The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 559 Tathagata: I want to sacrifice a magic weapon?Protect the hell god?

Even if there is no hope in the end, we must destroy Westbound at the most important moment!

Sun Wukong can't do anything else, he is very sure about revenge!

Chu Hao narrowed his eyes slightly beside him. For some reason, Chu Hao had an ominous premonition.

Chu Hao could feel a very subtle threat from the distant sky.

Although it passed away in a flash, as a person who had been attacked by Xitian many times, Chu Hao still believed that the young man Tathagata Buddha must not be so kind-hearted.

Chu Hao suddenly said to Tathagata Buddha:

"I'm a good person, I can help you persuade Monkey King, and I can also help Monkey King put on the tight band."

The Tathagata Buddha froze for a moment, and then his face showed disbelief,

"Are you telling the truth?"

Chu Hao said lightly:

"Can this be false? After all, the Journey to the West is a matter agreed between the sage and many forces, and I don't want to let such a good thing go."

"After all, the beauty of a gentleman's adulthood."

Tathagata Buddha is full of disbelief,

I would rather believe that there are ghosts in the world than believe in the stinking mouth of the Prison God!

Sun Wukong suddenly yelled,

"Brother Prison God, please help my old grandson put on the tight band, and my grandson will start heading west now!"

The Tathagata Buddha could see the firmness in Sun Wukong's eyes, but he didn't know why the young man suddenly looked away.

But Tathagata Buddha thought to himself, good guy, did these two guys take the wrong medicine or are they thinking about something?

Just now Sun Wukong looked like he wanted to let the sky not cover my eyes anymore, but suddenly he just covered it up?

And this prison god, shouldn't he blackmail me?

I'm not used to you not blackmailing me!

It doesn't fit the character!

Tathagata Buddha tentatively asked:

"Sun Wukong, have you thought about it?"

Sun Wukong sneered and said:

"Let's agree first, I'm traveling westward for the prison god brother, but the prison god boss refuses to agree, my old grandson will definitely not be able to go west!"

"If there is no prison god, this journey to the west is worthless!"

Then, Sun Wukong also pinched the sleeping Tang Sanzang, threatening:

"Do you agree or not!"

The Tathagata Buddha panicked, I, Cao, why is this still a threat? !

This Sun Wukong has learned badly, do you know where the key threat is?

My Cao, if he kills Tang Sanzang, there will be no Nine-Turn Resurrection Pill in the Three Realms except in the hands of the Prison God!

That being said, the Hell God can't have any accidents!

Tathagata Buddha came back to his senses at once, I hope he hasn't arrived yet...

"Beast, die!"

But at this moment, a muddy light lit up in the sky!

The Tathagata Buddha was startled immediately,

I, Cao, should I come or not? Only at this time? !

The Tathagata Buddha was so frightened that his face turned green. It was okay to kill Chu Hao just now, but now Monkey King is determined to use Tang Sanzang's safety to protect Chu Hao!

This is outrageous!

Originally, I thought that I could bear the anger of Heavenly Court at most, and no matter how big the trouble was, there would always be a way to solve it.

But if this takes Tang Sanzang to death, Xitian will have nothing to play with!

The Tathagata Buddha hurriedly jumped to Chu Hao's side, and without even thinking about it, he sacrificed an acquired treasure!

Chu Hao raised his brows slightly. He was so familiar with this sneak attacker who suddenly jumped out.

That turbid ray of light is the glazed phantom light!

Liuli Pharmacist Buddha actually ambushed outside early?

If it was in the past, Chu Hao might have been really scared out of his wits!

But now Chu Hao is not too worried, and even Chu Hao wants to test the newly promoted 36th grade Good Fortune Qinglian.

However, it seems that Tathagata Buddha seems to be more anxious than himself?

At this moment, the Tathagata Buddha stood firmly in front of Chu Hao, holding the acquired treasure in his hand, blocking the glazed phantom light,

And yelled:

"Medicine Buddha, calm down, calm down!!!"

"The Prison God is a good man, don't hurt him!"

How flustered Daoist Duobao was, how confused Medicine Master Buddha was.

I came all the way here, why did you suddenly say no?

What about you?

But no matter what, the glazed magic light was shot out, and there was no way to take it back.

Sun Wukong was extremely furious, pinching Tang Sanzang in his hand, and shouted angrily:

"If the Prison God is born, Tang Sanzang's true spirit will be annihilated, and no one will be able to go on!"

Tathagata Buddha heard even more maddened,

Although Monkey King may not be able to catch the golden cicada and escape its shell, it is difficult to get the Nine-Turn Great Returning Pill!

In fact, the Tathagata Buddha has two choices at this moment,

Going with the trend, killing Chu Hao, the worst case would be to lower your face, kneel in Lihentian for three days and three nights, and exchange the big treasure with the Taishang Laojun for the big return pill.

The second one is to help Chu Hao block this glazed phantom light, everyone pretend nothing happened, and wait for the next opportunity to deal with Chu Hao!

Tathagata Buddha really wanted to choose the first one,

But he always felt that Chu Hao seemed to have a well-thought-out plan, as if he had something to rely on.

The Tathagata Buddha finally chose to believe in Chu Hao, and he still focused on western behavior, so let's just expose it first this time.

This kid, Tathagata Buddha is really hard to understand.

Therefore, the Tathagata Buddha could only obediently suppress the killing intent in his heart, and honestly use his magic weapon to help Chu Hao stop this catastrophe.

"Buddha get out of the way!" Pharmacist Buddha was anxious.

This is the glass phantom light, the Tathagata Buddha is just a different body, if the glass phantom light destroys the avatar, the Tathagata Buddha will also be beaten!

The Tathagata Buddha had a bitter face and was extremely mad in his heart.

"I want to kill this evil animal too, but I can't!"

"Not only can't, I have to block the gun for this evil animal, I feel so uncomfortable, Medicine Buddha!"

Tathagata Buddha is really wronged to see his mother, wronged to the point of home.

But since everything is blocked, Tathagata Buddha can only appear very righteous on the surface,

Also in order to appease Chu Hao's heart, Tathagata Buddha shouted:

"Stop, the Law Enforcement Prison God of the Three Realms is our honored guest in the West Paradise, save us from fire and water!"

"We should be grateful to the prison god. Last time you assassinated the prison god, you made a big mistake. Are you still obsessed with it?"

As the Tathagata Buddha was talking, he suddenly saw the acquired treasure in his hand shattered, and his heart ached so much that the Tathagata Buddha almost vomited blood!

But the Tathagata Buddha could only take out another magic weapon on top with extreme reluctance.

With the power of his avatar, only the magic weapon can resist the glazed light.

Even if he was known as the Daoist of Many Treasures and swept away a large number of magic weapons from Fenbao Cliff, he couldn't afford such consumption!

The key is that I did it myself, this is the most uncomfortable thing!

Standing behind the Tathagata Buddha, Chu Hao watched the Tathagata Buddha take out the magic treasures one by one, and praised himself at the same time.

Chu Hao's face was very happy, and he patted Tathagata Buddha on the shoulder,

"Talk more, I am very useful."

Hearing this, the Tathagata Buddha almost vomited blood.

For a moment, his mind was unstable, and he was shot in the eye by the glass phantom light, and the clone began to shatter on the spot.

But the Tathagata Buddha could only hold back tears, aggrieved, and continued to block Chu Hao from harm.

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