The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 564 Guess What?Something is wrong!

Tathagata Buddha immediately wanted to bury his head like an ostrich.

Don't listen, don't listen, bastard chanting!

But Guanyin Bodhisattva did not notice the fragility of the Tathagata Buddha, but was very cruel, and said bluntly:

"Buddha Tathagata, guess what? There's a big problem!"

Tathagata Buddha held his head and was extremely mad in his heart, but he was still very uncomfortable and said:

"No, Medicine Master Fona and other powerhouses are there, how could something happen?"

"No matter how awesome his prison god is, he can't bully Medicine Buddha!"

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva had a slightly embarrassed expression on his face,

"Well, congratulations, you guessed it right!"

Tathagata Buddha's face collapsed in an instant, like a mourning concubine,

"So what happened!"

Guanyin Bodhisattva took a deep breath,

"Things are so and so, so and so..."

Guanyin Bodhisattva quickly told what happened just now.

Of course, the details were appropriate, and she focused on how Chu Hao slapped Medicine Buddha's face one by one.

The description of Medicine Buddha's expression, from the arrogance at the beginning, to the suspicion in the middle, to the aggrieved later, is particularly detailed!

Of course, there is the most important point, smoking Medicine Buddha is like smoking a spinning top.

That is simply a series of not treating Medicine Buddha as a human being.

"Master, why don't you slow down first?" Tathagata Buddha looked at Guanyin Bodhisattva's description of Medicine Buddha being so excited after being pumped, and was a little confused for a while.

How do you say that everyone is in the same unit, one is prosperous and the other is prosperous, and one loss is the other loss.

Guanyin Bodhisattva is so excited, is he really so happy?

Only then did Guanyin Bodhisattva realize that he was a bit outrageous, mainly because he had assumed Chu Hao's perspective.

A half-step quasi-sage randomly draws a glass light world Buddha, anyone will feel happy!

Guanyin Bodhisattva quickly restrained the expression on his face, and hurriedly said:

"My God, we have a big problem now!"

"Chu Hao said that he was merciful and prepared to cooperate with the westward trip, but now we are repaying him with revenge. He said that this would hurt the hearts of good people."

Tathagata Buddha has a dark face,

"I've broken more than a dozen magic weapons, and my body was even injured by the glass phantom light. What does he want from me!"

Thinking of the dozen or so magic weapons, Tathagata Buddha felt his heart bleed.

With so many magic weapons, you can win over a large group of powerful people casually, thanks to that!

Although he is a multi-treasure Taoist, the magic weapon is not picked for nothing.

There are not many magic weapons that can really be used, and it is even more uncomfortable to add the magic weapons that have been handed over over the years to win people's hearts.

After all, even though the three thousand Hongchen customers were brought over, they still had to be paid, didn't they?

More or less, have to give points.

A better magic weapon can make a strong golden fairy convert to my Buddha!

What's more, the golden immortal can be cultivated, but the magic weapon of the eight scriptures is extremely difficult to obtain, especially in this era when the aura of the world is sparse.

After making more than a dozen magic weapons, and it was to protect Chu Hao, the Tathagata Buddha felt wronged in his heart!

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva can also feel the pain of Tathagata Buddha, but Avalokitesvara still said helplessly:

"My God, the prison god said, unless we send them the ceiling of the Law Enforcement Hall, don't even think about taking Monkey King's golden hoop."

"Buddha, that Hell God just pretended to be on the road. Do we really want to listen to him? He's interfering in Journey to the West!"

Guanyin Bodhisattva was very upset.

Tathagata Buddha's face is full of egg pain,

Maybe it's because of the glued stone platform, or maybe it's because of sitting for too long, but it hurts as long as it hurts.

But after all, it's just some decoration materials, and it's not that I can't afford it!

Tathagata Buddha exhaled foul air, very discouraged and said:

"What else? Even if the teacher is called over, there is nothing he can do about it. He didn't really interfere with Journey to the West. We have no evidence."

"This kid seems arrogant and domineering, but he doesn't leave any traces in his actions. All the causes and effects seem to have been planted by him long ago."

"You've even seen Monkey King wearing a tight band this time. If he didn't open his mouth, that Poor Monkey would probably kill Tang Sanzang directly."

"That Tang Sanzang respected the Hell God thousands of times, and slandered us Xitian ten thousand... Now we have to trick them to go on the road first, let's talk about the rest."

The Tathagata Buddha seemed a little discouraged, but he seemed to be thinking about something secretly.

In fact, the Tathagata Buddha does not need these people to convert to my Buddha, otherwise he would not take out the tight straps to directly bind Monkey King, and that is not the way to truly convince people with virtue.

It's just that when I think about it, if it's time to learn from the scriptures, with the attitude of these people who learn from the scriptures, the picture must be ugly.

Tang Sanzang kicked into Daleiyin Temple, cursed loudly,

"Don't move! Hand over the Tripitaka, otherwise you will all be buried!"

Ah, Cao!

That is obviously my disciple's reincarnation, why did he become like this ghost!


But there is no other way, the professional law enforcer of the prison god, Tathagata Buddha has accepted his fate, so let's fool it first.

Journey to the West can make Xitian great again, nothing is more important than this.

Tathagata Buddha waved his hand and said helplessly:

"Give it, give it, isn't it just a law enforcement hall? At most one or two miles, how much ceiling can you ask for? Give it to him!"

"By the way, how big is the law enforcement hall?"

Guanyin Bodhisattva pondered for three seconds,

"It's not big, it only covers tens of miles."

The Tathagata Buddha widened his eyes and raised his voice dozens of times.

"What did you motherfucker say! His entire law enforcement hall needs tens of miles of land?!"

"Such extravagance and waste, can the Jade Emperor agree?!"

"Oh, by the way, it seems that the materials used are all from our Xitian!"

"It seems that even people are pulled from here to work as laborers..."

"We have to tear down the ceiling and give it to others?! Amitabha, what a flying master!"

Tathagata Buddha felt a little bit unwilling to live for a while.

What is missing?

Co-authored Hell God to West Paradise to buy decoration materials?The one that doesn't pay?

It's fine if you don't pay, but we still need to deliver it to your door and help people build it? !

Am I so cheap? !

Xitian has a great sense of participation in this law enforcement hall.

Tathagata Buddha's face was full of egg pain.

Guanyin Bodhisattva asked tentatively,

"Then... shall we send it off?"

Tathagata Buddha took a deep breath, like a deflated ball,

"Send it, give it to him, give him everything you want."

"I miscalculated this time... Did you see clearly what kind of treasure it was?"

Guanyin Bodhisattva shook his head.

The Tathagata Buddha sighed,

"I just's not revealing, and it's domineering. It's normal to suffer from him."


The Tathagata Buddha saw the Lingshan Mountain built with great difficulty, and wanted to make wedding dresses for others again.

It's hard!

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