The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 588 Avalokitesvara went crazy, murdered and set fire to Tang San's burial?Outrageous

Tang Sanzang punched with all his strength, hitting the young monk Guangzhi's chest!

Guangzhi was originally a dignified qi cultivator, so his eyesight and reaction were not bad.

But he has never seen such an outrageous physical|physical cultivation base, this speed, even a Qi refiner can't stop it!

He could only instinctively block the horizontal knife in front of his chest, hoping to scare Tang Sanzang away.

Who knows, Tang Sanzang's eyes are full of contempt,

"The rolling blade and the broken knife, what can I do?"

Tang Sanzang didn't dodge or dodge his fist, and directly hit the blade of the big knife!

With one punch, the big knife was directly interrupted, the blade curled up, and it rushed towards Guangzhi with unabated momentum!

Guangzhi didn't react anymore, his mind was just blank.

"There's something wrong with this Tang monk! It's hard for a Jindan cultivator to break through the sword without any skills. How could he..."

When the little monk Guangzhi reacted, he saw that Tang Sanzang's fist had already broken the big knife and pierced through the chest of the little monk Guangzhi!

The severe pain at that moment made the little monk Guangzhi fall into despair, and his vitality was completely annihilated.

Until the time of his death, an idea was still lingering in his mind,

"Bodhisattva, why don't you bless me?"

Guangzhi, died.

This punch is extremely domineering!

The faces of all the monks turned green with fright.

What is this called a monk?

You said he was a Shura!

Are all the monks from the Tang Dynasty so fierce?

Are they really going to learn the scriptures, not to the west to take the life of the Buddha?

Tang Sanzang withdrew his fist, stared at the rest of the monks, and said coldly:

"Next, it's your turn!"

The power of this punch has already scared everyone out of their fighting spirit.

Who would dare to fight with such a fierce man?

This strength, no Jindan can't stop it!I'm afraid even the old courtyard master is not a one-punch enemy!

Oh my god, this is outrageous!

Tang Sanzang showed no mercy, looked at the rest of the monks, and struck again!

The monks were terrified and shouted:

"No, no, don't kill us, we are innocent! We are all just following orders."

"If monks don't kill monks, Tang Seng, you practice Buddhism, you should also know that killing monks is equivalent to slandering the Buddha, and you will go to Avici Hell!"

"Yes, yes, monks don't kill monks. We have worshiped Buddha and Bodhisattva for many years, and our merits are immeasurable. Killing us is a great karma!"

However, Tang Sanzang did not let him go at all.

Just punch coldly!

There is a saying:

I have a Buddha in my heart, what are you afraid of?

If it was Tang Sanzang before, maybe he was really frightened by these young men.

However, Tang Sanzang now has advanced Buddhism!

Using advanced thinking as a weapon to bury the wicked will bring immeasurable merit!

The wind blows from the fist, and there is a bloody storm!

Tang Sanzang uses his fists to explain his own Buddhism.

Killing one villain is better than saving thousands of ants!

In this world, the most just humanity should not be used to protect the criminals, but to warn the living!

Tang Sanzang murdered, and his body was stained with endless blood, but there was no ferocious look on his face, let alone the pleasure of revenge.

Tang Sanzang showed mercy when killing people.

He's not out for revenge.

If there is a law and a government here, he will naturally break their hands and feet and hand them over to the government.

But the barbarians here, these people kill and set fire, no matter it is counted by the laws of the Tang Dynasty, or Tang Sanzang's own self-defense, killing these people is completely innocent.

After a long while, when Tang Sanzang stopped.

Dozens of corpses lay here and there in disorder, while Tang Sanzang's cassock was blood-stained and his tin staff was scarlet.

But Tang Sanzang respectfully recited the Buddha's name,

"Amitabha, all benefactors, please be a good person in your next life."

Tang Sanzang looked aside, there was a young monk who was not holding a weapon, shivering in horror.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me! I just entered the Buddhist monastery today, I don't want to die..."

Seeing Tang Sanzang looking at him, the little monk screamed in fear.

Tang Sanzang lowered his head slightly, unable to see the false meaning, he just said pityingly:

"You have entered the land of sin. You have not been infected with sin, but you can still be saved. You go, I will not save you."

Tang Sanzang also told the young monk about justice.

The little monk didn't listen, and ran away in panic.

Tang Sanzang shook his head pityingly,

In a barbaric place, no matter how innocent people are, they are easily contaminated with crimes.

That's why Buddhism is polluted by sins in such places.

It is still the righteous Dharma of Xianjun, which is the upright Dharma.

Tang Sanzang shook his head, looking at the corpses on the field.

Although he also felt uncomfortable when he killed someone for the first time.

But there was no resistance in my heart, and no regrets.

There was a sense of loss in his heart.

If I could come to this Guanyin Temple earlier, wouldn't I be able to save these evil people as soon as possible?

See the big from the small.

If they could talk about civilization and listen to some real Buddhist teachings, how could they become what they are today?

Tang Seng misses the civilized and enlightened Tang Dynasty a little bit.

Tang Sanzang didn't think too much, and quickly started to clean up the corpses.


Tang Sanzang carried all the corpses into the meditation room.

There were dozens of corpses piled up in the room, and Monkey King couldn't help being shocked when he saw them.

Sun Wukong screamed,

"Master, my old grandson has never killed so many people in his life, you are still awesome in killing people!"

Tang Sanzang waved his hand,

"Don't say such stupid things, being a teacher is saving lives and purifying the world."

Sun Wukong laughed and shook his head,

"My good fellow, if you become a Buddha, you must be titled Buddha of Infinite Merit and Virtue."

Tang Sanzang rolled his eyes,

"Monkey, do me a favor and dig out those corpses."

"Let's save the poor monks together. Dust returns to dust, merits and demerits, good and evil, should disperse like smoke and rain after death."

Although Sun Wukong was a little negligent.

But Tang Sanzang did this matter reliably, so Monkey King also agreed.

With a little magic, more than 300 corpses are all here.

Sun Wukong sighed, and said: "It's all here, broken corpses and bones, all kinds of things, I'm afraid there are more than four hundred..."

Tang Sanzang felt very uncomfortable, bowed his head, and recited Shengnanmo Amitabha.

He took the fire shield, put it on his body, and picked up the torch,

"Disciple, you go out. As a teacher, you must recite sutras here and cremate them."

Sun Wukong froze for a moment,

"Have you... thought it through? There must be evil spirits in the fire!"

Tang Sanzang waved his hand, his face was full of pity,

"Evil ghosts complain, poor monks listen."

Monkey King couldn't resist, so he had to leave.

Facing the hill-like corpse, the hill-like corpse, Tang Sanzang sighed and started to light the fire.

In the next second, the fire in the meditation room shot up into the sky!

In the fire scene, evil spirits roam freely, and Tang Sanzang recites the Sutra of Rebirth to save him from reincarnation.

This matter is not mentioned.

But he said that on the other side, Guanyin Bodhisattva was trying to persuade the black bear spirit.

Suddenly, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva saw the flames rising into the sky in the monastery, counted with his fingers, and suddenly widened his eyes!

After Tang Sanzang walked out of the meditation room, killing people and setting fire, all the pictures were reflected in the mind of Guanyin Bodhisattva, and Guanyin Bodhisattva spat out a mouthful of blood,

"What the hell! Murder and set fire to Tang Sanbu?! Saving thousands of ants, why not kill a villain?!"

"How did he realize this Dharma!"

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