The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 658 So what... Bodhisattva is fighting with monsters!

At this moment, King Huangfeng pointed his sword at the Bodhisattva, his whole body was full of arrogant fighting spirit, like a raging flame!

All the monsters were also ignited to fight, their blood boiled, and they waved their flags and shouted.

Suddenly, a voice from the group of monsters shouted,

"Your Majesty may fly, but we will always be with you!"

The monsters had no culture at first, and when the crowd was furious, they needed a slogan, and they yelled out when they heard this voice.

Immediately, all the monsters shouted loudly,

"Your Majesty may fly, but we will always be with you!"

"Your Majesty may fly, but we will always be with you!"

"Your Majesty... Let me ask you quietly, brother, do you know what this means? I will always follow you. Why do you want our Majesty to fly?"

"You don't care! Can you come up with something better? No? Just keep shouting!"

"Your Majesty may fly, but we will always be with you!!"

For a moment, all the monsters' faces were full of excitement, their necks straightened, their veins bulged, and they were extremely crazy.

Chu Hao shook his head behind all the monsters, these guys are quite real...

Hearing the sound like mountains and seas, Chu Hao felt a little ashamed. Of course, it was more of a joke.

Especially at this moment Lingji Bodhisattva's face is even more wonderful.

At this moment Bodhisattva Lingji is standing above the clouds, but his face is not as beautiful as before...

To be precise, his face was as black as ink!

Lingji Bodhisattva heard the shouts of all the monsters in the audience at this moment, and the sound that swept over like a wave was deafening!

Especially King Huangfeng, who had washed away his previous humble look, dared to point his sword at himself? !

Lingji Bodhisattva was furious, when had he ever been so wronged when he was aloof?

Within the Three Realms and Six Paths, how could any monster dare to be so arrogant, especially to himself, a majestic Bodhisattva of the West Heaven, who has a heavy responsibility on his shoulders!

He is equivalent to the imperial envoy from the west, and these monsters are just a group of slaves, no, they are dirty dung in the pigsty!

Now a group of bullshit monsters dare to point their swords at themselves and challenge themselves?

At this moment, Bodhisattva Lingji only felt that his inner self-esteem was greatly challenged.

The arrogance and prejudice made Lingji Bodhisattva feel ten times ashamed and angry!

The aura of cultivation on Bodhisattva Lingji surged in an instant, and the aura of Buddha quietly receded, replaced by endless murderous aura.

Bodhisattva Lingji looked like a ghost, staring ferociously at King Huangfeng, and said in a sinister voice:

"Good! Good! Good!"

"A group of despicable ants, dirty and despicable! You are demons and have committed a heinous crime. You should have been tortured for thousands of years in Avici Hell!"

"You troublemakers, Meng Xitian amnesty is not grateful to Dade, and dares to shake his lips and tongue, and declare war on me?"

Lingji Bodhisattva was instantly ignited by these monsters, and he didn't care about the usual high-ranking and non-human fireworks.

And King Huangfeng frowned when he heard Lingji Bodhisattva's arrogant, prejudiced, self-imposed and authoritarian preaching, his face was full of fury,

"Although we are monsters, we never do evil. We seek to have the freedom to be unrestrained!"

"It's you, who look at people with nostrils and have high self-esteem. What have you done? You enclose yourself and claim to be merciful, but you call all monsters evil!!"

"You are nothing at all. If you don't rely on the power of the Western Heaven, why are you pretending? Even if my king dies today, he will die on the right path in his heart!"

"My majesty swears to the death that I will not be with you. Although I am a yellow-haired marten, the most dirty and smelly place in the world is a thousand times, ten thousand times better than your Xitian!"

In his fury, King Huangfeng finally shouted out the dissatisfaction with Xitian accumulated in his heart for countless years.

In the Western Paradise, when he saw those truly benevolent and benevolent Buddhas, he was bullied and beaten wantonly because of his low position, and was even expelled from the Western Paradise because he refused to join forces with others!

He saw the group of self-proclaimed Buddhas in the Western Paradise, idle all day long,

Just make some eulogizing classics and throw them away in the world, and let all believers die with their lives. If anyone doesn't follow, they will use vicious means to retaliate against them!

King Huangfeng didn't become a celestial being before, and he was still struggling in the mountains and muddy ponds, but he didn't smell much bad smell all the year round;

It happened to be in the Western Paradise, although there are wonderful flowers of spiritual grass and cranes dancing and butterflies flying everywhere, but the wind is full of stench!

The Hornet King couldn't go to Xitian to death, even more so.

Bodhisattva Lingji was enraged by King Huangfeng's few words. In an instant, he was so angry that he completely lost his mind.

At this moment, he took off his hypocritical mask and angrily cursed at King Huang Feng:

"Where do you have the courage, where do you have the qualifications?!"

"Just by being looked at by you, I feel dirty all over! You are born with the sin and ugliness, filth and meanness of the world!"

"Especially you, King Huangfeng, an ant and rat, talking about the right way? Ridiculous, too ridiculous!"

"If you don't punish you group of troublemakers under the Buddha today, the world will not be leveled, and the six realms will not be safe!"

Lingji Bodhisattva was completely enraged, he decided!

He still wants to catch this yellow-haired marten, he wants to strip off the yellow-haired marten's primordial spirit, and burn it day and night in the raging fire!

He would casually let the primordial spirit of a disciple occupy the body of the yellow-haired marten. From then on, there will be another great demon king who has converted to my Buddha in the world.

Just like those monsters who converted to my Buddha in the past, they will kneel down and worship the Buddhas in front of people, so that all living beings and monsters in the three realms will respect the supreme majesty of the Buddhas!

Bodhisattva Lingji suddenly opened his hand, and the Feilong Baozhang made a sudden move!

This is the supreme magic treasure that Lingji Bodhisattva is famous for, and it even reaches the tyranny of the innate Lingbao!

"Monsters, go to Avici Hell and repent for your sins of not respecting the Buddha!"

Lingji Bodhisattva has a ferocious face, and his mana has soared.

Bodhisattva Lingji threw down the flying dragon staff and chanted some incantations, but it turned out to be an eight-clawed golden dragon with two claws spread out!

The eight-clawed golden dragon was 3000 meters long, flying in the air like a golden rainbow bridge descending!

King Huangfeng became tense when he saw the eight-clawed golden dragon fall.

He knew that if Lingji Bodhisattva made a move, he would be doomed today!

But since he did it, he knew why he should be kind today?

"Brothers, line up and meet the enemy!"

King Huang Feng shouted angrily.

All the monsters on the field shouted at the same time, and countless weapons wrapped in powerful monster power were shot at the sky!

Between the sky and the earth, the eight-clawed golden dragon protruded furiously downwards, and the weapons shot from above the ground were like a vast ocean, resisting the eight-clawed golden dragon.

The eight-clawed golden dragon was about to break through the endless ocean, and the sensation at that moment could be clearly seen hundreds of miles away.

At this moment, Tang Sanzang and others who were waiting for the news in the distance were anxious.

Suddenly feeling the commotion from the sky over there, Tang Sanzang asked suspiciously: "Wukong, Bajie, what happened over there?"

Sun Wukong was stunned,

"Master, you may not believe it... Bodhisattva Lingji, you are fighting a monster!"

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