The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 589 I would rather go down to the ghost gate than enter your Lingshan

Guanyin Bodhisattva felt his whole brain buzzing.

I, Cao, have never heard of such an outrageous thing!

I just left for a while, why did Tang Sanbu commit murder and arson?

He, he is the most critical person in the study of scriptures. To act as a universal salvation to all living beings, he needs to be an ascetic monk who practices Buddhism.

How the hell has he become a madman who kills and sets fire, buryes all beings with fists, and doesn't respect Buddhism!

Forget about the six thieves before, after all, they are illusioned things, so it's no problem to kill them.

But Tang Sanzang killed all living people.

Killing people is tainted with karma!

Even if he is not contaminated with karma, he has violated the greatest precept of Buddhism, the precept of killing!

How can I go to the West to learn Buddhist scriptures after this?

Really kill all the way?

Guanyin Bodhisattva fell into a frenzy.

But the black bear spirit in front of her looked impatient,

"Guanyin, don't talk too much nonsense, I absolutely don't want to go to Xitian, even if you let me become a Buddha and a patriarch, I'm not happy either."

"I can't keep squatting there pretending to be merciful and fooling people. I'm going to the nine-story prison!"

Guanyin Bodhisattva is still thinking about Tang Sanzang, and he can't hold back the black bear again.

At that time Guanyin Bodhisattva was in a hurry,

"Ergan, don't be shameless!"

"I'll accept you in the Western Paradise, if you refuse to accept it, I will kill your two brothers, send you to the Western Paradise again, and then we will have a good break up with you!"

Guanyin Bodhisattva was in a hurry, but he had to say this.

The black bear was aggrieved and very uncomfortable.

Thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, thousands of miles of dust, one emperor and one courtier.

If it was placed during the Lich Tribulation period, what kind of bullshit Western religion would it be?

Which one of the demon gods in the prehistoric era couldn't beat them violently? !

It's a pity, now that the world has changed hands and the west is powerful, these scattered monsters in the world can only be oppressed wantonly.

This is the real no way into heaven and no way out.

And the hand of Buddhism also extended to the demon clan. As the demon king in the human world, the black bear spirit has known many great demon kings.

But even those big demon kings, under the oppression of Buddhism, only dared to be angry and dare not speak out.

Moreover, most of the monster races are independent, and it is even less likely to resist the conversion of Buddhism.

They want to organize, but the organized monster clan will only usher in more painful revenge.

No one will tolerate a strange force rising between heaven and earth.

The black bear spirit realized early on that he was being targeted by Xi Tian, ​​and his fate seemed to have been controlled early on.

can't resist...

Hei Xiong was aggrieved, but still stared at Guanyin Bodhisattva coldly,

"How dare you do this, your difficulty, I think it will become a real murder!"

The fish is dead and the net is broken!

Most youkai will not lack this courage.

However, most of them know that the net of death will not be broken.

Without a backing, let others ravage|ravage, this is the status quo of the Yaozu.

Even the so-called Great Emperor Gouchen couldn't take care of the monster races in the world, and even the recruitment of monster races to heaven was subject to various restrictions by Xitian.

After all, 500 years ago, the weakness of Heavenly Court was indeed visible to everyone.

Guanyin Bodhisattva also noticed the firm killing intent of the black bear spirit.

Although Guanyin Bodhisattva was disdainful in his heart, he was still afraid of surprises, so he had to comfort him first:

"No, just cooperate obediently, you have a destiny with Xitian, why do you have to tear your face?"

"As long as you are willing to take refuge in my Buddha, we can agree to all the conditions you put forward, including the matter that you let the two brothers join Xitian together."

"You are also a smart bear. You should know that the prison god is not even in the quasi-sage realm. He can't protect you."

"The best choice in the Three Realms is to join the Western Paradise and become a Buddha and ancestor, nothing else!"

Guanyin Bodhisattva stared at the black bear spirit, strong, domineering, and aloof!

Guanyin Bodhisattva, as always, upholds the attitude that the Western Paradise is above all living beings.

The black bear spirit also seemed to have been shaken a little, entangled in extreme entanglement, and lowered his head in pain,

"I...I know..."

Guanyin Bodhisattva secretly breathed a sigh of relief,

"Since this is the case, you should find an opportunity to snatch the brocade cassock. That treasure is extremely precious, and you must not try to destroy it, or you will be killed!"

"Under the great calamity, if you don't attach yourself to the Western Heaven, you can't control your life and death, so you can do it yourself!"

After Guanyin Bodhisattva finished speaking, he left in a hurry.

She didn't care about saying that the brocade cassock was precious, it was indeed precious, and it was the only magic weapon assigned to Tang Sanzang during the Journey to the West.

The cause and effect of the relationship cannot be ignored.

The tin rod was okay, if it was gone, it would be gone, even if it was taken by Tang Sanzang to kill people and set fire to it.

But this cassock cannot be thrown away.

But Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva was thinking, the black bear spirit shouldn't be so reckless, swallowing magic treasures alone?

Now she is anxious to go back to see Tang Sanzang who murdered and set fire,

She really wanted to know what the hell happened to me after I left for such a short period of time!

In fact, there was one more thing she didn't know.

When Tang Sanzang slaughtered all the gangsters, the old master of Guanyin Temple kept watching.

Only then did the old homeowner realize that he had bumped into an iron plate!

"What the hell, is he really a monk?!"

The old homeowner was terrified, and immediately recognized the reality.

He was sure that even the little boxing skills he had learned from the black bear spirit could not compare to this Tang Sanzang!

If I stay in Guanyin Temple, I will definitely die!

The old homeowner was frightened all of a sudden, but he was reluctant to part with the cassock.

So, the old homeowner gritted his teeth, took the cassock, ran all night, and went into the mountains to visit the black bear spirit.

Stones from other mountains can attack jade!

If you can let the black bear spirit take action against Tang Sanzang, you will be sure!

This matter will not be mentioned for the time being.

After Guanyin Bodhisattva left, the black bear raised his head, his face was full of ferocity.

Angry, crazy, ferocious, proud!

This is the common unyielding soul between heaven and earth!

He has been good for so many years, but he didn't want to be a hypocritical bodhisattva protector!

The Black Bear Spirit stared at the voice of Guanyin Bodhisattva going away, gritted his teeth and said angrily:

"Shameless Xitian, Shameless Bodhisattva! Do you really think that my monster race can be manipulated by others?!"

"I'd rather go down to the ghost gate of the underworld than enter your Lingshan!"

The black bear turned around angrily.

But he thought of the meaningful smile of the fairy when he saw the fairy in white just now.

Hei Xiong is fine in an instant.

No matter what, you must go to the Nine-story Heavenly Prison!

No matter how small the place is, no matter how Xitian targets it, even if it is to be smashed to pieces.

It doesn't matter, I am happy!

With such a handsome boss, even death is worth it!

Although the black bear spirit is a monster through and through, he cultivates Taoism and is also a face controler.

Sorry, no choice.

The black bear spirit was about to go directly to the ninth floor prison, but suddenly stopped,

"No, I'm leaving, what should I do with my brother like that?"

"Come with me! Am I not stupid?"

The black bear slapped his head, with excitement on his face.

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