The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 624 When a person is about to die, his words are good, specifically about the relics

As soon as Amitabha came out, Chu Hao was startled in shock.

scare me?

Chu Hao snorted coldly,

"I |did it, and now I still want to help you reboot, counting your crime of cutting off your children and grandchildren together! Fuck you|ya|!"

Chu Hao made a gesture to kick Amitabha's nahan, making Amitabha physically reboot.

Amitabha bowed back, and was a little frightened.

Good guy, is this really fun? !

When Amitabha broke the defense, the sea of ​​light poured down.

But Futu Mountain suffered disaster.

It was originally the place where Zen master Wuchao practiced, and there are many Buddhist temples here.

Once poured down, the entire Futu Mountain was like a volcano erupting, and the sea of ​​light spread from the top of the mountain down.

Amitabha was in a hurry, and quickly resisted Guanghai with all his strength.

As for the sea of ​​light pouring into Futu Mountain, he said in a panic:

"My Buddha is merciful, why are you so irritable!"

Patriarch Bodhi even shouted angrily:

"Prison God Chu Hao, don't be too arrogant!"

"The sky is big and the earth is big, and I am also a saint of Taoism. You practice Taoism and don't respect me, how dare you be so presumptuous!"

But Patriarch Bodhi was right when he said this.

The six disciples of Hongjun, the Buddha is the way.

It's just that the Zhunti sage cut off the three corpses later, and this Bodhi patriarch is the Zhunti original self, so he often calls himself a Taoist sage, trying to compete with the Taishang Laojun for his name.

After all, everyone knows how to put gold on their faces, and saints are no exception, it's just self-serving prejudice.

Chu Hao didn't say a word, but looked back again.

Patriarch Bodhi was so frightened that he quickly shrank back like a duck.

Is this going to be taken off? !

Chu Hao twitched the corner of his mouth,

"A dignified saint, like two ducks, is it interesting?"

The faces of Patriarch Bodhi and Amitabha were gloomy.

You don't look like a person when you make a move, do you still have the face to ask?

Chu Hao recovered, with a gentle smile on his face,

"I figured it out, the two seem to be in some trouble? If there's trouble, find the Law Enforcement Prison God of the Three Realms!"

"Am I eager to help others?"

"By the way, you just said that Zen Master Wuchao was killed. What happened?"

Amitabha sneered,

"Don't make jokes, it's you...stop!"

Chu Hao calmly withdrew his feet.

Amitabha wants to suffer as much as he suffers,

Your uncle, I am a dignified saint and good corpse, how can I be so unlucky and be threatened by a prison god?

However, as soon as Guanghai was released, Xiniu Hezhou issued additional shares directly!

No, bear with it.

This time, it is my Buddha's mercy!

Amitabha Buddha took a deep breath, his face changed into a look of compassion,

"I taught the strong Zen master Wuchao to die, and the prison god Chu Hao, do you have any advice?"

Patriarch Bodhi snorted beside him and said:

"If you don't have one, get lost! Is an insect worthy of being presumptuous in front of me?"

Chu Hao turned his head and glanced at Patriarch Bodhi,

"No more eggs?"

Patriarch Bodhi's expression became more and more rigid, and he was already blowing his beard and staring.

Obviously, he already wanted to kill Chu Hao very much. If he didn't want to support this sea of ​​light, Chu Hao would have died at least a hundred times now.

Chu Hao ignored Patriarch Bodhi, but raised his head to look at Guanghai above.

A trace of greed flashed in Chu Hao's eyes,

"Oh, this is the cremation site of Zen Master Wuchao, isn't it?"

"Ah, I suddenly remembered that Zen Master Wuchao and I actually have some feelings. Zen Master Wuchao and I are old friends. We have been playing since childhood..."

Patriarch Bodhi couldn't listen anymore, and shouted angrily:

"Fart! Zen Master Wuchao is the prince of Junshi, the ancient demon emperor of the ancient times. You also lived from the ancient times to the present?"

Chu Hao pondered for three seconds, "...if necessary, you can."

Patriarch Bodhi was furious. He had never been so angry when he taught Sun Wukong that stone.

Chu Hao continued to open his mouth and said:

"In any case, we have played together since childhood. Although he played at his house and I played at my house, it can be regarded as playing together until we grow up."

"Moreover, as the law enforcement prison god of the Three Realms, first, I will never act on my will, and second, I will never miss any bad things."

"The death of Zen Master Wuchao is such a big matter, and you don't report the case. Do you still have the king's law in your eyes? Is there still the law?"

Patriarch Bodhi was about to scold Chu Hao again.

Amitabha Buddha next to him suddenly said:

"But I was negligent, and I ask the prison god to forgive me."

"But now we still need to do something to protect the heavens, to protect the thousands of common people, Hell God, you righteous people, why don't you lift up Guanghai together with me, and protect the world?"

Patriarch Bodhi's face was a little more joyful, yes, you can trick him to come and stand together for punishment!

"I refuse!" Chu Hao didn't even think about it.

Patriarch Bodhi's face instantly pulled down.

Your uncle, so real?

Chu Hao looked at Amitabha Buddha with contempt,

"Why, you want to trick me into standing with you?"

"This Xiniu Hezhou does not belong to my family, so your believers will die first!"

"I am the clearest person. I can help, but I have to give money."

Amitabha is wearing a face. This hell god is so real, isn't he pretending?

Amitabha still said softly: "We will definitely have the opportunity to cooperate in the future, why don't you help us lift Guanghai first?"

"I want to eat fart!"

Chu Hao chuckled,

"But don't worry, I'm not a bad person after all. If I'm busy, I still have to help."

"When Zen Master Wuchao died, did he have any last words?"

"For example, where is the magic weapon that called him when he died? Is there any hidden merit and magic water? No matter how bad it is, do you need some panacea or something?"

Amitabha Buddha has a dark face,


Chu Hao frowned. These Xitian people are really selfish. They don't call out the bank card password when they are dying?

Truly selfish.

Chu Hao still tirelessly said:

"When a person is about to die, his words are good. Has he left anything in this sea of ​​light?"

"Ah, I didn't mean to dirty his treasure or anything, I just wanted to help him out of justice!"

"Attention, I'm helping him keep these treasures temporarily. After all, I'm with his friends. I can't leave his treasures unattended."

"Oh, by the way, does he have a wife and children? Not for boys, but for daughters. Well, there are more chopsticks for more people. I can help take care of them."

Chu Haoyue said, the faces of Amitabha Buddha and Patriarch Bodhi became darker and darker!

You wait, wait for my people from the West Heaven to come and save you!

Just when Patriarch Bodhi was about to sacrifice Dandan as the price, Amitabha suddenly said:

"Your Excellency, Prison God, why do you need to ask more questions, just go and see for yourself!"

Patriarch Bodhi was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized, a smile flashed on the corner of his mouth.


Amitabha is such a provocative method, this is to make Chu Hao jump into the fire pit by himself!

How terrifying is this Guanghai?

Even Amitabha Buddha and Patriarch Bodhi can only bear it here, and can only wear it away gradually.

Ordinarily powerful, even if touched, he would be injured. Wouldn't it be wonderful if he could trick Chu Hao into it? !

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