The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 613 Rogue-level targeted magic weapon, bow and archery!

At this moment, the sky and the earth seem to be at a standstill!

The three-legged Golden Crow stared at Xing Tian's rapidly shrinking body.

He knew that the person in the dark was also staring at this piece of meat, and everyone was waiting for the moment when he plucked the fruit.

He even knew that a sun-shooting arrow would meet him next.

But no way!

The three-legged Jinwu didn't want to miss this opportunity!

Now I still have a chance to strike first on the field, if I leave for a while, God knows what will happen.

In case the ambushing person was about the same strength as himself, and he took the things and turned around and left, wouldn't the three-legged Jinwu cry without knowing why?

Now that everything is on the table, the three-legged Jinwu can only wait!

Xing Tian continued to shrink crazily.

Like a girlfriend leaking air.

Two thousand feet.

One thousand feet.

Although the body size still looks so huge, it cannot be compared with the one hundred thousand feet body just now.

And Chu Hao, who was hiding under the three-legged Golden Crow, once again drew the Sun Shooting Bow.

The three-legged Golden Crow's hair immediately blew up, and he could clearly feel the murderous aura in the air,

The condensed murderous aura was like a three-legged golden crow sitting on pins and needles!

"Can't wait!"

The three-legged Jinwu knew that he had been completely targeted by the hunters, and if he didn't do anything, he would definitely die!

At this moment, Xing Tian has shrunk to a hundred feet, and he already looks very petite in the sky.

And the three-legged Golden Crow made a decisive move, interrupting the original plan, and disconnected before the refinement was about to end.

Anyway, now Xing Tian doesn't have much threat anymore.

As long as I snatch the great witch Xingtian away now, that person will definitely come out and snatch it together during my escape!

And what the three-legged Jinwu was waiting for was the moment that person came out!

As long as he makes a move, the three-legged Golden Crow will definitely use all its strength to strike a thunderous strike and kill the person behind the scenes!

"Hahahaha! I have the treasure of turning rainbows, who can catch up to me, who can catch up to me! Hahahahaha!"

The three-legged Jinwu swooped down, hoisted up Xing Tian and ran away.

He laughed so much.

The technique of turning the golden crow into a rainbow is the fastest speed among the three realms, not one of them!

He even felt that no one could stop him from jumping back and forth here!

This hand is strong in blood!

The pigs at the foot of Futu Mountain were startled,

"Boss, he's about to run away! He doesn't play cards according to common sense!"

If Chu Hao was really about the same strength as the three-legged Golden Crow, Chu Hao would have been caught out.

It's a pity that Chu Hao is still a child, so Chu Hao won't expose himself.

"He can't escape!" Chu Hao smiled sinisterly.

In the next second, Chu Hao took out his pocket net.

When Zhu Ganglian saw it, he was surprised and said, "Boss, what is this?"

"Gunny sack." Chu Hao replied, and immediately threw out the pocket net.

Chu Hao was indeed right. The effect of this day-traveling net is basically equivalent to that of a sack.

This sun-shooting suit, the sun-shooting net, the sun-shooting bow, and the sun-shooting arrow are the strongest here.

This suit was originally made by the witch clan with the power of the clan, and it was made to target the three-legged Jinwu, and it was useless to beat others.

This day-to-day net is a sack, which is specially used to cover the Rainbow Treasure Technique.

In the next second, Duri sack made a move and flew towards the three-legged Golden Crow.

The three-legged Jinwu was still laughing wildly, but suddenly his eyes widened, terrified, and he cried out loudly,

"No! No! No! How is it possible, how can there be such a thing!"

"Don't come here!! Ahhhhh!!"

The pocket sun net was originally a sack specially used to cover the three-legged golden crow.

Ren Shi's three-legged Golden Crow has cultivated for so many years, and his cultivation base has improved, and his speed has also become infinitely faster.

But in front of the sun and the net, he couldn't escape at all.

In the next second, an invisible big net lit up between the sky and the earth, and that big net gradually tightened from all directions.

Just like the clouds in the sky, surrounded by leisurely.

And the three-legged Jinwu desperately wanted to fly out, but found that the world around him had been completely cut off, and he couldn't even breathe out!

The three-legged Golden Crow was terrified, desperately wanting to rush out of it.

His gigantic stature stretched a hundred thousand feet, coupled with the incomparably terrifying power of the supreme quasi-sage,

Even the Buddha Kingdom in the palm of the Tathagata Buddha can be directly broken through.

But, completely useless!

The three-legged Golden Crow touched the edge of the net, but it softened instantly like a paper airplane hitting water.

"No!!! I am the three-legged Golden Crow, the demon crown prince, with the supreme blood, there is no way I will die!"

"Ahh! The sun is really hot! Burn it for me!"

The three-legged Jinwu was already a little crazy.

He directly spewed out the endless real sun fire, and there was even a trace of purple in the golden flame.

The three-legged Golden Crow even activated Yuanyuan at this moment.

The flame emitted by the three-legged Golden Crow at this moment is the strongest flame in the Three Realms, not one of them!

Saints can't even match it!

The current three-legged Golden Crow, the source of the real fire of the sun in the body has been stored by the three-legged Golden Crow for several eons.

His sun is really hot, it has already far surpassed before.

Even, if it could do it all over again, the Three-legged Golden Crow felt that his own flame was enough to directly burn the other Three-legged Golden Crow to death.

Even his own father is threatened with his life!

This is his only trump card.

This is the pride of belonging to the three-legged Jinwu clan!

However, it was of no use.

Should the day-to-day network shrink or shrink, everything is orderly and orderly while busy.

Chu Hao looked at the tightness of the day-long net from below, and couldn't help shaking his head.

"The Witch Clan is not a son of man, and the power of the sun and the net can really make people completely desperate."

"Target, bare|nakedly aim at."

It's too light to talk about hooligans and hooligans.

All the sun is really burning on it, but there are no waves at all.

It's as if you have a full crit, full attack power, and full attack speed, but hitting one person is all misses, misses,

Finally hit it, and the notification of immunity popped up again.

The despair was unimaginable.

The three-legged Golden Crow is in this state now.

He even spit out the original fire, so don't try too hard.

But that pocket net was originally used to deal with the three-legged Jinwu clan, it was completely naked|naked.

The three-legged Golden Crow will be immune to the sun and the net.

You can even change to some other bird, the one that can spray water, and it will break through the sun and go away with a swipe.

But the three-legged Golden Crow just couldn't.

Chu Hao has actually experienced this feeling.

The last time I used the 36th-grade Good Fortune Qinglian to resist the glazed phantom light, wasn't it the same feeling?

Complete immunity, no matter how high the difference in strength is.

Chu Hao felt that this kind of targeted treasure was really the most rascal kind.

Seeing that the three-legged Golden Crow's sack was completely tightened, Chu Hao bent his bow and set an arrow,

"It's time for an injection!"

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