The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 655 How can reading Buddhist scriptures be as fun as listening to the eight hexagrams of the

In fact, the strong wind in Huangfengling had already been seen by the gods and Buddhas three thousand miles away.

After Dharma Guardian Jialan left Huangfengling, he went straight forward.

For three thousand miles, Dharma protector Jialan ran for half a day.

Jialan was flying all the way, and suddenly saw a high mountain, with auspicious clouds appearing in the middle, and auspicious mist, there was a Buddhist temple in the valley, only the melodious bells and chimes could be heard, and the cigarette smoke was faint.

Jialan went to the front of the door, and saw a man with a few beads hanging on his neck, and he was chanting Buddha in his mouth.

Jialan bowed respectfully, lowered his eyebrows and said sympathetically:

"Please announce the decree of Bodhisattva Jialan Laifu Lingji."

Jia Lan came here many times, when the Taoist at the door saw him, he raised his brows slightly and stepped aside.

Jialan went straight into it, and he saw the hall full of splendor and majesty.All disciples recited the "Lotus Sutra" together, and the head of the old class tapped the golden chime.

Lingji Bodhisattva sat on the hall, looking at Jialan from above,

"How are things going?"

Jialan respectfully said: "Bodhisattva Shangfu Lingji, the evildoer of the Yellow Wind Cave has already agreed, and has already started to arrest Tang Sanzang, and it is estimated that he has already been caught."

"Of course, that evildoer may have a different intention. Please Lingji Bodhisattva come to supervise that evildoer!"

Lingji Bodhisattva came out of his clothes and said calmly:

"Yeah. Go yourself. When he and the others can't get rid of them, you can find another opportunity and ask him to beg me, and I will help them."

"It's time to subdue that evildoer in Huangfeng Cave."

Jia Lan bowed his head, but did not leave.

Lingji Bodhisattva frowned,

"What else?"

Jia Lan looked embarrassed, but said in a low voice:

"The Bodhisattva... had a little accident, and Chu Hao, the God of Prison, was also among the group of Journey to the West."

Lingji Bodhisattva's indifferent face was instantly clouded.

This is one of the last names Lingji Bodhisattva would like to hear.

It's not that he doesn't know the identity of that young man, who made troubles in the Lingshan Mountain of West Heaven, almost disturbing the whole world.

It had finally stopped for a while, but why did it suddenly become involved in Journey to the West again!

It's so good that I can't die, but I'm still in my own trouble!

Very uncomfortable!

The cold aura from Lingji Bodhisattva gradually spread to the surroundings, causing the temperature on the field to drop several degrees.

Jia Lan was a little frightened, but still timidly said:

"Bodhisattva, are we still following the plan?"

Lingji Bodhisattva counted with his fingers, but couldn't figure out anything. Then he used his supernatural power to look at Huangfengling, but suddenly felt a majestic and vast aura, just like staring into the abyss.

Chu Hao's heaven-shading talisman is difficult to count even if it is a Tathagata, let alone a mere Lingji Bodhisattva who has just stepped into the half-step quasi-sage.

The more Lingji Bodhisattva thought about it, the more uneasy he felt, and suddenly he stood up,

"No, it's still not right. I'll go and see for myself!"

"It's not a Bodhisattva, it's just a prison god." Jialan was stunned. From his perspective, he only felt that even if the prison god Chu Hao was awesome, he would not dare to do anything outrageous.

No matter how capable he is, isn't that Hell God Chu Hao just an ant in front of Xitian?

The matter arranged by Lingji Bodhisattva himself, does that Prison God Chu Hao dare to refute Lingji Bodhisattva's face?

Bodhisattva Lingji glanced at him and snorted coldly: "So you are just Jialan up to now, the more ignorant you are, the more fearless you are."

Although Bodhisattva Lingji didn't want to admit it, the law enforcement prison god of the three realms really brought him too much psychological pressure.

Bodhisattva Lingji walked away without saying a word. He had to personally supervise the affairs of Huang Fengling, otherwise he was afraid of catastrophe!

Jia Lan muttered to himself, is this too much of a fuss?


But it said that Chu Hao was being carried into the Yellow Wind Cave by all the monsters at the moment.

All the monsters were at a loss, and they tied Chu Hao tightly with ropes and chains.

Chu Hao didn't resist at all, and just let them tie him up layer by layer.

"Would you mind talking about where did you get that news from the Western Paradise?"

Chu Hao suddenly said to the leader of the leopard.

The leopard leader frowned, but waved his hand,

"You monk, what do you know about this?"

Chu Hao chuckled,

"I'm a monk. I'm interested in the gossip about the Western Paradise."

"Where is it more important to read Buddhist scriptures than to listen to those gossips from the Western Paradise? Is this the truth?"

The panther leader was stunned for a moment,

"It seems... that's the truth..."

"However, if I tell you, and you turn around and tell the story, wouldn't it be wonderful?"

Chu Hao sighed,

"Hey, I'm a dying person, how could I tell you? Think about it carefully, is this the truth?"

"After all, I'm not a law enforcement prison god of the Three Realms. I'm just a Tang Sanzang. I eat vegetarian food and recite Buddha's name. How can I have any bad intentions?"

The leopard leader sneered,

"You want to be the law enforcement prison god of the Three Realms, so how can you think of such a character?"

"According to the rumors, the law enforcement prison god of the three realms is a super strong man who can retreat from the West Heavenly Spirit Mountain without any damage!"

"Our king can worship that righteous and powerful prison god, who is the idol of all our demon clan! What are you and Tang Sanzang?"

The corner of Chu Hao's mouth suddenly raised into a smile,

"Speak more, boy, I like to hear it."

The leader of the leopard was stunned for a moment, then sneered, only thinking that this Tang Sanzang was a bit naive.

However, it is normal for Tang Sanzang to want to hear about a high-level person like the prison god.

So, the leader of the leopard was also idle and bored, and told Chu Hao everything.

Whether it's the yellow-haired marten being plotted against in the west, or Lingji Bodhisattva coming to earth, directly threatening to enslave King Huangfeng.

It can be said that you know everything and say everything.

Chu Hao understood, good guy, it turned out that Lingji Bodhisattva threatened King Huangfeng to arrest him.

But the awesomeness is that their information is ridiculously crude, and the sentence that the rider is Tang Seng has caused the current farce.

However, Chu Hao heard a lot about Huang Fengling from the Leopard Leader's mouth.

Just like the attitude of most monster races towards human beings, because human flesh is extremely unpalatable and not nutritious, all the monsters in Huangfengling usually patrol the mountains, just catching some mountain cows, wild pigs, fat deer, Hu sheep, etc.

But this time, Bodhisattva Lingji pointed out his name and surname, and asked King Huang Fengling to catch Tang Sanzang with the attitude of eating Tang Sanzang.

So they had no choice but to swallow this breath with hatred, thinking about pinching their noses and eating Tang Sanzang.

Chu Hao had almost heard it, and secretly made a judgment in his heart.

"Lingji Bodhisattva instigated kidnapping and instigated murder, which is basically equivalent to being an accomplice. It doesn't matter if he has a hundred yuan or so. I'm really sorry."

"However, that's only a hundred yuan, no, I have to find an excuse and add some punishment."

At this moment, King Huang Feng is coming in from the outside.

When he came in and saw Chu Hao, he was suddenly stunned.

He has never seen Chu Hao, but he has never eaten pork, and he has never seen a pig run?

Whose monk can chat with ogre monsters there as if nothing happened after being arrested?Peanut shells all over the place!

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