The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 574 Xiaobailong: The prison god broke the game, thank you boss

Guanyin Bodhisattva was a little out of breath.

The Tathagata Buddha gave Guanyin Bodhisattva a total of so many merits and virtues, and the Tathagata Buddha predicted a hundred thousand merits and gods, and asked Chu Hao to cooperate for at least one year.

One hundred thousand a year, that's awesome!

Don’t you see, the Tathagata Buddha’s 30 merits and divine waters are counted by argument skills!

However, the Tathagata Buddha never expected that in Chu Hao's place, there might be only one difficulty for the one hundred thousand meritorious water.

Guanyin Bodhisattva: I am too difficult...

In any case, Chu Hao happily accepted the one hundred thousand karmic virtues.

Murder and set fire to the gold belt, repair the bridge and repair the road without corpses.

Chu Hao didn't need to kill people and set fires, and he didn't even need to say a lot, he got such meritorious water directly.

First of all, I would like to thank Xiaobailong.

Without his outrageous brain supplements all the time, how could Chu Hao be able to squeeze out a hundred thousand merits and virtues from Guanyin Bodhisattva like a juicer.

Guanyin Bodhisattva glared at Chu Hao, and said coldly:

"Take my virtuous water, and quickly let Xiao Bailong wear the treasure and return to his place!"

Then, Chu Hao turned around and left without even looking back at Guanyin Bodhisattva.

The Law Enforcement Prison Gods of the Three Realms work in this way, so it's not a big problem.

Guanyin Bodhisattva is in a hurry,

"Robbery, you took my virtuous water and didn't do anything for me, aren't you a bit too much?"

Chu Hao took the saddle from the God of Naluojia Mountain, looked at Guanyin Bodhisattva lightly,

"Guess what I'm going to do next?"

Guanyin Bodhisattva was shocked, "If you dare to destroy my magic treasure of the Western Heaven, I will swear to you never to give up!"

Chu Hao smiled slightly, but exerted a little force, directly crushing the saddle.

The treasure that Xi Tian relied on to subdue the little white dragon turned into powder on the spot and scattered in the air.

Guanyin Bodhisattva scratched her head in despair, she never thought that Chu Hao would be so shameless, he would do such a wicked thing after receiving one hundred thousand merits and divine water!

Not a human being!

Chu Hao clapped his hands, but said lazily:

"Actually, I just want you to bring something in exchange, but you remind me that you want to destroy this harmful magic weapon, so I can't refuse."

Watching Chu Hao crush the saddle, Xiao Bailong couldn't help being extremely moved. He didn't expect Chu Hao to turn against Xi Tian because of him!

Xiao Bailong was touched and said:

"The Prison God's kindness can't be repaid! From now on, little Bailong will only follow the boss!"

Chu Hao smiled lightly.

It's not a day or two since I fell out with Xi Tian, ​​what I said...

Guanyin Bodhisattva was already confused, and stared at Chu Hao furiously, gnashing his teeth, almost as if to let out a growl from his throat.

"Prison God Chu Hao, you are provoking me, Xitian, you don't know how to live or die! You have taken my merits and god water, and you still don't do anything, you, you, you, you are too deceitful!"

Chu Hao looked innocent,

"One hundred thousand merits and divine water is your reward for letting me destroy this magic weapon. Isn't this too much?"

Guanyin Bodhisattva turned around angrily, she knew that this time it was completely in Chu Hao's hands.

She decided to give up struggling!

Let the Tathagata Buddha handle this matter, she can no longer resist this madman.

Seeing Guanyin Bodhisattva turn and leave, Chu Hao knew that it seemed that there was really nothing to squeeze.

There was no other way, Chu Hao decided to forgive others and forgive others.

Chu Hao shouted behind Guanyin Bodhisattva:

"Wait, you don't want it anymore?"

Guanyin Bodhisattva was dizzy at that time,

"It's unreasonable, you are full of swear words, how can you be the law enforcement prison god of the Three Realms!"

Chu Hao was helpless,

"I mean, you don't want the white dragon horse back?"

Guanyin Bodhisattva suddenly stopped, and the expression on his face suddenly turned cloudy.

