The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 614 Shooting the Golden Crow, Chapter 1 Raw, Chapter 2 Cooked

The three-legged Golden Crow knew that the crisis was coming, and struggled desperately in the sun's trap.

But the pocket sun net continued to exert force, and Xing Tian was directly squeezed next to the pocket sun net by the three-legged Golden Crow's fleshy body.

The three-legged Golden Crow was a little bit hard to protect himself, couldn't control Xing Tian, ​​and even found that his cultivation seemed to be freezing!

This is the only time to do it!

Zhu Gangli panicked by the side, looking nervous and excited at the same time,

"Boss, boss, me, me, are we really going to do it?"

I don't know why, seeing Chu Hao's understatement of bending his bow and setting his arrows, Zhu Gangli's heart beat extremely fast!

"Don't worry, it's my first time too, just get used to this kind of thing."

It was also the first time for Chu Hao to kill such a super ancient power, so he had no experience.

Fortunately, Chu Hao was praised by his teacher for his strong hands-on ability since he was a child. Although his grades were not good, he was eager to learn.

Chu Hao knew that this kind of thing was always familiar.

Chu Hao started aiming, but started to encounter difficulties.

"Should I shoot the heart? But... where is the three-legged Golden Crow's heart? It should have been asked face to face before, it was too kind."

"Forget it, shoot wherever the chicken's heart is, let it be."

In fact, the three-legged Golden Crow is scientifically explained, it is just a slightly mutated chicken, at most it has one more leg than other chickens, and it looks a little stronger.


After all, Chu Hao is an educated person, all ghosts and snakes are paper tigers.

Zhu Ganglian swallowed his saliva when he heard it, and sweat flowed down his forehead.


"Boss, calm down, I'm scared!"

Chu Hao yawned,

"Don't be afraid, grandma, I'm not afraid if I come here to assassinate you, what are you afraid of!"

Chu Hao really felt that it was outrageous,

Ordinarily I am the assassin, Zhu Gangli is just a corpse picker, I should be the most nervous when doing it.

Fortunately, the three-legged Jinwu and Zhu Gangli are the most nervous people, which is outrageous.

Zhu Gangli still wanted to persuade Chu Hao to be more stable.

But at a certain moment, Chu Hao raised a sinister smile,

"Go away!"

Then, Chu Hao didn't even have a prelude, and let go directly.

The arrow that shot the sun turned into a streak of light and disappeared into the air!

Zhu Ganglian's face suddenly turned pale, and he shouted in horror:

"Cum, shoot, boss, shoot!"

Chu Hao's face turned dark immediately.

Can you be normal!

This is someone who has never read a book. You said that Yi Gong shot the sun into darkness, and Huang Jin Dayong broke the cauldron.

The awesome feat of shooting the sun with the Shenbow can only be compared with that young fellow Hou Yi, so you will become a big shot in your mouth?

Words of tigers and wolves!

This is going to be directly killed by the power of Tiandao Guangdian!

Chu Hao was not in a hurry to let Zhu Gangli rush out to grab it, but let the Sun Shooting Arrow fly for a while first.

The Sun Shooting Arrow does not need to be controlled by Chu Hao at all. His speed and power are actually constant all the time.

Never transcend the rank of acquired magic weapon.

Even if it hit Chu Hao, it would be painless.

The significance of the Sun Shooting God Arrow is to shoot into the heart of the three-legged Golden Crow, so there is no need to worry.

At this moment, the three-legged Jinwu was also at the most tense moment.

He could feel that the great terror that had happened after a few kalpas had once again descended upon him!

The three-legged Golden Crow's eyes widened, screaming and struggling desperately.

And at this moment,

He was caught in the sun's net, watching Xing Tian shrinking rapidly.

It seems that Xing Tian is about to turn into his original body.

At the most critical moment, the three-legged Jinwu couldn't bear it anymore,

His eyes were about to burst, he looked up to the sky|screaming angrily, endless blood gushed out of his mouth,


"I am supreme, no one can kill me, no!"

"The only one who can kill me is myself!"

In the next second, he saw the endless blood in the mouth of the three-legged Jinwu, which suddenly wrapped the three-legged Jinwu in it.

Zhu Ganglian quietly asked,

"Boss, what is he doing?"

Chu Hao shook his head,

"I don't know, I don't know him well, killing him is also a coincidence."

Pig Gangman: "!!!"

I'm getting more and more scared!

But at this moment, something even more terrifying happened.

All the blood covering the three-legged Golden Crow burst open suddenly!

Just like a watermelon being crushed suddenly, blood spurted out, staining the sun net red.

For a moment, the sun net was completely covered with blood, and countless drops of blood flowed in the sun net and gathered again!

And the three-legged Golden Crow shrunk rapidly, like a frustrated girlfriend, whose body quickly shrank to hundreds of feet.

Moreover, the three-legged Golden Crow's face was pale, as if he had suffered serious injuries.

His face was terrified,

"Impossible, there is no loophole in this net! Not at all! Damn it! Damn it!"

"I have spent a lot of effort to learn the Blood God Son Kungfu from the Styx Sect Master, and even made it into an escape kungfu, but it doesn't work. Damn it!"

"Let me out! Damn it, if you have the ability to fight me face to face, stabbing someone in the back, shameless!"

Chu Hao raised his eyebrows when he watched from below,

"Oh! It turned out to be the [-] Blood God Son of the Styx Patriarch. No wonder they look so familiar?"

"Sure enough, it's Daogu Xianfeng, the more you cultivate, the more cowardly you become. It seems that the three-legged Jinwu has prepared many escape methods, but unfortunately, it is still a little bit short."

Zhu Ganglian looked dumbfounded, and after a while he swallowed and said:

"By the way, did the shot arrow go to eat? Why hasn't it appeared yet?"

Chu Hao shrugged, "I don't know, maybe he has his own ideas about shooting the sun arrow. Let's wait, let's have a meal first if we are hungry? Do you want roast suckling pig?"

Zhu Ganglian looked embarrassed, "Thanks, no need."

Chu Hao didn't go out, he was still waiting for the Sun Shooting Arrow to take effect.

Does this outrageous arrow have some wonderful properties, such as shaking or something, it is obviously shot, why does he like to wait a while before reappearing?

Could it be that the witch clan created such a sexy thing with all the power of the clan?

Improper man.

But Chu Hao didn't care, anyway, it was the three-legged Jinwu who was nervous.

Chu Hao had [-]% confidence in what the system gave him, and he was sure to hit the arrow anyway.

After all, it was the first time to shoot the sun, no one had any experience, and they didn't know what the sun-shooting arrow was like, so they could only try it out.

The three-legged Jinwu already felt that the fear of death was getting closer,

This feeling invisible to the naked eye, but able to feel the countdown of life every moment, made the three-legged Jinwu almost go crazy!

He didn't escape with the modified Blood God Son's magical skill just now, but this doesn't mean that the three-legged Jinwu will give up struggling.

Before the temporary, he no longer cares about any loss!

Surviving now is the only goal!

In the next second, the three-legged Golden Crow was seen taking out magic weapons one after another.

Chu Hao shook his head,

"Isn't it a magic weapon for self-destruction? Can't you afford it?"

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