The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 684 All the demons: Don't bother me, the years are quiet

Gu Yang stepped forward, gradually infusing the golden Buddha with the magic energy he had prepared long ago.

When the golden Buddha encountered the devil's energy, it immediately swayed bursts of Buddha's light, trying to get rid of the devil's energy.

This golden Buddha is an evil-suppressing treasure condensed from the body of the gods and Buddhas after becoming a Buddha, fused with magic weapons.

It is with this treasure that this powerful demon is sealed here.

Another advantage of this golden Buddha is that it can infect the demons within it with Buddha's light all the time, just like when Wuzhi Mountain was used to suppress Monkey King.

After being suppressed for a long time, they will naturally have Buddha nature.

However, it cannot be starved to death.

So Monkey King at the foot of the Five Elements Mountain was fed copper juice and iron pills;

As for the unworldly demon in the Golden Buddha, there is a monk who feeds people's hearts and blood.

Everything is for fear of starving the devil inside, after all, Xitian still wants to tame the devil,

If this can be done, Xitian will have another powerful man, and a Buddhist scripture that the devil will put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately.

However, apparently it didn't work out.

While injecting demon energy, Gu Yang polluted the Golden Buddha with a special magic weapon that had been prepared for a long time—the blood of karmic demons.

The Buddha was most afraid of being contaminated with karma, but the blood of karma demons is full of flowing karma, which is one thing and one thing.

Coupled with the demonic energy injected by Gu Yang, it quickly dimmed the Buddha's light of the Golden Buddha.

Gu Yang felt the endless disgusting smell of human blood and human heart above the Golden Buddha, and couldn't help frowning:

"The Buddhas of the Western Paradise humiliate the superior demons like this?"

"For the superior demons, human blood and hearts are like shit. They are really afraid of waste. At least monsters are a hundred times better."

"However, if you think about it, it's easier to get people's hearts and blood. Monsters have no wisdom, and mortals are sentimental. It's normal for them to burn their bodies to serve the Buddha."

Gu Yang just broke through a corner of a golden Buddha, and saw the golden Buddha shaking wildly!

An evil and seductive female voice came from the Golden Buddha,

"How many years, can I finally go out?!"

"These hateful Buddhas are feeding me those filthy things every day today. It's too uncomfortable. When I go out, I must take a bath for three days and three nights!"

"I'm a demon saint, how dare you treat me like this, it's really hateful!"

"Quick, let me out, I can't help it!"

Gu Yang did not speak, and continued to pollute the Golden Buddha.

But the voice inside the Golden Buddha stopped suddenly.

Turning to wonder:

"Hey, when did my demon clan come out with such a handsome man, and such a righteous man? How perfect!"

Gu Yang's old face flushed slightly,

"Saint, don't praise me, I'm lonely..."

"Shut up, it's not about you!" The voice in the golden Buddha was merciless.

Gu Yang: "..."

Forget it, I'll open the can in silence.

Women, I can't afford to mess with you.

A woman from the Demon Race is even more unaffected.

Especially this demon saint, even her own master would have a headache.

It is better not to provoke.

Although I don't know who the demon saint is talking about, but Gu Yang has a lot of clues.

We don't know, and we dare not ask.

The voice in the Golden Buddha is full of excitement,

"Ah, what a wonderful person, my demon clan has never produced such a perfect man!"

"Huh? Is he the right way?"

"Huh? A righteous person can do such a thing?"

"Fun! It's getting more and more interesting!"

Gu Yang lowered his head, he didn't know, he didn't dare to ask.

I could only hear the charming smile in the golden Buddha getting more and more excited.

She saw what was going on in Little Sumeru Mountain, and was deeply interested in it!


At this moment, Chu Hao quietly boarded the Little Sumeru Mountain.

Chu Hao stepped into Little Sumeru Mountain, but saw dozens of powerful and terrifying demon heads killing wantonly.

The blood in Little Sumeru Mountain almost overflowed, and even flowed down the mountain!

In response to the sentence, the flying stream flew down three thousand feet, and it was suspected that the sea of ​​blood fell into the sky!

Chu Hao passed by and saw the scene of little Xumi Mountain with corpses flying and blood splattering, Chu Hao shook his head,

"It's so fierce! It's really fierce!"

It's a pity that Chu Hao couldn't feel any compassion at all.

I don't know why, maybe it's because Xitian wants to kill Chu Hao all the time, maybe it's because most of the Buddhas in the sky are cheaters, maybe it's because there is an endless competition between Heavenly Court and Xitian, maybe Xitian does everything The heinous thing of hypocrisy...

Of course, it was mainly because Chu Hao was a ruthless killer.

No feelings, no money...

So isn't Chu Hao here to make money?

Chu Hao quietly passed by, trying not to disturb the hard-working devils who slaughtered the Buddhas of the Western Paradise.

In fact, it's hard not to be seen.

Under the extremely chaotic situation, Chu Hao could be seen with even a random pair of eyes.

It was even more so for those dozens of devils. They noticed this fairy in white at the first moment, especially the unfathomable aura on Chu Hao's body, which made all the devils fearful.

Several devils exchanged glances,

"What should I do? There's a big stubble, isn't it here to mess things up?"

"I don't know, but judging by his appearance, he doesn't seem to be a Buddhist. Moreover, he doesn't seem to care about the lives of these people."

"It seems to be like this. I just hope that you and I will not disturb each other, and the years will be quiet."

"Don't bother me, the years are quiet and good +1."

"Cherish what you have at the moment!"

"Do it and cherish +1."

The devils are still very particular, while slaughtering these Buddhist soldiers, they recite beautiful poems.

Everyone hopes that the years will be quiet and peaceful, but the people in Little Sumeru Mountain can't help it.

Brother, what's going on?

This little Sumeru Mountain doesn't look like my public toilet either, they don't even say hello when they come in?

Seeing us being killed, how can we still turn a deaf ear and turn a blind eye?

Immediately, a certain Arhat who fell on the ground and pretended to be dead jumped up, pointed at Chu Hao and shouted:

"The fairy in white, our little Mount Sumeru carries the hope of mankind and is the source of faith for the common people. My Buddha is merciful and saves all sentient beings! How can you turn a blind eye!"

"Come and save us, hurry up! Otherwise, you will die without saving us, and your family will be blamed for this enmity!"

Sure enough, after the Arhat yelled, countless pairs of eyes on the field looked at Chu Hao!

At that moment, the monks and devils on the field could not pretend to be invisible.

Chu Hao's stealth was interrupted, his face covered with black lines.

Good boy, you have the guts to drag me into the water?

Originally, Chu Hao was just an innocent passer-by, and those monsters planned to turn a blind eye to Chu Hao, after all, everyone does not violate the river water.

The demons are bloodthirsty, but they are quite rational. They just don't like the hypocrisy of the Buddhas of the Western Paradise, and they only plan to kill these Buddhist soldiers and monks.

As long as Chu Hao doesn't jump out to help the Buddhist soldiers, it is the best way to turn a blind eye to Chu Hao.

But now a certain Arhat stopped Chu Hao, and suddenly Chu Hao was also involved in this killing vortex. If Chu Hao were an ordinary person, today would be really difficult.

However, Xiao Xumishan and the group of boys didn't know that they made the worst decision in their life.

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