The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 627 You call that monkey and thug a monk?

The killing mood is getting higher and higher.

The tiger demon led [-] monsters and rushed into Gao Laozhuang, killing each one they saw, and there was not even a single living person under their command.

All the people I met turned into broken corpses, it could not be said that they were not vigorous.

Gao Laozhuang is experiencing a tragic massacre.

At this moment, Sun Wukong and Tang Sanzang, who were sitting in Gao's house, also felt the noise.

In the Gao family hall, Gao Cuilan, Gao Taigong, Monkey King and Tang Sanzang are discussing the countermeasures against Zhu Gangli.

Suddenly, they heard loud shouts from outside.

Grandpa Gao was furious,

"What happened outside!"

Then a servant rushed up, terrified and fair to Gao Tai:

"Something went wrong, something serious! Outside, outside, outside, there are monsters all over the place!"

"They, they are slaughtering the village, Mr. Gao, let's run!"

Sun Wukong and Tang Sanzang looked at each other, and said in unison:

"Tu Village?"

Sun Wukong asked the servant:

"Which monster is it, dare to come to slaughter the village? Could it be that they don't know that my grandson is here?!"

The servant was terrified,

"I can't see clearly. I only know that a group of monsters burst in suddenly at the entrance of the village. When they come in, they will kill and kill without mercy."

Gao Taigong was also afraid in his heart, but he pretended to be majestic, and angrily slapped the table and said:

"A mere monster, dare to act presumptuously in Gao Laozhuang!?"

"Shouldn't dirty monsters and the like be locked up in the backyard and work hard?"

"Come here, go get the guy and fight against the monsters! I don't believe that there are so many slaves in my family, and there are still some who can act presumptuously in front of me!"

The servant stared at Mrs. Gao with wide eyes,

"Let's go? What about you?"

Grandpa Gao flicked his sleeves and said coldly:

"I am highly respected, how can I make a casual move? When my son-in-law comes back, he is strong and strong, and he will fight when I come back!"

Monkey King and Tang Sanzang watched in amazement,

Tang Sanzang shook his head and said:

"Benefactor, I suggest you die."

"One second you want our master and apprentice to surrender to your son-in-law, and the next second you want him to wait for you to go out?"

"According to the rules of our Buddhist school, you will be saved like this!"

Sun Wukong sneered and said:

"It turns out that Grandpa Gao is also a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death. He is greedy for life and afraid of death, so he let the little ones go out to die?"

"What are you talking about asking your son-in-law to fight on your behalf? I think you're out of your mind! Don't be ashamed!"

Grandpa Gao blushed when Sun Wukong scolded him, but he retorted in embarrassment:

"What do you know? I am highly respected, and that pig demon respecting elders is the right way."

"Although I want to subdue him, it has nothing to do with him having to fight for me! It's a completely different matter. Fighting for me is what he should do!"

Sun Wukong was confused, even though he has been a monster for so many years, he has never seen such shameless words!

But at this time, the door of the Gao family was suddenly kicked open!

Monsters rushed in one by one, full of murderous aura and full of evil spirit!

The leading tiger demon saw so many strangers, licked his lips, and greedily said:

"Kill all this family and beat the teeth!"

This scene frightened Grandpa Gao and all the servants of the Gao family to death.

This is near death.

But Tang Sanzang and Sun Wukong didn't care.

Sun Wukong simply waved his hand,

"Master, this pig demon, we will not surrender!"

"It just so happens that the monster in Gao Laozhuang is causing trouble, my old grandson protects you to leave!"

Tang Sanzang nodded again and again, his face was full of compassion,

"Very good, very good!"

"Gao Taigong, don't worry, when I will save you later, I will definitely use the most sincere attitude!"

Tang Sanzang has a very high level of business, and sometimes he often creates business by himself.

Collecting corpses is naturally a matter of familiarity.

Grandpa Gao was nervous and terrified, seeing the monster's steel knives had landed on the servants.

Blood splattered, and the broken body was thrown everywhere.

Broken eyeballs and broken corpses covered the entire front yard of Gao's house.

This group of monsters seemed to kill people intentionally for pleasure, and they were wanton and brutal with their hands. Everyone was just like a toy in front of them.

Gao Taigong was terrified when he saw that the monsters were about to kill him.

"No, no, you can't leave. Monsters kill and set fire. As monks, you should be merciful!"

Tang Sanzang sneered,

"For a person like you, saving you is already the greatest mercy of a poor monk! What more do you want?"

"Stop talking nonsense, your son-in-law tolerates you on weekdays, but you put your nose on your face and treat kindness as cowardice. This poor monk wants to save you!"

Gao Taigong rushed up, put his arms around Tang Sanzang's feet, and wailed:

"Don't go, don't go, save us!"

Monkey King was about to kick away, but was stopped by Tang Sanzang.

But Gao Cuilan, who was already frightened to the point of rain, also stopped Tang Sanzang.

Gao Cuilan's face paled,

"I beg you, save my father, my father is not a bad-hearted man."

Sun Wukong shook his head,

"It can't be saved, it can't be saved. My old grandson can't do anything."

Sun Wukong and Tang Sanzang didn't like Gao Taigong, but Gao Cuilan was innocent, so Sun Wukong also wanted to protect her.

At this time, all the monsters had rushed up.

Gao Cuilan was originally weak, but when this group of extremely ferocious, bloody and brutal monsters rushed in front of her, she was frightened and fainted on the spot.

The leading tiger demon roared ferociously:

"Kill the monk, kill the monk! Where is the monk?!"

Grandpa Gao was terrified, he just wanted to save his life, so he pointed at Monkey King and Tang Sanzang without hesitation,

"It's him, it's him, it's him! They are monks from the Eastern Tang Dynasty!"

"Kill them, I am innocent, don't kill me, you can take my daughter away if you want Mrs. Yazhai, she has delicate skin and tender flesh, don't kill me!"

As soon as Gao Taigong exited, the group of monsters suddenly looked at Tang Sanzang and Monkey King.

Good guy, with Tang Sanzang's tall figure, coupled with his bulging muscles, and the murderous look in his eyes, there are not dozens of lives that can't be justified.

And look at Monkey King, even more terrifying!

The power of the Great Sage Equaling Heaven and the aura of the Great Luo Jinxian, it can't be said that he is not tyrannical!

Even the tiger demon was taken aback. You know, even the tiger demon was only able to stand up to the Taiyi Golden Immortal after it was strengthened by the demon energy.

What the hell, doesn't he look like a monk?

The tiger demon and his subordinate monsters, with their simple three views, understood it in just a few seconds.

This is definitely a certain green forest hero, I am afraid he is still in the same industry!

The tiger demon stared at Gao Taigong with wide eyes,

"Smelly old man, you call that monkey and thug a monk? You think I'm stupid!"

"Little ones, don't worry about that bald head and monkey, they can't be messed with!"

"Kill this group of mortals, especially that old guy, who dared to lie to us and let his corpse be broken into pieces!"

The tiger demon roared and rushed towards Grandpa Gao.

But at this moment, a nine-toothed rake fell from the sky!

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