The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 659 Hey!Nie Bodhisattva, eat my grandson 1 stick!

Tang Sanzang was stunned for a full three seconds before suddenly reacting,

"What? Fighting? Why?"

Sun Wukong smiled wryly, "How do I know this, I remember that Buddhas and Bodhisattvas would not easily kill, this should be a violation of the precepts."

Zhu Bajie looked suspicious,

"It just so happens that the boss was also taken away by a monster. I suspect that this battle has something to do with the boss. Maybe the boss is instigating the flames?"

But Tang Sanzang looked as if his tail had been stepped on, and shouted angrily:

"Shut up, piggy!"

"Xianjun understands righteousness, is gentle and elegant, and values ​​peace. How could he fan the flames?!"

"Even if it is, it's speaking for justice and guiding the monsters to the right path! You pig, don't use words like fanning the flames to confuse my fairy!"

Zhu Bajie grinned loudly, and hurriedly said:

"Master, I was wrong. I was upholding the righteous way. Look at me, I haven't studied, but I can't speak."

"By the way...if the Xianjun presided over the righteous way and confronted Lingji Bodhisattva, the matter is so serious, why don't we go and help justice?"

For justice?

Tang Sanzang looked at Zhu Bajie, Zhu Bajie looked at Monkey King, and Monkey King looked at Tang Sanzang.

The three of them unanimously shouted:

"set off!"

Although I don't know if it was inspired by Chu Hao, but everyone doesn't have a good impression of Xitian Bodhisattva or something.

In any case, it would be great if one could harm Lingji Bodhisattva by the way!

Immediately, Tang Sanzang and the others rushed towards Huangfeng Mountain without saying a word.

Knowing that there is a Buddha in the mountain, I prefer to go to Foshan!

Tang Sanzang rushed to Huangfeng Mountain with a group of apprentices.

Soon, they arrived outside the Yellow Wind Cave.

Seeing that Lingji Bodhisattva was ferocious like an evil ghost at a close distance, he cursed viciously at many resisting monsters,

"You and other evil animals are born sinful and filthy. If you believe in my Buddha, you can get rid of it, but you still want to slander the Buddha. You don't know how to live or die!"

"Beasts like you deserve to live in that stinky ditch!"

"Being forgiven by my Buddha, you don't know it's gratitude, but you are so presumptuous, and you dare to shoot me? Dirty and despicable things, you are also worthy!"

The monsters didn't fight back, not because they didn't want to, but also because they didn't have that strength.

At this moment, the pressure brought by the flying dragon staff to the monsters is too great.

All the monsters are like carrying a mountain on their backs, the struggle and pain are obvious.

After all, Lingji Bodhisattva is a half-step quasi-sage powerhouse, and he is a supreme existence between heaven and earth, although there are many monsters.

But they are not on the same level at all. Bodhisattva Lingji beat them, including King Huangfeng, they were completely crushed!

Bodhisattva Lingji was so angry because he felt offended by a group of ants.

Tang Sanzang couldn't help shaking his head,

"Bodhisattva Lingji is really not a human being. It seems that I don't read as many Buddhist scriptures as I do."

"As the saying goes, all living beings are equal, grandma has a leg, and other monsters don't do bad things such as murder and arson. Why do you curse other monsters? It's really out of style!"

Sun Wukong stared at Lingji Bodhisattva beside him, his face was full of resentment,

"My old grandson is also a monster. How can I give up when he scolds me like that? You idiot?"

Monkey King asked several times, but found no response.

Monkey King turned his head to look, but was startled!

At this moment, Zhu Bajie's eyes were red, and his eyes seemed to be surging with fire, and there was endless evil spirit gushing out around him, just like the Yellow River flooding.

Zhu Bajie feels the same way, he was once so humble and oppressed!

He saw the ferocious anger in the eyes of every monster, and he saw the humble and weak self in the past!

Especially seeing that Lingji Bodhisattva looked ferocious like an evil ghost, Zhu Bajie's anger rose even more.

In the next second, Zhu Bajie's chest really burst into flames!

That was the anger from the heart of God of War, the most unyielding roar that echoed in Zhu Bajie's soul!

Although Zhu Bajie has been rescued and landed on the shore, he doesn't intend to protect himself wisely, he wants to fight, fight for the injustice of the world, fight for the oppressed innocent monster!

Let's fight, that hypocritical and ruthless Buddha and Bodhisattva!

Zhu Bajie stared wide-eyed, gritted his teeth, and roared to the sky,

"Low and filthy? You Lingji Bodhisattva is the most disgusting and ugly person in my opinion. Even my old pig thinks you are not as good as a pile of dung!"

"Shameless Bodhisattva, the big bully the small, the strong bully the weak, the powerful bully the weak, you deserve death!"

"My old pig is here too!"

In the next second, Zhu Bajie was three feet tall, with a nine-tooth nail rake in his hand, and rushed towards the field!

However, Zhu Bajie is not going to help the Lingji Bodhisattva, but to help justice and rescue those weak monsters!

Seeing Zhu Bajie approaching, Monkey King was stunned for a moment.

what's the situation?

Why is Zhu Bajie so excited, can't he do it?

But Tang Sanzang recited a Buddha's name and took the initiative to explain to Sun Wukong:

"Wukong, don't you understand? Bajie saw that Lingji Bodhisattva oppressing monsters, just like seeing his own predecessor."

"It's as if you have been suppressed under Wuzhi Mountain for 500 years for no reason. This is the Buddha's heart."

"With my heart, pity his heart. He knows how to pity each other when he is sick. He should help each other and fight against Bodhisattvas. Bajie's Buddhist practice is higher than yours. You have to think about it..."

"If the monster who was slaughtered wantonly in that scene and is about to be captured as a slave is you and your monkey grandson from Huaguo Mountain, what should you do?"

The Buddha in Tang Sanzang's heart is different from the Buddha in the Three Realms and Six Realms.

He still believes in Buddhism, but it is not the high Buddha, but the Buddha in his heart, so he has been pursuing advanced Buddhism.

Persuading Sun Wukong to overthrow Lingji Bodhisattva is Tang Sanzang's advanced Buddhism!

Hey, as for how he comprehended this Dharma, we have to start with the 24-character mantra, but let’s not talk about it.

At this moment, Monkey King was in place, stunned.

He remembered what Chu Hao said when he was about to fight against the west in anger.

Chu Hao didn't just talk about forbearance, Sun Wukong remembered clearly that he had been guiding himself to pursue the kind of justice in his heart.

Sun Wukong's thousand searches were fruitless, he didn't know what he was looking for, but Tang Sanzang's words woke him up!

If the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas attack the monkeys and grandchildren of Huaguo Mountain, they will be imprisoned, enslaved, or even killed!

There is no reason, just use the very common name of justice!

Just like what Xitian said when he imprisoned me!

That scene was exactly the same as the unfair oppression in front of me!

For a moment, Monkey King, the flames of war ignited in his heart, and the golden cudgel in his hand became bigger in the wind,

"Shameless Bodhisattva, in the name of righteousness, do injustice and oppress the monster race!"

"Hey! Nie Bodhisattva, eat my grandson with a stick!"

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