The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 656 We are about to fight to the death, why did the king surrender first!

When the monsters saw King Huangfeng coming, they hurried forward and said:

"Your Majesty, you are back! We have caught Tang Seng!"

All the monsters excitedly came to King Huangfeng, pointed at Chu Hao who was tied with ropes all over his body, and reported their achievements to King Huangfeng.

Chu Hao patted his hands for eating peanuts and melon seeds, then put his hands back into the rope, and tied himself up.

The whole process was smooth and smooth, and all the monsters present saw that there was nothing wrong with it.

It was really because that face was full of indifference, as if what he had done was just a trivial matter.

King Huang Feng looked at Chu Hao with a look of surprise, and said in all entanglement:

"You guys, are you sure this kid is Tang Sanzang? I always don't think he is!"

Chu Hao chuckled,

"Actually, I am the prison god of law enforcement in the Three Realms. It's just because Tang Sanzang fainted from the horse, so I replaced him and rode over, but I happened to be caught by you."

The leader of the leopard waved his hands in disgust,

"Lao Dao Lao Dao, who will believe what you say! You are the God of Hell, and I am still the Jade Emperor!"

"Who will believe your words?"

Those little goblins laughed out loud, completely disbelieving Chu Hao's words.

Chu Hao looked helpless, what about the most basic trust between people?

King Huang Feng looked at Chu Hao in surprise,

"Why doesn't this look like a monk? But thinking about Tang Sanzang as a monk, he is cowardly and cowardly. It seems normal to steal the name of the prison god before his death."

"It doesn't matter, just wait for Bodhisattva Lingji to come and give him the person."

King Huang Feng worked hard, and he didn't want to hear Chu Hao argue.

He said to many monsters:

"Listen, brothers, after finishing this vote, I may go to the Lingshan Mountain in the West Heaven and become the most humble servant on the Lingshan Mountain."

"This is my life, a life that cannot be violated by birth, I recognize this."

"But all of you are my good brothers, I hope you can live with dignity and freedom!"

"After I leave, I'm afraid that the Lingshan of the Western Heaven will cut grass and roots and destroy corpses and traces. You must remember that Huang Fengling must be disbanded, and you can't stay longer!"

All the monsters at the scene heard King Huangfeng say this, but all of them had red eye circles and sore noses.

"My lord, where are we going?"

"Huangfengling is our home. We obviously did not commit a crime, so why should we be ridden on the head by Bodhisattva Lingji! We must resist!"

Chu Hao also shouted beside him:

"Fuck him, what Lingji Bodhisattva dares to do these illegal and criminal activities, if you don't kill him, why don't you keep it for the New Year?"

"It's better to go to the west to be humble, and to be free and unrestrained. Even the toilet in the ninth-floor prison is more fragrant than Lingshan!"

"Give me liberty, or give me death! If you are bound by freedom, you can throw away both!"

When all the monsters were excited, they were even more excited when they heard Chu Hao's passionate words, and they all shouted out their voices.

"Yes! Give me liberty or give me death!"

"If it is free bondage, both can be thrown away!"

"It's too damn good to say, it's worthy of reciting Buddhist scriptures, this Dharma is powerful!"

King Huangfeng was also angry. When the atmosphere was here, he didn't care for a while why a monk was so arrogant when he said he wanted to kill Lingji Bodhisattva?

King Huang Feng was a little choked up, but he said frankly to all the monsters present:

"Give me freedom, or give me death... This is simple to say, if I am alone, I can escape by myself."

"But now you are all being watched by Xitian because I gathered in the Yellow Wind Cave. If I leave, what will you do?"

"Although I was born humble, I also know benevolence and righteousness. I can't leave you alone. I can't do it, brothers!"

All the monsters were moved.

This is their boss, who paid so much for himself?

With the atmosphere at this level, Chu Hao felt really sorry for not encouraging him.

Chu Hao shouted firmly:

"We are not afraid! We are about to fight to the death, why did the king surrender first!"

"If the king's hands and feet are bound because of us, even if we live on, we are no different from some Buddhas who treacherous and linger on their last breaths in the Western Paradise!"

"We can't decide how we are born, but we can decide how we want to live and how we want to die!"

"Who has never died in life since ancient times? Keep your loyal heart to reflect the history! I smiled to the sky from the sword, fought for freedom, died for honor, and died happily!"

Shouts of tears burst out of Chu Hao's mouth.

Every sentence is so deafening, and every sentence is so exciting!

All the monsters received these contagious words, and in an instant, their usual grievances also exploded at this moment!

The leopard leader jumped out first, roaring loudly,

"Your Majesty, I beg | to fight! We don't want to bind each other with Your Majesty!"

"You managed to escape from the West Paradise. If you want to go back to the West Paradise to be an ox or a horse, Da Luo's dignity and the prestige of the king will be buried!"

"We are not afraid of death, what we are afraid of is dying humble!"

All of a sudden, all the monsters also shouted, the crowd was furious and their fighting spirit was high!

"Yes! We are not afraid, we can accept death, but not surrender!"

"Being a monster also has dignity, why should we not commit crimes, but be enslaved by them!"

"We also don't want to live forever in the shadow of the Western Heaven!"

"Your Majesty, kill him, beat Lingji Bodhisattva, we are not afraid!"

King Huang Feng froze in place for a moment, tears rolled in his eyes, he was so moved that he burst into tears,

"You guys, don't be like this. As a king, I didn't take good care of you. Instead, I want you to die for me. Even if I die, I can't feel at ease!"

The monsters were a little choked up. They knew that King Huang Feng was doing everything for his own good, but he still didn't want everyone to go out to die together.

But at this moment, Chu Hao roared angrily,

"My lord, you have said it yourself, no matter whether you go to Xitian or not, we will be punished by Xitian!"

"At that time, you will not be able to die with the king in the same grave. At that time, you will not be able to see the king even if you reincarnate forever!"

"Both pros and cons are dead words, my lord, please lead us to die together! It's not an insult to everyone!"

In an instant, the eyes of all the monsters lit up!

That is, the flame called the fighting spirit!

And at this moment, even King Huang Feng was stunned.

He asked himself, his previous decision was actually the biggest insult to his brothers!

King Huang Feng slowly raised his head, his eyes full of fighting intent.

It is the fire of fighting spirit, like a spark that starts a prairie fire, unstoppable!

He has already decided that if Lingji Bodhisattva dares to come again, he will join his brothers to fight against Lingji Bodhisattva's oppression!

But at this moment, a little monster suddenly ran in from outside, and said loudly:

"The big thing is not good. Bodhisattva Lingji came to Huangfeng Cave in person, and he was outside. He...he asked the king to kneel down three times and kowtow nine times, and go out to greet him!"

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