The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 602 Three-legged Golden Crow: I bleed for Xitian!

Seeing that the bucket was full of blood, Chu Hao took out another big bucket with his backhand.

But the three-legged Jinwu still noticed Chu Hao's hooligan behavior.

Everyone, as comrades-in-arms, I was fighting to death in front, and you are here to secretly take my blood?

I have shed blood for Xitian, but you are greedy for my essence?

Too much!

Chu Hao also noticed the gaze of the three-legged Golden Crow.

Moreover, what was even more dangerous was that Chu Hao could see a white light in the distance, which was approaching quickly.

It's Guanyin Bodhisattva, hurry up, and finally arrive.

After all, Guanyin Bodhisattva still suffers from not having great supernatural powers.

Relying on the powerful technique of turning golden crow into rainbow, Chu Hao was half an hour earlier than Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Seeing the three-legged Golden Crow, I'm afraid he has a little opinion on himself, and Guanyin Bodhisattva is about to arrive.

If Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is allowed to reveal his identity again, Chu Hao is sure,

In the next second, the real fire of the three-legged Golden Crow's sun will burn to his ass.

No, I have to think of a way!

Immediately, Chu Hao held the god-killing gun and stabbed Xing Tian who was trapped tightly!

"How can you say that you have no clothes, and you share the same robe with your son!"

"Zen Master, don't be afraid, I'll make this evildoer stop as soon as possible!"

Chu Hao's face showed the brilliance of self-sacrifice and humanity, and he rushed directly to Xingtian with the god-killing gun in his hand.

It's not that Chu Hao is really great.

It is because Xing Tian is entangled by the real fire of the sun at this moment, and is being rapidly refined.

Chu Hao pondered, perhaps in a few days, Xing Tianzhen would be refined, and it would be difficult to steal some benefits at that time.

Moreover, in such a state, Xing Tian's strength is nonexistent.

At this moment, Chu Hao made a move, even if he was punched by the hammer, he should not die on the spot.

Wealth and wealth are in danger, and the killing gun is shot!

Chu Hao's killing god spear directly stabbed Xing Tian's thigh.

Fortunately, the real fire of the sun did not burn Chu Hao, it seems that he is still very smart.

The three-legged Jinwu couldn't help being moved when he saw that Chu Hao had made a bold move at this time, and sighed in his heart:

"There is such a righteous young man in the world, knowing that Xing Tian is so tyrannical, and yet he makes a bold move!"

"Although it is useless, it is still courageous. I may have misunderstood him just now."

"He is still a child, how could he have so many bad intentions?"

The three-legged Golden Crow forgot for a moment that Chu Hao received two big pots of blood from him just now.

Like a social moth, Chu Hao pierced Xing Tian's body with the Godkilling Spear, gurgling to absorb the evil spirit in Xing Tian's body.

Chu Hao was surprised to find that a Tianyuan magic stone was about to be condensed soon!

Good guy, how huge is the energy in this ratio?

Impossible, how can such a huge energy exist in Journey to the West, and it is still on the top of the Buddha Mountain?

Those saints don't care?Neither Xitian nor Tianting knew?

Chu Hao also found it strange, but no matter what, the benefits of getting it are indispensable!

Chu Hao comfortably drained the blood from Xing Tian's body.

Xing Tian was desperately struggling against the shackles of the real fire of the sun, but felt that Chu Hao, the moth of society, was quickly absorbing the evil spirit in his body, and his anger and fighting spirit could not be contained for a while.


"Who can stop me!"

Xing Tian roared suddenly, even if his whole body was burning with the real fire of the sun, he rushed towards the three-legged Golden Crow like crazy.

However, the three-legged Jinwu's eyes suddenly moved, and he had already sensed Xing Tian's terrifying fighting intent.

The three-legged Jinwu suddenly flew down, trying to suppress Xing Tian.

However, Chu Hao's exclamation suddenly came from the sky.

"Wait a minute, I'm still here..."

The three-legged Jinwu was stunned for a moment.

When the so-called gods fight, mortals suffer.

In the eyes of the three-legged Jinwu, Chu Hao was just a bigger ant.

But he probably has his father's inheritance on him, and he is still a member of the heavenly court. Even if he wants to do something to Chu Hao, he can't do it in public.

Hesitate and you will lose!

Xing Tian jumped up suddenly, and unexpectedly came first, and punched the three-legged Golden Crow hard on the head!

The three-legged Golden Crow was beaten to the point where it was completely messed up, and it didn't turn around all of a sudden.

I'm so...

Another brain twitch!

In the Battle of the Super Witch, this Prison God Chu Hao is too much like a shit stick!

Every time you can use the simplest words to break my defense and hurt me!

Wait, when he said fighting side by side, he didn't mean fighting me with Xing Tian, ​​right?

Otherwise, I have such a big advantage, how can I become more and more disadvantaged?

By the way, he also secretly took two buckets of my blood, there is my blood essence in it!

The three-legged Jinwu began to doubt Chu Hao's camp.

Chu Hao is so upright, how could he do such duplicitous things?

Just after the three-legged Jinwu was punched in the head, Xing Tian suddenly raised his fist again, as if to hit the three-legged Jinwu.

The three-legged Jinwu sneered, he could easily dodge such a slow fist.

However, at this time.

Chu Hao jumped up without hesitation, and the 36th-grade fortune-telling green lotus on his body glowed with endless white light.

"Xiu injured Zen master, villain, if you want to kill him, you must first step over me!"

Chu Hao was upright, and the voice of righteous words resounded in the air, like thunder.

The three-legged Jinwu burst into tears when he heard that!

In an instant, he recalled those selfish friends, those duplicitous allies in the endless years...

No one has ever been willing to block a knife for him!

In particular, knowing that the opponent's strength is so strong, it is definitely enough to easily punch any Da Luo Jinxian into reincarnation!

It was such a domineering fist, that Chu Hao jumped out resolutely to resist? !

The three-legged Jinwu was so moved that he could hardly speak!

Originally, the three-legged Jinwu could easily dodge this punch, but he didn't want to dodge!

For the sake of the child in front of him, the three-legged Jinwu gave up dodging, stretched out his wings, and stood in front of Chu Hao!

To be honest, the three-legged Jinwu originally planned to settle accounts with Chu Hao after the battle, especially Chu Hao's advice during the previous battle.

The three-legged Golden Crow was able to fight until now, all thanks to Chu Hao.

Otherwise, the battle would have been won.

But now, Chu Hao stepped forward, even trying to block the punch that the three-legged Jinwu could dodge.

The three-legged Golden Crow was influenced at that time.

Forget it, he is a good boy. Although everything he does is causing trouble for me, he must not mean it.

For those who celebrate the New Year, as an elder, it is hard to say anything.

I took this beating for you!

The big wings of the three-legged Golden Crow firmly received Xing Tian's punch.

However, even the body of the three-legged Golden Crow couldn't withstand the impact of Xing Tian's punch.

Xing Tian's fist reached Chu Hao with the force of beating a bull across a mountain.

"Oh, my life is over!"

Chu Hao let out a scream and flew out backwards.

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