Did his conscience find out?

Guanyin Bodhisattva turned her head stiffly, looked at Chu Hao, and said tentatively:

"Are you really willing to let Xiao Bailong return to his place?"

Chu Hao glanced at Xiao Bailong.

Xiao Bailong showed a respectful and obedient expression to Chu Hao,

"It's all at the command of the prison god."

Chu Hao then turned his head and said to Guanyin Bodhisattva:

"Xiao Bailong also needs this job, the beauty of a gentleman, I am willing to let Xiao Bailong join Journey to the West!"

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva was overjoyed, just now he was furious like mourning, but in an instant, his face became full of excitement,

"Okay! Thank you, Prison God!"

"But the saddle..."

"Don't even think about it." Chu Hao interrupted firmly.

Guanyin Bodhisattva's face froze instantly.

Without that magic weapon, wouldn't Xiao Bailong run away whenever he wanted in the future?

It is even conceivable that Xiao Bailong, who has not converted to my Buddha, will get the scriptures and go mad on the Lingshan Mountain.

Good guy, this is an untimed bomb|bomb!

Chu Hao stared at Guanyin Bodhisattva, and said lightly:

"Do you still want to bargain? You don't want to go west?"

Guanyin Bodhisattva was stunned for a moment, with a firm look on his face,

"Okay! I believe in the prestige of the Law Enforcement Prison God of the Three Realms, and Xiao Bailong, please return quickly!"

What can I do if I don't believe it?

Go back to report the funeral?

Isn't the Tathagata Buddha still miserable?

Guanyin Bodhisattva also has his own calculations. Although the magic weapon is gone now,

But seeing how little white dragon respected Chu Hao, if Chu Hao said a word, little white dragon would be able to cooperate perfectly.

Since this is enough.

As for subduing Xiaobailong, that will be a matter for later, I believe the Buddha will have a good chance to solve it by then.


Leave it all to the Buddha to worry about!

As long as there is no accident in this part of me, it will be perfect!

Guanyin Bodhisattva turned to Chu Hao and said:

"Then... trouble Your Excellency Prison God..."

Chu Hao sneered,

"When I crushed the magic weapon just now, I made people not be the sons of men."

"Now that I promise to help, I will say Your Excellency the Prison God."

"Don't be too happy too early, I have a lot of bad thoughts! What will I do in the future, turn a blind eye and close one eye, do you hear me?"

Chu Hao really didn't hide his bad intentions at all.

Otherwise, why would Chu Hao cooperate with Guanyin Bodhisattva so much, and waste a word of his own to let Xiao Bailong return to his place?

Of course it was because of Chu Hao's commercial espionage!

Guanyin Bodhisattva pretended not to hear it. Anyway, if something happened, it should be the Tathagata Buddha who went to the head, ha ha.

Guanyin hurriedly said: "Anyway, let's go back first, don't make them wait."

"As for the saddle... Just use magic to make one first, just fool it."

Chu Hao suddenly remembered, "I almost forgot about a young man who betrayed Heaven..."

The God of Luojia Mountain next to him was terrified, but Chu Hao glanced at him lightly.

Die suddenly on the spot and fall into reincarnation!

Although threatened by Guanyin Bodhisattva, breaking the rules of heaven is breaking the rules of heaven. It is Chu Hao's greatest tenderness not to let his true spirit be annihilated.

Chu Hao smiled and glanced at Xiao Bailong this time,

"Then you should feel wronged first."

Little White Dragon smiled happily,

"The prison god is joking. This is something that my Dragon Clan and Xitian have discussed. It is normal."

"If it wasn't for the big boss who saw that Xitian was shameless, and used this to destroy Xitian's conspiracy and save me from the sea of ​​suffering, I'm afraid I would have lost myself and become a lackey of Xitian."

"I will definitely tell the elders in the clan about this matter, and my dragon clan will never forget your kindness!"

Xiao Bailong's face was full of gratitude.

Chu Hao smiled awkwardly,

"Ahahaha... No, this matter is really..."

Xiao Bailong smiled and said, "Big brother is starting to be humble again."

Chu Hao: "..."

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