The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 628 Chu Hao: Don't be afraid!Fuck him, I'll back you up!

When Grandpa Gao was about to be torn into pieces, the tiger demon almost sliced ​​Grandpa Gao's chest open with his claws.

But at this moment, a nine-toothed rake descended from the sky, and that huge brute force directly sent the tiger demon flying!

The tiger demon smashed through several walls before stopping.

In the next second, I saw Zhu Gang's mane descending slowly, standing in front of Grandpa Gao, looking at the tiger demon coldly,

"You dare to touch the target of your grandpa pig?"

The tiger demon looked at Zhu Gangli in horror.

For some reason, he felt endless fear from Zhu Ganglian!

The endless horror that seems to have survived from ancient times to the present is the fear that acts on the blood and instinct!

Even Monkey King was a little apprehensive looking at Zhu Gangmen.

Monkey King felt this breath just now, but Zhu Gangli seemed to be hiding around and didn't make a move.

With this shot, Monkey King realized what it means to be strong.

Tang Sanzang watched Zhu Gangman make a move, and couldn't help raising his brows, admiring it, but regretting it,

"It's still too kind... Can't you just let him die and come out?"

Grandpa Gao was terrified. He was almost killed just now. Now that the only savior appeared, Grandpa Gao naturally chose to act on the wind at the first moment.

Grandpa Gao hugged Zhu Ganglian's leg and said excitedly:

"Good son-in-law, I didn't misread you, I didn't misread you! Hahahaha!"

"Quick, kill all these monsters, and these two monks!"

"Hurry up, what do you see me doing?"

Zhu Gangyan repelled the tiger demon, but turned around, tilted his head, and looked at Gao Taigong coldly,

"Old man, are you teaching me how to do things? Our account has not yet been settled!"

Grandpa Gao stared at Zhu Gangli with his eyes wide open, puffing out his beard,

"Why did you talk to me? I'm Gao Cuilan's father and your father-in-law. If it's wrong, you'll pay me back!"

Grandpa Gao seemed to be used to beating and scolding Zhu Gangli, so at this moment he was blowing his beard and staring, and he opened his mouth to scold.

After scolding, he suddenly felt inappropriate.

After all, he is a man with sharp eyesight, and now that Zhu Gangli is very strong, he is the only hope.

If he offends Zhu Ganglian at this time, wouldn't his life be lost?

Immediately, a chrysanthemum-like smile appeared on Gao Taigong's face,

"Good son-in-law, it was my fault before, and I will compensate you, but there are thousands of mistakes, we are also a family."

"Family, no matter how much trouble there is, we can't do it in front of outsiders. Family ugliness can't be publicized, right?"

"My daughter is very lucky to marry you. You are my best son-in-law. When you defeat these monsters, I will cook soup for you myself! Hahahaha!"

The Gao family's unique skills, follow the trend, and use the wind to make the rudder.

Gao Taigong knew this well.

Tang Sanzang next to him was a little ready to move, his fists clenched.

Sun Wukong hurriedly stopped Tang Sanzang, "Master, don't get excited, calm down and let others handle it by themselves."

Tang Sanzang was so angry that he gritted his teeth: "Whatever the poor monk does today, he must collect the dead body of Grandfather Gao for burial! Otherwise, I will falsely call Tang Sanzang!"

Gao Taigong turned around, pointed at Tang Sanzang and cursed:

"Good son-in-law, and this smelly monk, they still wanted to harm you and plot to kill you!"

"Don't let them go!"

"Hey, good son-in-law, you caught the wrong person, it's them, it's them!"

Gao Taigong was still arrogant just now, but suddenly found that his feet were off the ground and his IQ was turned off.

Turning around, I saw Zhu Gang grabbed the nape of Mr. Gao's neck and hoisted Mr. Gao up like a chick!

After merging with the heart of the God of War, Zhu Gangli had already abandoned his ignorance and patience, and now he is full of fighting spirit!

Zhu Ganglian stared at Mr. Gao, and said coldly:

"Old man, I tolerated you before because you were still Lan Lan's father. Don't think that I don't know about the things you did behind my back!"

Grandpa Gao panicked, it was the first time he saw Zhu Gangli's cold and terrifying eyes.

Gao Taigong was terrified, it's impossible, shouldn't this pig demon be cowardly and submissive?

It's only been less than half a day, what happened?Became so crazy?

Zhu Gangyan gritted his teeth, his face was full of ferocity,

"You have repeatedly invited those three-legged cat Taoist monks to get rid of me. This is an insult, but I can bear it."

"Lan Lan was bullied outside, you, father, not only didn't help, but also made trouble, and instead helped the evildoer!"

"I have repeatedly secretly handed Lan Lan suicide|suicide things, do you think I don't know where those white silk daggers come from?! Ah!"

Zhu Gang's hands became more and more forceful.

Immediately, Grandpa Gao felt as if his whole body was about to fall apart!

The pain spread from the neck to all parts of the body, and it was so uncomfortable that he almost died of breath.

Zhu Ganglian opened his eyes wide with anger, his eyes were full of hostility,

"My old pig used to put up with you because Lan Lan still supported you, and you are also my half-father-in-law."

"But just now, in front of the monster, you actually want to sell a girl to survive? You are still not a human being!"

"If I don't kill you today, it's hard to solve the hatred in my heart!"

Zhu Gangli did what he wanted to do most in his life, and his emotions almost exploded in an instant.

The furious killing intent came out wantonly from his eyes.

It is Gao Taigong's instinct to bully the weak and fear the hard.

At this moment, Zhu Gangli was so tough, under the threat of his life, Mr. Gao was so cowardly that he cried out.

Weeping and begging for mercy,

"Good son-in-law, let me go, let me go, I know I was wrong!"

"From now on, I will be a good man, don't kill me, don't kill me!"

"You don't want Lan Lan to lose her father, do you? I made a lot of mistakes, but if Lan Lan loses me, people in this village will definitely bully her!"

"Let me go, I can live a good life in the future, let me go..."

Zhu Ganglian's mind was slightly shaken.

As much as he hated Grandfather Gao, he loved Gao Cuilan as much.

Zhu Gangli knows the people in this village too well, and he bullies the weak.

If she went to learn scriptures by herself in the future, Gao Cuilan would be bullied in the village without Mrs. Gao. This is a foreseeable consequence.

But Gao Cuilan is weak by nature and is a mortal, how can she live in Gao Laozhuang?Even if you go to another village, you will be bullied because you are lonely and helpless.

This is also the reason why Zhu Ganglu has been patient with Mr. Gao.

It's all for Gao Cuilan...

Tang Sanzang frowned beside him and said:

"Hurry up, the poor monk is waiting to be saved! If I don't save this old guy today, it will be difficult for me to end!"

The pig just gritted its teeth.

But Gao Taigong also saw the effect, as if grasping at straw, he quickly persuaded:

"Zhu Ganglian, Gao Cuilan is my daughter, if she knows that you killed me, do you think you can get her?"

"Let me go, shall we go back to the past?"

Gao Taigong was vaguely proud of himself, the pig's handle was under his control, without any effort!

Zhu Gangren struggled extremely, but was about to let go.

But at this moment, Chu Hao's voice came.

"Don't be afraid, fuck him, I will back you up and give you a solution to future troubles!"

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