The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 685 Devil?We are so unworthy!He is!

Chu Hao had no intention of making a move, but they are playing lanterns in the toilet!

Chu Hao turned around and stared at the Buddhist soldiers, his eyes filled with sighs,

"Boys, you're so interesting!"

"If you hadn't stopped me, you would have lived a little longer."

There are 80 monks and Buddhist soldiers on Mount Small Sumeru, and nearly 30 have been killed.

They all stared at Chu Hao with extremely crazy eyes, which were full of reprimands and curses.

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and kill demons, I know you are a member of the heavenly court, and the heavenly court is known as the righteous way, if you don't even save us, then it's a bullshit righteous way!"

"If you don't save us, it's a death penalty for associating with the devil, and it's a death penalty for the whole family to go to Avici Hell! I curse you!"

"The Buddha has clairvoyant eyes and can see the past and the future. If you dare to see death without saving you, even the heavens will not be able to protect you, so hurry up!"

"Heavenly Court is ridiculous, and you still say that you are a person of righteousness? If you don't save us, believe it or not, the Buddha has overturned your Heavenly Court?"

"Benefactor, you should think carefully. I, Xitian, will eventually dominate the world in the future. If we have a good relationship at this moment, you will have a way to survive in the future. Otherwise, you will be one of the [-] innocent souls in Abi Hell!"

Xitian gave all monks and arhats a sense of superiority, and it is true that among the three realms, Xitian is the most powerful.

Most people are eager to curry favor with Xitian.

If other people were here, even other immortals in the heaven would not dare to get this notoriety. After all, there are still thunder pools in many people's hearts that they dare not cross.

Hey, it sounds so evil!

Oh, if this is heard by others, wouldn't it ruin the identity of the Xian family?

Besides, being merciful and befriending Xitian, what a beautiful talk!

Chu Hao seemed to have been clearly arranged by the compassion of the Buddhist soldiers, so he froze in place, hesitating very much.

Seeing this, all the devils became vigilant!

Since the demons were called evil, all the Buddhas and Taoist priests wanted to kill the demons to prove their justice.

It was the same with the Yaozu before. After the Conferred God War, the Yaozu was called evil by Buddhist scriptures.

As a result, all monsters, even newborn monsters, are extremely evil and unforgivable.

The living territories of the Yaozu became increasingly scarce, and finally they were accepted by Xitian cheerfully, becoming Buddhas and ancestors, with a high-sounding appearance.

But now, Buddhism once again took up the command of compassion, punishing evil and promoting good, to coerce Chu Hao.

Don't be too clear about the devils, Chu Hao will definitely draw his sword for their mercy next time!

Once Chu Hao draws his sword, it is very obvious that all the devils present will have no way out, because Chu Hao is really too strong!

Even if they just stood there without using half of their strength, all the devils felt the pressure of Mount Tai!

And all the Buddhist soldiers were also very excited, secretly excited.

That's right, isn't it enough to be obedient?Being compassionate is something that everyone must abide by.

Chu Hao seemed to be caught in a dilemma.

But in fact, from the very beginning, Chu Hao had already made his own choice!

Chu Hao sighed, slowly took out the spear in his hand,

"Oh, I don't want to do anything, why do you have to force me? Why bother? Why bother?"

The dozens of demons present tensed up instantly!

The moment Chu Hao said to do it, the temperature on the field seemed to drop by more than ten degrees!

Chu Hao's body showed endless killing intent, that kind of majestic killing intent, but it was not like the muddy and disgusting killing intent of all the demons.

What leaked from Chu Hao at this moment was the pure and majestic, condensed killing intent that cut on everyone like a real sword!

All the devils were shocked, I, Cao, who is the devil?

His killing intent was like a mountain and an ocean, compared to the killing intent of all the devils, like sand and fog!

Especially the long spear in his hand has such a nobility that the devils almost kneel down!

All the monsters present trembled, facing the real Chu Hao, they actually had a kind of fear of facing the demon ancestor!

Immediately, all the devils present were terrified,

"What to do? What to do? We're going to die!"

"It's over, I met my peers, no, this is my ancestor!"

"I can't escape, I can't surrender, my life is up to me, I don't want the descendants of the demons to be chased and killed by innocent people again!"

"But, I can't beat it, I can't beat it at all!"

All the devils were terrified.

In contrast, all the monks and Buddhist soldiers were triumphant, with excited smiles on their faces,

"That's right, subduing demons and eliminating demons, and being compassionate, this is your duty."

"I don't care where the immortal you are, we have already said that the demon Shura is a sin, and you must not let it go!"

"Hmph, this group of devils are cruel to the living beings, the crime is unforgivable! That fairy, why don't you act quickly to suppress the demons, and then move slowly to let the devils escape, you are the only one asking!"

"That's right, letting the devil go away is a heinous crime! If you don't act quickly, are you also a demon?"

At this time, the devil was nervous, the monk was proud, and everyone's eyes were on Chu Hao, waiting for Chu Hao to follow my Buddha's merciful ritual!

In full view.

Chu Hao showed a sneer,

"Well said, I'm going to subdue demons and eliminate demons now!"

In the next second, Chu Hao swept the long spear suddenly, and the God Killing Spear emitted a black light, roaring out like a black dragon from the abyss!

All the devils were terrified, thinking that it was over.

However, when Chu Hao shot, the terrifying light of the God Killing Spear went towards the remaining 50 Buddhist soldiers.

The expressions on the faces of the Buddhist soldiers and monks ranged from triumph to fright to fear!

"No, you made a mistake, the damn thing is over there!"


Chu Hao's shot plowed through 50 Buddhist soldiers and monks, just like Mount Tai toppled, submerging countless people in it.

The terrifying black light was like a black hole, engulfing countless lives in it, but without seeing any annihilation, it broke through the little Sumeru Mountain!

If viewed from the air, the huge mountain peak was split open by a thick black light in the middle!

A huge hole was opened in the middle of the entire Little Sumeru Mountain, and the aura of the entire Little Sumeru Mountain was crazily leaking out.

With one shot, the small Mount Sumeru was pierced directly, and it even appeared to be about to collapse!

Chu Hao's shot directly stunned the demon monks present!

Not so much, right?

When the turmoil subsided, everyone took a closer look and gasped in fright.

Good guy, just now there are only tens of thousands of monks and Buddhist soldiers left over 50!

It's all because they are far away, otherwise the shot just now would have wiped out all of the little Sumeru Mountains!

All the devils looked at each other in blank dismay, and at this moment, they understood.

"The devil? We really don't deserve it! This fairy in white is the real devil!"

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