The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 603 Tear down the east wall to make up for the west wall, both sides are finished!

The three-legged Golden Crow was a little sad, but he didn't expect Chu Hao to be punched for himself in the end!

Xing Tian's power is really domineering, even the three-legged Golden Crow has spread its wings and strengthened a lot of power.

But with Xing Tian's punch, the three-legged Golden Crow's wings shook Chu Hao's body.

Seeing Chu Hao flying upside down, life and death were unpredictable, the three-legged Golden Crow became angry,

"Xing Tian, ​​he is still a child, and you actually attacked him!"

"Suffer to death!"

The three-legged Jinwu was furious immediately, and the real fire of the sun burned all over his body, fighting with Xing Tian.

The three-legged Golden Crow was a bit out of his wits, he could obviously rely on his strong cultivation base and the real fire of the sun.

It is absolutely possible to hold Xing Tian within a few days.

But now the three-legged Golden Crow is going to fight Xing Tian hand-to-hand,

On the one hand, it is also because of Hong Huang's bad habits, that is, he likes to fight hand to hand;

On the other hand, the three-legged Golden Crow also felt a little embarrassed because Xing Tian killed his junior, so he wanted to retaliate against Xing Tian through fists and kicks.

The three-legged golden crow is still too tender after all.

At this moment Chu Hao flew out backwards, shouting that my life is over, but his face was calm.

If the three-legged Jinwu was more witty, he would have recognized that the direction Chu Hao flew upside down was exactly the direction he came from.

Chu Hao actually wanted to use his strength to escape from the scene and return to where he was to catch fish.

Three-legged Golden Crow, you have been fooled!

This is my special escape route!

After all, Chu Hao really couldn't get any benefits.

He was already holding a Tianyuan magic stone in his hand, and there were two large buckets of three-legged Golden Crow's blood in his Qiankun bag.

Although it was said that he was punched, it was also the three-legged Golden Crow's punch for Chu Hao.

Moreover, Chu Hao put on the 36th grade Good Fortune Qinglian in advance, so the concept of reducing the damage by half is obviously not a lie.

Of course, if this is the case, the 36th-grade good luck green lotus is also a little dim, and it almost shattered.

In the short term, Chu Hao could no longer experience such a high-intensity battle.

However, normally speaking, there was no situation where Chu Hao had to fight.

All in all, in the battle between the three-legged Golden Crow and Xing Tian, ​​Chu Hao won a complete victory!

[Congratulations to the success of fishing in troubled waters during the boss battle!

[Reward: Sun Shooting Arrow!

[Congratulations on gathering the Sun Shooting Set: Pocket Sun Net, Sun Shooting Bow, Sun Shooting Arrow

Oh oh, the suit is ready!

Good guy, Chu Hao is thinking that this system is too inappropriate!

Isn't this just asking Chu Hao to look for an opportunity to make a cold shot, get down a great master from Xitian, and then monopolize the last Xingtian's treasure?

This system is really inappropriate. How can I, a righteous person like me, have such a despicable|shameless system?

Chu Hao stamped the true spirit mark on the sun-shooting suit, and practiced drawing the bow a few times to find out his condition.

Of course, Chu Hao is not a bad person, and Chu Hao's practice of drawing the bow is only for self-defense.

Even if it is useful for a day, it is only self-defense.

How could Chu Hao have so many bad intentions?

But Chu Hao didn't plan to go back now.

In the eyes of the Three-Legged Golden Crow, Chu Hao had already lost his soul and died.

Chu Haoba had no choice but to show up, otherwise the three-legged Golden Crow begged for two buckets of blood, wouldn't that be a loss?

I fished it from the battlefield with my own ability, how could I return it to you?

There is no reason for this.

[Zhu Gangyan has gone astray, how can I just sit back and watch my justice?

【Mission: Attune the pig's iguana, make it wake up, and embark on the road to the Western Paradise to take its life!

[Reward: 20 merits!

The arrangement is clear!

Attunement to pigs, this thing is simple!

