong Kong, and kill him! I'll take you back again!"

Bai Hua took half a step back in embarrassment and fear,

"No, monk, can you stop staring at me all the time, uphold justice and uphold justice, don't even think about taking me away, okay?"

Kui Mulang watched in the dark with his veins bulging,

"This Tang Sanzang, isn't it the reincarnation of the golden cicada, the reincarnation of the Cao thief?!"

Kui Mulang also knew that Tang Sanzang couldn't be allowed to stay for too long. This Tang Sanzang's three words are always robbing people | wives, it's really terrifying.

Kui Mulang made noise at the entrance of Boyue Cave and shouted:

"Hmph, two monks who don't know how to live and die are not enough to fight, I'm back!"

Kui Mulang shouted at the entrance of the cave, just to make Tang Sanzang run away quickly.

"Come on, come in and have a fight!" Tang Sanzang was not afraid, rolled up his sleeves, and the soul of justice was burning.

He has just learned a new Buddhist law, and he will not let go of evil.

Bai Hua was ashamed and startled, and hurriedly pulled Tang Sanzan,

"Elder, calm down, my lord has great strength, and it's no problem to move mountains and fill seas."

"I advise you to go back."

Tang Sanzang listened, put down his clenched fists, sighed,

"That's all, wait for me to shake my house empty, and then fight again."

"Perhaps, after the poor monk is successful in cultivation, it's all right to get rid of this evil beast..."

Bai Huaxi really felt that she couldn't pretend anymore.

This monk is different from what he imagined, so outrageous!

As a good monk, it’s fine to come into the wave moon cave to slaughter the second generation of demons, but you still want to rob people | wives, and even want to kill your husband?

Ning is Cao thief?

Moreover, shouldn't normal monks chant scriptures for salvation?How did this monk turn into a person who practiced killing demons?

Seeking scriptures means killing all the way to the west?

Bai Hua was ashamed to go crazy, but she still endured it and urged:

You can't get out through the front door!My lord is now waving the flag outside the door and shouting, if you go out, you will inevitably be slaughtered.

You go through the back door. When you go, don't be spotted by monsters. Just run when you go out. I won't let my husband catch up with you..."

Tang Sanzang suddenly blushed, "Then be careful."

Bai Hua shyly scratched her head and went crazy, you're blushing like a ghost!

Is there a problem with me saying this?You are not Lao Wang, and this is not the scene of catching rape, you are so afraid of a hammer!

Tang Sanzang coughed twice, put his hands together and said:

"Then it's time to work, the poor monk will go first."

When Tang Sanzang was about to leave, he turned his head and said:

"Don't worry, I will definitely come back to find you."

For a moment, Baihua wanted to kill Tang Sanzang, but he just took a deep breath, calmed down his anger, and asked Tang Sanzang to go out quickly.

It wasn't until Tang Sanzang went out that Baihua saw the jealous Kui Mulang striding in,

"The thief Cao left?"

Baihua sighed in embarrassment,

"It's gone. But is this really the reincarnation of Jin Chanzi? Why do I feel that there is something wrong with this monk?"

Kui Mulang snorted coldly,

"There is no one like him in Western Heaven, ah bah, thief Cao!"

Bai Hua rolled her eyes in embarrassment, held Kui Mulang's hand and said softly:

"Okay, okay, soon we will finish the task and leave. Although it is said that going to the world of Jingliuli in the future will be like ants, but with you, we will be happy wherever we go."

Kui Mulang suddenly grinned,

"Go to his uncle's Jingliuli world, my good lady, I have some good news for you!"

"I was invited by the God of Law Enforcement of the Three Realms, Emperor Gochen Chuhao, as long as the matter of the Baoxiang Kingdom is over, I can go to the Law Enforcement Hall to be the captain of the Law Enforcement!"

"Hahahahaha! Stupid | force Xitian, I'm going to fuck him!"

Bai Hua was ashamed to hear it, but couldn't believe it.

"Mr. Lang, are you crazy? How could he personally invite you to the god of hell? Are you still in a dream?"

Only then did Kui Mulang take Bai Huashuo's hand and tell the story one by one. Kui Mulang never lied to Baihuashu.

After Bai Hua was ashamed to hear it, after being shocked, she was ecstatic, jumped up and hugged Kui Mulang tightly,

"Great! The Great Hall of Law Enforcement, the place where the Heavenly Court is extremely high, and the hall with the best welfare among the Three Realms, can we really go inside?"

Kui Mulang looked at Baihuaxie tenderly,

"Don't worry, after this battle is over, I will go to the Law Enforcement Hall to marry you."

Bai Huashu was stunned for a moment, and quickly covered Kui Mulang's mouth,

"Don't say that, it sounds creepy, and those who said that in the past usually never come back."

Kui Mulang: "..."

Although the two husband and wife are wives who were kidnapped in the lower realm, in fact, their identities are not ordinary.

After Tang Sanzang escaped, he walked forward all the way.

Going back to the original forest, I saw Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing having a barbecue in the forest!

Tang Sanzang saw it, his eyes widened,

"Bajie, Drifting Monk, you dare to barbecue here!"

Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing learned from Chu Hao that Tang Sanzang would be fine anyway, so they were very calm.

He didn't even have the mood to search around, and started grilling directly on the spot.

But at this time, Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing saw a giant of Zhang Xu turning out from the pine forest, with big arms, round waist, bulging muscles, bald head, but kind face.

Surprised, Zhu Bajie picked up the nine-tooth rake and jumped up, shouting:

"My Cao! Where did this monster come from? Why does it look so human!"

Sha Wujing's eyes froze, he picked up the crescent shovel,

"Brother, don't be surprised. I have lived in Liusha River for a long time, and I have heard people talking about it. There is a kind of existence called a witch. It looks like a human but not completely human. It is very huge."

"I think this is the remnant of the witch clan! Although it has been extinct for a long time, I didn't expect it to appear in this place. Hmph, what a coincidence!"

Zhu Bajie nodded, with a surprised expression on his face,

"So that's it. Although this witch clan looks very much like Master, it's actually a terrifying existence."

"Junior Brother Sha, let's go together, dismantle his skeleton and sell it for money!"

Sha Wujing nodded, "That's exactly what I mean."

Tang Sanzang couldn't stand it, and roared angrily:

"Evil disciples, I am your master, Tang Sanzang!"

Zhu Bajie: "!!!"

Sha Wujing: "!!!"

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