The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 563 Hit back, but we can't afford less compensation

When Medicine Master Buddha saw that Chu Hao had taken out his spear, his eyes widened in fright!

Oops, Cao, a few slaps are almost enough!

Why are you still drawing a gun?

If this thing hits the target, Medicine Buddha feels that he will not get well!

The young man really doesn't take my Medicine Buddha seriously!

"You have the guts! You wait!"

Medicine Buddha quickly turned around and ran away.

be afraid!

Even Maitreya Buddha was beaten so badly with this god-killing gun that he broke an arm.

How could Medicine Buddha dare to risk himself?

slip away!

Chu Hao watched Medicine Master Buddha slip away with disdain written all over his face.

Isn't it just a few slaps, as for it?

Chu Hao looked at his swollen palm and shook his head regretfully.

[After a tiring day, it's time for the happiest moment

[Task: To collect reasonable remuneration from Xitian, the ceiling of the Law Enforcement Hall

[Reward; Sun Shooting Bow (Innate Spirit Treasure)!

Chu Hao raised his brows high, with an excited smile on his face,

I, Cao, really didn't expect to be able to come up with this thing!

If you count Chu Hao's previous snare for the sun, this is two of the three-piece set for shooting the sun.

If you can get the last piece of the legendary Sun Shooting Archery.

That's awesome!

Directional lethal weapons, as long as you can draw your bow, you can repeat the feat of shooting the sun!

This Sun Shooting Divine Bow is a first-class super treasure. The Wu Clan used the power of the tribe, added various secret techniques of the Wu Clan, made ten arrows, added the Sun Shooting Divine Bow and the Sun Snare Net, and shot and killed nine Golden Crows.

This three-piece sun-shooting set has an innate ability to suppress the Golden Crow, as long as you can open the bow, you can kill the Golden Crow!

Thinking of the upcoming journey, Chu Hao looked forward to it a little.

If you can get a three-piece suit in advance, then arrange it clearly!

It's decided, Xitian pays the bill this time!

Chu Hao looked back at Avalokitesvara, and found Avalokitesvara standing beside him shivering.

Seeing Chu Hao looking at him at this moment, Guanyin Bodhisattva's face turned green with fright.

Good guy, the avatar of the Tathagata Buddha has been broken, and the Medicine Buddha has also run away.

Lonely man and widow, if Chu Hao also came up to do this for himself, wouldn't it be...

A blush flashed across the face of Guanyin Bodhisattva, and it was fleeting.

Seeing Chu Hao approaching step by step, Guanyin Bodhisattva couldn't help but panic, "Don't come here!"

Chu Hao smiled wryly, very innocently,

"Why should your lord be afraid of me?"

Guanyin Bodhisattva took half a step back, why don't you hide your red and swollen hands first before speaking!

Chu Hao didn't make it difficult for Guanyin, he patted Guanyin Bodhisattva's tender|tender face...

"It's very clever, and I will keep it in the future."

Chu Hao smiled, very purely.

Guanyin Bodhisattva was wet and sweated all over his body for a long time.

Chu Hao touched Guanyin Bodhisattva's head and said:

"Little Guanyin, don't be nervous, I will definitely seek compensation from you."

Guanyin Bodhisattva's face instantly darkened,

"Don't even think about it!"

Chu Hao smiled slightly and looked at Guanyin Bodhisattva without saying a word.

Guanyin Bodhisattva was a little frightened, but he could only laugh as if he was crying.

"No, I really don't have anything on me."

"I really can't afford it, can't you let me go?"

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva's face was full of collapse.

Well, Tathagata Buddha and Medicine Buddha, these two shameless people, turned around and left.

It's just me and Chu Hao, a lonely man and a widow, plus Chu Hao, an honest gentleman, something will happen soon!

Then, Chu Hao pinched Guanyin Bodhisattva, stared at Guanyin Bodhisattva and said:

"There is always someone who suffers, and that person must be you. How do you think you will repay this time?"

"I was killed by you..."

Guanyin Bodhisattva looked at Chu Hao, but really wanted to know what this brazen | person would say!

"Tell me!" Guanyin Bodhisattva said with contempt.

Chu Hao: "Ah..."

Chu Hao thought about his loss...

Tathagata Buddha lost more than a dozen magic weapons, his avatar was shattered, Medicine Buddha's face was swollen...

It seems that he didn't lose money.

Chu Hao suddenly smiled happily,

"I didn't lose anything, but this doesn't affect my claim for reasonable compensation!"

Guanyin Bodhisattva's face turned black, ah this!

Why can he speak so confidently!

Do you really have to give your body here today?

Damn, I wasn't expecting anything!

Guanyin Bodhisattva was full of embarrassment and anger, but turned his head away very forcefully, and said through gritted teeth:

"Bastard, you deserve death for blasphemy!"

Chu Hao was stunned when he saw it.


Is it so sudden?

But I didn't say anything, what's wrong with this little girl?

Chu Hao pushed Guanyin Bodhisattva away, and said coldly:


"Women will only affect the eldest brother's walking in the rivers and lakes!"

"Take my words to the Tathagata Buddha, and let him sneak up and send the ceiling to the construction site of the law enforcement hall team!"

"When the thing arrives, I'll put a tight band on Sun Wukong, and Journey to the West will be safe and sound! This is what Xitian owes me!"

Chu Hao didn't take the opportunity to make any excessive demands either.


How can it be as important as the ceiling of my Law Enforcement Hall!

Guanyin Bodhisattva gritted his teeth, but had no choice but to leave.

In the end, nothing happened to Chu Hao.


However, it was about the catastrophe of Journey to the West, Guanyin Bodhisattva did not dare to neglect, so he could only run quickly.


The Tathagata Buddha was sitting on the newly repaired stone platform, but suddenly spat out a mouthful of Buddha's blood.

There was a flash of green light on him, which was the damage from the glazed phantom light.

However, the Tathagata Buddha is not ordinary, and with his powerful magic power, he will get rid of this glazed phantom light.

If so, a clone was destroyed, and it was solidly hit by a glazed illusion light, and the Tathagata Buddha also suffered a lot of damage.

Especially since it was blocked by Chu Hao!

It's even more uncomfortable!

Tathagata Buddha exhaled very uncomfortablely, and cursed secretly:

"Damn Medicine Buddha, you are too ruthless!"

"Sixteen acquired magic treasures and one innate spiritual treasure, all of them are destroyed by me!"

"It's an evil animal, it's an evil animal! But no matter what, the Medicine Buddha can still stabilize that prison god."

"He is a majestic Buddha in the world of glazed light, so he can't be turned around by a mere half-step quasi-sage?"

Thinking of this, Tathagata Buddha breathed a sigh of relief.

Even if the Medicine Buddha didn't give the Prison God a blow, at least he could intimidate Chu Hao and make Chu Hao obediently put a tight band on Sun Wukong.

The problem is not big.

"My Buddha, something big happened, something big happened!"

Tathagata Buddha's face instantly pulled down!

This voice is so familiar.

So desperate!

Sure enough, the familiar posture, the familiar white gauze, just like wearing hemp and mourning.

The mourning Bodhisattva, here she comes!

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