The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 572 Chu Hao: Don't say anything, anyway: Huh!

Even Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva has already broken his heart, but seeing such a beautiful face, it is difficult to persist for a long time.

In the end, Guanyin Bodhisattva still chose to surrender, not daring to look at Chu Hao's handsome face anymore.

That appearance can destroy the mind of any god, men, women and children, there is no escape.

Guanyin Bodhisattva looked back, but did not see a bean-sized drop of sweat dripping from Chu Hao's forehead.

Chu Hao was so flustered, it was over, this time he was going to be ashamed.

This little white dragon is trying to kill me...

Chu Hao was about to give up struggling and let Xiao Bailong return to the team quickly.

But Guanyin Bodhisattva spoke first and sighed:

"Hey, since you saw it through, it's fine, come with me!"

"But Prison God, you promise me that since you already know that thing, you need to ask Xiao Bailong to wear it."

Chu Hao: "???"

Ah this?

Today is really a day of ignorance!

I didn't say anything, the key is!

The Guanyin Bodhisattva opened his mouth tonight, and Chu Hao had already sent the little white dragon back!

Guanyin Bodhisattva frowned, leading the way all the time, she was a little preoccupied, who leaked the news!

Damn, is there an undercover agent?

Or is this guy really omniscient...

Of the two, Guanyin Bodhisattva believes in the latter more.

Xiao Bailong patted Chu Hao's shoulder and said excitedly:

"Master Prison God, you are so powerful that you actually guessed what Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva secretly arranged! Can you teach me how to guess it?"

Chu Hao smiled awkwardly,

"Ahahahaha! This kind of thing depends on talent."

Without your talent for talking nonsense, how the hell would I know what seemed to be arranged in this mountain?

Xiao Bailong stretched out his hand respectfully,

"Prison God, please first!"

"I really want to see what kind of medicine is sold in this Guanyin Bodhisattva's gourd!"

Chu Hao showed an awkward yet polite smile on his face,

"Ahahaha, can't it be another tight tie?"

The two followed Guanyin Bodhisattva.

The three of them were walking all the way, while the masters and apprentices were talking, they suddenly saw a mansion beside the road.

Xiaobailong is not a rotten fish and rotten shrimp, he can tell at a glance that there is something wrong with this manor!

It's not the residence of mortals, it's really a fairy courtyard!

Little White Dragon sneered,

"Avalokitesvara, is this your arrangement? What's in here?"

Chu Hao also echoed:

"Yeah, what exactly is it?"

Guanyin Bodhisattva was speechless.

Chu Hao and the others came to the door, only to see three large characters on the door, which read "Lishe Ancestral Hall".

Guanyin Bodhisattva said coldly:

"Since the Prison God knows, why do you need to ask more questions?"

Chu Hao: "...Ahahahaha..."

I know what?

I really want to know what's going on here!

As soon as Guanyin Bodhisattva knocked on the door, there was an old man with a number of beads hanging on the top, and he joined his hands to welcome him.

The old man had been leisurely and leisurely, so he arranged for Xiao Bailong to be here. Logically, only Tang Sanzang and others would come to knock on the door.

To the mortals of the immortal family, the old man still feels that he can come here leisurely.

But when the old man opened the door and took a closer look, his face turned green with fright.

The next second, the old man let out a scream, and knelt down in front of Chu Hao with a plop, weeping and howling:

"Three Realms Law Enforcement Prison God, I was wrong! I was really forced!"

"I really don't want to cooperate. They forced me. It's this Guanyin Bodhisattva. He made me do things by pressing my head, and told me never to report this matter!"

"I have no choice, I really don't want to hide it on purpose!"

Chu Hao: "..."

By mistake, it seemed that something exciting was fished out.

Xiao Bailong showed an indifferent smile on his face,

"You little mountain god, what do you think you can hide from the sky?"

"If you can hide the secret, can you hide it from the prison god?"


Chu Hao: "Hmph!"

I don't know what to say, anyway, just hum.

The old man knelt on the ground, trembling, and peeked at Guanyin Bodhisattva in great fear.

Guanyin Bodhisattva's face was ashen, she decided to abandon her son!

Anyway, as long as the prison god Chu Hao agrees to put the magic weapon on the little white dragon, what does the mountain god have to do with her?

Chu Hao only felt that it was cloudy, but it was difficult to show it for a while.

Ask, and I'm too embarrassed to ask.

can only...

"Hmph!" Chu Hao snorted coldly, and glanced at the old man.

Sure enough, Xiao Bailong had already seen what Chu Hao meant, and angrily reprimanded the old man:

"Death is imminent, why don't you quickly tell all the causes and consequences!"

The old man found that Guanyin Bodhisattva was indifferent, and knew that he had been abandoned.

Coupled with the law enforcement and prison gods of the Three Realms in charge, he was so flustered that he naturally dared not hide it.

The old man sighed, with a look of sadness on his face,

"My place is on the border of Hafei, Zepan. There is a family behind this temple, and they all set up this temple out of devotion.

I am an unknown person living here temporarily..."

Xiao Bailong said indifferently: "Don't talk nonsense, the Prison God doesn't listen to nonsense!"

Chu Hao: "..."

The old man took a deep breath, fell to the ground and cried loudly, and transformed into his original body, turning out to be a fairy!

"I am actually the land of the God of Luojia Mountain. The Bodhisattva asked me to wait for Tang Sanzang and others to pass by in the Lishe Temple."

"Give me a treasure, and let me give it to Tang Sanzang! I originally wanted to report this matter to the Heavenly Court, but Guanyin Bodhisattva threatened and lured..."

Speaking of this, the God of Luojia Mountain also took a look at Guanyin Bodhisattva.

But Guanyin Bodhisattva had a guilty conscience and ignored the Luojia Mountain God.

The mountain god of Luojia Mountain had no choice but to continue:

"The Bodhisattva asked me to give Tang Sanzang a gift. This thing is for Tang Sanzang's horse."

"This is it!"

The mountain god of Luojiashan took out a saddle bridle, carved the saddle with colorful and shining golden silver stars, and the precious stool was bright with golden lines!


Chu Hao couldn't help but raise his eyes.

The God of Luojiashan went all out, and continued:

"This thing has three functions: to seal the breath of Ao Lie's dragon clan, and to cut off the karma between the little white dragon Ao Lie and the Heavenly Court. Third, the saddle bridle has Buddha nature, which can make the little white dragon lose his original body and convert to my Buddha!"

Chu Hao raised his eyebrows when he heard this, looked at Guanyin Bodhisattva, and said coldly:

"The way you persuade people to convert to Buddhism is really simple and rude?"

Xiao Bailong was even more furious, gnashing his teeth,

"You actually want to use this thing to surrender to me! Damn it!"

Guanyin Bodhisattva's face was ashen, and the matter was revealed, and it seemed that Guanyin Bodhisattva was also very angry.

A mountain god she managed to instigate rebellion, she originally thought that the gods didn't know it!

Unexpectedly, Chu Hao discovered it!


This mountain god has a great effect, and he is an important part of making Xiao Bailong surrender.

Xitian didn't want anyone to know, especially Chu Hao.

But unexpectedly, Chu Hao knew everything!

Moreover, Guanyin Bodhisattva still remembers Chu Hao's unintentional sentence just now, "Can't it be another tight tie?"

A gloomy look flickered in Guanyin Bodhisattva's eyes. As expected, he already knew it!

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