The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 625 The odd number has been divided, and the journey to the West will be unimpeded!

It's not that the family doesn't enter the house.

Patriarch Bodhi understood Amitabha's thoughts in an instant, so he sneered and said:

"Prison God Chu Hao, aren't you quite capable? You still claim to be righteous?"

"If you want to know something, just go in and find it yourself!"

Chu Hao frowned, but showed disdain,

"Do you think I'm stupid? Even if you can't arrange this sea of ​​light properly, won't it be gone if I go in?"

"When can you change your naive thoughts? You just want to trick me into going inside to try the danger yourself?"

"Eat fart! I have nothing to get, I'm leaving! No need to give it away!"

Chu Hao glanced at the three of them with a sneer, turned around, and wanted to leave with Hua Hong.

However, Patriarch Bodhi and Amitabha looked at each other.

Patriarch Bodhi suddenly sneered,

"That's up to you!"

Seeing that Patriarch Bodhi was fighting for the next part of the crisis with the sea of ​​light pouring down, he suddenly slapped a palm!

How strong is Patriarch Bodhi's palm?

Anyway, it is very strong.

Chu Hao only felt that all the space around him was blocked, and that palm could have easily killed Chu Hao.

However, Patriarch Bodhi was warned by the ontology that he must not have any direct cause and effect with Chu Hao's death.

Especially saints.

The stronger the person, the greater the danger of killing the odd number.

Therefore, Patriarch Bodhi helped Chu Hao and pushed Chu Hao into the sea of ​​light.

Although it is not the cause and effect of directly killing the odd numbers, it is also an indirect killing, and the cause and effect must also be borne.

But it doesn't matter, Xitian already had the idea and preparation to kill Chu Hao, and he couldn't kill Chu Hao directly. This time, killing Chu Hao indirectly this time is also a great opportunity!

Chu Hao was slapped into the sea of ​​light by this palm, terrified and furious, struggled and roared:

"Ahhh!!! My life is over!"

"Damn the second release, you are shameless and bully the weak. Since you have shot at me, you will die badly."

"It's so hot, no, my flesh | body, my primordial spirit, my true spirit, ah!!!"

"Bodhi Patriarch, Amitabha, are you not afraid of being discovered by the heaven?"

The faces of Patriarch Bodhi and Amitabha are as black as ink.

It shouldn't be, is it that the people who are going to die have such strong organizational language skills?Can you still talk so much?

However, Chu Hao's voice became smaller and smaller, and gradually disappeared, leaving only one sentence,

"Ah, I'm dead!"

Then Chu Hao was completely submerged in the sea of ​​light.

Chu Hao was almost exposed because of his addiction to cursing.

However, seeing that Chu Hao had finally fallen into despair, Patriarch Bodhi and Amitabha had satisfied smiles on their faces.

Amitabha was the first to laugh out loud,

"Hahahaha! My Buddha is merciful, Prison God Chu Hao, the calamity you suffered today is really karma."

At that time, when the Dragon Clan attacked the Western Heaven angrily, Amitabha Buddha was so aggrieved then, how happy he is now.

He wanted to kill Chu Hao more than anyone else, but he could bear it all the time.

Patriarch Bodhi also laughed and said:

"The fangs have been removed, and my journey to the west is now unimpeded!"

"Happy, happy!"

Patriarch Bodhi and Amitabha laughed together, holding Guanghai's waist upright all of a sudden.

In any case, being able to kill Chu Hao is always a good thing for them like Chinese New Year.

However, Amitabha suddenly thought about it, hesitated and said:

"However, I still feel a little uneasy in my heart. I am afraid that this person has an unusual method! After all, anomalous numbers cannot be theorized in the usual way."

Patriarch Bodhi nodded, but shook his head again and said:

"Although it is an odd number, it is not so powerful."

"This is the endless sea of ​​light transformed by Zen Master Wuchao's whole body, and the original true fire may also flow in it."

"This kind of energy, even a little bit of ordinary power, will hurt the soul, not to mention that he is only a half-step quasi-sage, why should he?"

Amitabha frowned,

"Is it possible that he received the original real fire in it?..."

Patriarch Bodhi laughed,

"You really know how to joke. If the original real fire can be easily swallowed, then the original real fire after the death of the ancient nine three-legged Jinwu will not dissipate in vain."

"The difficulty of swallowing that thing is extremely strong, no less than that of ants swallowing elephants, Amitabha, don't ask for trouble!"

Amitabha was also persuaded.

The words are not rough, but the words are really reasonable.

Even if the original real fire of the three-legged Golden Crow is stripped out and placed in front of Chu Hao, it may not be able to devour it within a certain amount of time.

What's more, in this sea of ​​light?

In this sea of ​​light, there is a half-step quasi-sage, who will be reduced to ashes in the first half of the day, and his body and soul will be destroyed!

Thinking too much, really thinking too much.

But Patriarch Bodhi still reminded:

"I can't be distracted any more. Just now Guanghai leaked that I don't know how many merits of vows I have died in this mortal world."

Because of Chu Hao's repeated harassment just now, Futu Mountain is now the same as Flaming Mountain.

It is unknown how many mortals were involved.

However, they are already existences that don't care about karma, no matter how monstrous Guanghai is below, they won't have much influence.

The only disappointment is that many things that provide merit and merit are dead, which is a pity.

What they are worried about is that this piece of land will grow again in a few decades, like leeks, crop after crop.

As long as it's okay.

Amitabha nodded again and again,

"That's right, don't be distracted anymore, he's dead anyway."

Patriarch Bodhi and Amitabha were satisfied. Except for Chu Hao, they even wanted to go on a trip to relax.

Divide by one odd number, do you still need to take care of Journey to the West?

That designation is unimpeded!

So happy!

As the saying goes,

Alone Better Together.

Everyone's happiness is always based on the happiness of others.

Not only were they happy, Chu Hao was also happy.

Chu Hao's breaststroke in the sea of ​​light is truly at ease.

"Tsk tsk tsk, the original real fire of the three-legged Golden Crow is really not covered up. The fire in the world will never hurt me!"

Chu Hao has the original real fire of the three-legged Golden Crow. Although he has not improved much, his flame resistance has been fully drawn.

With the full resistance, Chu Hao will be completely immune to the flames of the world in the future.

Another highly targeted rogue-level ability!

Chu Hao wandered in the sea of ​​light.

I won't say much about the details I'm looking for.

Soon, Chu Hao had already found several fragments.

Looking at the few fragments the size of a palm in his hand, and then thinking about how big the melting pot of heaven and earth was when the three-legged Golden Crow was taken out before.

Chu Hao wondered if he could use this to spell out the melting pot of heaven and earth, what's the difference between that guy and cheating?

[Congratulations on completing the mission, found the fragments of the melting furnace of heaven and earth, and absorbed all the existing fragments

[Reward: The system will spell out a complete melting pot of heaven and earth in the near future, and carry out transformation and strengthening, so stay tuned

Chu Hao was stunned for three seconds.

Good guy.

Not installed, right?

It doesn't really matter whether you find the pieces or not, even if it's a piece of pork, you can spell it out of the melting pot of heaven and earth, right?

You actually want me to come and play with Patriarch Bodhi and Amitabha?

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