Chu Hao was punched by Xing Tian and flew upside down from the ground, just in time to see Guanyin Bodhisattva flying over the sky from the bottom up.

White... The white moonlight sprinkled on the body of Guanyin Bodhisattva, and even Chu Hao felt a little amazed at the sacred aura.

It's a pity that this girl opened her mouth and was a bit vicious, otherwise she was pretty good.

Of course, Chu Hao's breath was naturally not caught by Guanyin Bodhisattva, so Chu Hao slipped away.

Chu Hao was glad that he ran fast, otherwise, once he was exposed by Guanyin Bodhisattva, Chu Hao would be finished.

The two passed each other up and down, Chu Hao flew upside down towards Tang Sanzang, to harm Tang Sanzang.

But Guanyin Bodhisattva hurried to the battlefield, and rushed to the battlefield if he could not be used.

Guanyin Bodhisattva finally came to the battlefield.

As soon as she came over, she saw Xing Tian beating the three-legged Jinwu violently.

The three-legged Jinwu completely shook off his arms, he didn't care at all that the opponent was a flesh-colored and tyrannical witch, he just wanted to vent his anger through his fists.

"Damn it, it's unreasonable to dare to act wild here, and even kill my brother!"

The anger of the three-legged Golden Crow transformed into a monstrous flame, descending on Xing Tian.

But gods of war like Xing Tian found out that the three-legged Jinwu had given up his advantage in cultivation and ended up fighting him.

This is exactly in line with Xing Tian's intention, he is not afraid of the three-legged Golden Crow at all, and fights against the three-legged Golden Crow.

The fight between the two sides is an epic battle.

The entire Futu Mountain, hundreds of miles away, was torn apart by Huo Huo.

The deep gully on the ground spread for thousands of miles.

The shock during the battle even spread to the underworld, causing all ghosts to panic and Hades to be terrified.

This is because the three-legged Jinwu deliberately compressed the battlefield here to prevent Xing Tian from escaping.

Otherwise, the entire Xiniu Hezhou might fall under the flames of war.

Even so, Guanyin Bodhisattva was also terrified and shouted:

"Don't fight anymore, you can't beat people to death like this!"

"Zen Master Wuchao, why don't you trap and kill him with your great supernatural powers, why do you make use of your weaknesses and avoid your strengths?"

The three-legged Golden Crow didn't even look at Guanyin Bodhisattva, but just snorted coldly:

"Xing Tian, ​​if you kill that child with your fist, I will use these sharp claws to cut open your heart! Take your life!"

The three-legged Jinwu has the attachment of the monster clan in his heart.

It's not that Chu Hao's sacrifice hurt him too much, but no matter what, this matter must be recovered!

An eye for an eye, an eye for an eye!

This is the way of the demon clan!

So the three-legged Jinwu and Xingtian fought together again.

Guanyin Bodhisattva felt a little pain in his head.

She didn't know who the child the three-legged Golden Crow was talking about was, but no matter how outrageous it was, it wouldn't be the Hell God, right?Anyway, it has nothing to do with myself.

The key is……

This is the territory of Xiniu Hezhou. Your uncle's three-legged Golden Crow asked you to suppress Futu Mountain. Isn't it because you are afraid that too many believers will be sacrificed, so how much incense will be lost?

This fight is not serious, if the whole Xiniu Hezhou is really wiped out, what should I do?

But such an arrogant person as the three-legged Golden Crow naturally didn't put Guanyin Bodhisattva in his eyes.

Let Guanyin Bodhisattva shout out his throat, the three-legged Golden Crow just fought fiercely with Xing Tian.

In desperation, Guanyin Bodhisattva could only help by the side.

Although she couldn't help the three-legged Jinwu defeat Xing Tian, ​​after all, she couldn't get involved in such a powerful battle.

However, Guanyin Bodhisattva can protect some temples around, which can be regarded as keeping the incense of some believers.

But she was worried in her heart, and she didn't know what happened to Tang Sanzang?

What if the prison god intervenes while he is not around?

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