The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 988 Tang Sanzang: Huh?You come with me!

When Chu Hao talked with Kui Mulang, there was always a talisman blocking the sky,

After all, Xitian has secretly arranged for the Dharma protectors to protect him, and there are six Ding Liujia, Wufang Jiedi, four value meritorious Caos, and [-] protectors in the sky.

Although they didn't do any shit, this kind of peeping and eavesdropping was just right for them.

Of course, because of the horrific battle just now, no god or guardian dared to come close and hid far away!

Chu Hao was also too careful.

Although Kui Mulang was not allowed by Chu Hao to follow Baoxiang Kingdom, Kui Mulang was still very loyal and responsible.

He revealed all the plans that Xitian had arranged for him before.

After listening to Kui Mulang's detailed description, Chu Hao realized that Xitian's map was grand, and they were ready to forcibly tie all the monsters to Xitian.

Chu Hao rubbed his chin, and told Kui Mulang:

"Continue with their plan and wait for the opportunity."

"Yes!" Kui Mulang nodded, turned and left.

Chu Hao thought for a while, and flew directly towards Baoxiang Kingdom.

Not to mention how Chu Hao went now, Tang San was hiding in the Wave Moon Cave, looking at the corpses all over the floor, and the blood splashing everywhere, he started to feel a little uncomfortable.

Naturally, it was not because of the arousal of the heart of a woman, Tang Sanzang was already an enlightened person.

"In the end it was the poor monk who broke into the house, and now I have slaughtered all these monsters, and I have to collect their corpses..."


"It would be nice if it was empty. He took a breath, and the corpse turned into smoke and dust, and everything was clean again."

But Tang San hid in the cave and wept bitterly, thinking about his apprentice, the tears in his eyes were crocodile tears, and he just wanted to ask Wukong to come back and clean up.

While weeping and worrying,

Suddenly, a woman came out of the cave, leaning on the soul-fixing stake and shouting: "The elder, where did you come from? Why are you here... I am Cao!"

The woman who just came out was listening to the movement inside, thinking that the monsters were arresting people to commit crimes again, and she couldn't care about it normally.

But this time, she really felt that the movement was a bit loud, so she kept hiding until the weather was calm, so she dared to stick her head out to have a look.

However, what she saw was that the severed limbs of the second-generation demons were everywhere, and there was a high pile of corpses in the middle, which was a hill made up of the corpses of the second-generation demons.

And on top of the pile of corpses, sat a three-meter-tall bald-headed giant with gnarled muscles, but his expression was unusually calm, like a monk.

This frightened her, she had never seen such a terrifying scene, she screamed and backed away again and again,

"You, you, you, what evildoer are you, what is the purpose of coming here pretending to be a monk!"

There is a ghost if you are not afraid. She is very clear about the strength of the second generation of demons. She can kill all the second generations of demons here. Such existence is definitely not human!

When the elder heard this, he peeked at the woman with tears in her eyes. She was about 30 years old, but she was mature and beautiful, and her charm was still there!

Tang Sanzang wiped away his tears instantly, with a kind smile on his face, and said softly:

"This female Bodhisattva, the poor monk is a helpless monk who was arrested and about to be eaten,"

"Female Bodhisattva, you don't need to ask, you can eat me if you want."

The woman glanced at the corpses all over the floor, and the terrifying bald giant covered in blood,

The woman laughed dryly, took two steps back,

"Are you about to be eaten? You have no power to restrain the chicken? You pretend to be a monk. Could it be that your Excellency is the reincarnation of a great witch, and a demon is reincarnated! Don't hide it anymore, show your true form!"

Tang Sanzang clasped his palms together and respectfully said:

"Female Bodhisattva, don't judge people by their appearance, the poor monk is really a monk."

"The female Bodhisattva really doesn't want to eat me? Could it be that the female Bodhisattva and the poor monk are also mortals who were arrested?"

The woman twitched her mouth, the word mortal is really too flattering to apply to you.

However, seeing that Tang Sanzang had no malice, the woman calmed down and said:

"I am not a cannibal. My home is more than three hundred miles away from here. There is a city called Baoxiang Kingdom. I am the third princess of the king, and my baby name is Baihuaxiu.

Just because 13 years ago, on the night of August 13th, when I was admiring the moon, I was caught by a monster here in a gust of wind, and I was married to him for [-] years.

I gave birth to children here, and returned to court without hearing from them. I thought about my parents and couldn't see each other.Where did you come from, to be caught by him? "

Tang Sanzang was extremely angry,

"Damn it, it turned out to be a robbery of a woman, but don't worry, all the monsters have been saved by the poor monk."

"Oh, by the way, the poor monk was originally a monk of the Tang Dynasty. He was ordered by the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty to go to the west to seek scriptures.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a monster's lair, and the poor monk was forced to defend himself. Fortunately, he succeeded in one move and two moves, and survived by chance. "

Baihua was ashamed to hear black lines all over her head,

What is a one-stroke two-style victory?Is it a fluke?

I think this is one move and two moves to kill all the second generation demons, right?

The ashamed of Baihua remembered what Kui Mulang had told him before, that this was Xitian Jinchanzi, which finally triggered the plot.

Bai Huaxie followed Kui Mulang's instructions before, and knew that Tang Sanzang needed to be released today, but...does it still need to be released?

Bai Huaxue struggled for a while, but suddenly received a secret voice transmission from Kui Mulang,

"According to the plan!"

Bai Hua raised her brows in embarrassment, but decided to follow Kui Mulang's order, and told Tang Sanzang with her eyes open:

"Elder, although you killed all these monsters, you don't know that the most powerful person in this cave is my husband. If he returns, you won't be able to escape."

Tang Sanzang nodded,

"Also ask the female Bodhisattva to help!"

Bai Hua twitched the corner of her mouth in embarrassment, wondering if it was an illusion, but he saw Tang Sanzang's uncontrollable fighting spirit in the corner of his eyes.

What the hell, are all the monks from the Tang Dynasty so fierce?

Do you have to touch it?

Bai Huaxi finally turned a blind eye and closed one eye, saying:

"Elder, don't worry, since you have learned the scriptures, I will save you.

That Baoxiang country is your road to the west. You and I will send a book to worship my parents, and I will teach them to forgive you. "

Tang Sanzang raised his eyebrows, grinned and said:

"That's great, that's great, the poor monk finally doesn't have to be bullied by monsters! Female Bodhisattva, if I can save the poor monk's life, I would like to be a letter sender."

For a moment, Bai Hua felt that Tang Sanzang was playing tricks, would Tang Sanzang not want to leave later, and have a head-on confrontation with her husband?

Thinking of this, Bai Hua hurriedly turned to the back, immediately repaired a paper of family letters, sealed it up, and liberated Tang Seng in front of the pile, and handed the letter to Tang Sanzang.

Holding the book in his hand, Tang Sanzang said excitedly: "Bodhisattva, thank you for your life. I will send a letter to your father right away. By the way, why don't you go with the poor monk?"

Hundred Flowers Shame: "..."

Cao thief?

Tang Sanzang realized that his words were wrong, and hurriedly said:

"No, the poor monk said, I'm afraid that as time goes by, your parents won't recognize each other, what should I do?"

"Besides, there are no more monsters in this cave now, so come with me!"

Tang Sanzang continued to try to abduct people | wives.

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